Education and articles based on ‘Natural Hygiene’ and the ‘Raw Living Foods’ movement for Cellular Detoxification, healing and health for the whole family…



School holidays are nearly here and that gives me 3 weeks to boost my kids immunity – as prevention is important in todays world. Touch wood

my kids haven’t been sick this winter and other than when they arrived to this new climate with new bugs and bacteria and viruses 1/12 years ago and seem to get everything!….now they don’t pick up bugs or viruses that their systems can’t cope with and move through. I credit that to their high fruit, raw and mucus-lean diets clear of mucus forming acidic foods…and our lifestyle.
Although over this term with all the festivals and shows they have had a few more cooked veggies and soups which is fine, but this will be timely.
So I plan to boast their immunity and support their tired bodies from a big term of learning at school, to allow them to switch off from ‘Fight or Flight’ and return to school even stronger.

(Maybe add one or more in to your routine and join me

▻ A 30 day Humaworm Parasite Herbal Cleanse morning and night. Order this here:
▻Use Essential Oils to support and cleanse them like: 1 drop of DigestZen diluted on their stomach each night for Gut Health and Parasite removal. 2 drops of On Guard diluted on their feet each night for immune boosting. And 1 drop of Zendrocrine in their lunchtime smoothie or salad dressing each day for Heavy Metal Cleansing. Frankincense and Copiaba massaged in with a carrier oil each night for nervous system support and inflammation and stress. You may order your oils here:
▻Each morning make them a neat celery juice to drink before food, for gut support and detoxification and muscle support. Read why here:
▻Each morning i’ll make them a ‘Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie’. The recipe can be found here:…/26/heavy-metal-detox-buster/
▻Nightly detox bath of Magnesium Salts, Bi-Carb and Essential Oils for muscle and nervous system support.
▻Nightly ‘Black Pudding’ (recipe in the files with Detox Poppers)to help remove mucus plague from the intestines and support Detoxification.
▻Whole days or several days of MONO fruits, melons, salt less seaweed vegetable broths and juices to give their digestive system time to rest.
▻Supporting Herbal/Bark/Root Teas like ginger, Chamomile, Tulisi Basil, Liquorice, Cinnamon, Dandelion Root, Olive Leaf and Nettle.
▻Supporting Roots and Berries for Immunity, Hormone Support and Gut Health in teas, smoothies and juices like; Ashwagandha Root, Camu Camu Powder, Schizandra Berry, Boabab Fruit Powder, Maca Root Powder, Hawaiian Sprulina, Chlorella and Barley Grass powder, Mesquite Powder and Carob Powder. (NOTE I do not use or recommend these daily, just as boosters and supports to a balanced high fruit high raw nutritional lifestyle)
▻Brain Boosting Heavy Metal Detoxing Algae’s and Mushrooms like: Masons Medical Mushrooms and E3 and Live Brain Support. You can research these here: and…/masons-mushrooms-powdered-e… (NOTE I do not use or recommend these daily, just as boosters and supports to a balanced high fruit high raw nutritional lifestyle)
▻ Early nights and lazy mornings, with adventurous days bare foot grounded and in the cold ocean to calm their nervous system from the pressure of learning and daily routines. (no TV but a weekly movie)
▻ Do a ChildOsopy Treatment daily to allow their needs to be met and create talk time for them to share emotions.And then use correlating Essentail Oils and Flower essence to support what comes up. Learn more here:
▻Chanting, Live Music, Kids Yoga, Dancing, Mediation and Sound Healings when we can to help raise their frequency.


I invite you to check out my Gut Healing Protocol here:
IMMUNITY BOOSTING PROTOCOL .au/2015/03/11/hannahs-gut-healing-protocol/




Ok before you think I’ve taken this new age paradigm stuff to far….I’ll show you how blessing your food can help with healing your cells, releasing past trauma and reducing pain and help your kids be more present….that’s a big call I know!
‘Dr Emoto’ a Japanese Doctor studied water under different vibrations like love, anger, shame and sadness and each frozen water droplet had a different pattern reflecting different healing abilities. Knowing we are 60-70 % water. Does it not make sense that the words we speak effects our cells which have water within them? The words we speak to ourselves effect each cell in our bodies.
Studies have gone on to show that, as our food contains water (well if it’s real, raw and fresh) and we can adjust the water contents in that food before we eat it. By blessing our food we change the frequency of that food raising it and making it more nourishing for our bodies. FOR THOSE WHO CANT AFFORD ORGANIC FOOD THIS IS AMAZING NEWS! Blessing is free….

Some have found that blessing their water with love for another and gratitude for something outside of them, has helped them to learn to love themselves and feel gratitude in the depths of depression and heal pass traumas.
My children start their meals at home and school with a blessing to the earth, the farmers, the bees and trees and plants. Not only does it help them see beyond their nourishment. It helps them see how hard others have worked to get this food to them to enjoy….also with my oldest it slows him down allowing his body to smell the food, for the saliver to form to activate his digestion, so the body prepares…as he eats like a starved dog who hasn’t had food for weeks inhaling it without a breath!!

To learn more about Dr Emoto’s work watch here:
To see the beautiful effects it had watch here:

We are vibrational beings….everything is a vibration……including foods…and our words and thoughts!

There are levels of vibration in your emotions and thoughts and actions….and we know that plays a role in your bodies health on a cellular level. Your thoughts can heal and manifest your dream life you or keep you sick, unhappy and stressed and living a life you don’t want. Thus the foods we put in our bodies can either help us stay in a lower vibration, or help raise us in vibration.

The more we do too food and the more we add to it and change it’s chemical compound….the less is vibrates the lower it’s frequency. And the less it will do for our bodies.
Freezing, spraying, cooking, microwaving, blending and picking it unripe all effects the frequency of food. If you eat a natural untampered ripe organic food that’s high in vibration, you will help your body stay vibrating at a high frequency….which will allow you to connect to source and live in alignment. Fruits are the highest vibrational food on the planet then herbs, greens, vegetables then…..ect. No food is ‘BAD’ as such, but certain food are higher in frequencies and more able to heal and detox your body. While others are dead foods lacking in vibration, that will help you stay in a low vibration stagnant state of ill health. Equally when you eat a food and have negative thoughts, you lower it more….HAVING GUILT FOR EATING CERTAIN FOODS DOES MORE DAMAGE THAN EATING THAT FOOD or EATING A HEALTHY FOOD IN A BAD MINDSET EQUALS IT OUT. There are cases where people bless their food and can raise it’s vibration no matter what the food, and affect the way the body reacts to it. MINDFUL EATING is key to this as is dropping the guilt around your food choices. You can only do your best at the place you are in your life. You actively make a change knowing you want to feel and vibrant at a higher frequency….
Food either helps you heal and detoxes you, or they don’t….thoughts either help you raise your vibration or they don’t. What’s right or wrong? Or is it more what do you want to feel like, and what life do you want to live?
Eating higher vibrational food helps you elevate your emotions and stay in alignment to attract what you want.
Test this… fresh fruits and salads for a week and see how you feel in your mind, thoughts and body. Then eat cooked salty, sugary, processed and fatty foods and witness how you feel in your body, thoughts and clarity of mind?
We often eat low vibrational food when we are feeling low? So to raise your vibration eat higher vibrational foods!

Eat fresh whole foods

Eat mindfully and chew

Be grateful for what you eat

Raise your vibration and education around food
So in whichever way suits you and your family, slow down, breath, smell the food, see and feel gratitude for your food…project joy and love on to your water or food for at least 2-3 minutes in your mind and through your hands and feel the healing feeling from within…then chew chew chew

With Love
Hannah x x

Leading the Movement for ‘Detoxing & Spiritual Living’ for Sensitive Families

Everyone MUST eat these!

No matter what your diet; raw, cooked, high fruits, low fruits, flesh eater, keto or junk fhoods eater. Everyone can benefit from these 4 foods being in your diet & daily.

Al-fal-fa” translates as “the father of all foods.” Broccoli sprouts have sulforaphane, a powerful phytochemical found in cruciferous vegetables in a concentrated dose.
Sprouts also reduce the potency of “anti-nutrients” which are the phytochemicals plants produce to discourage animals, including humans, from eating them. Antinutrients lower the absorption of other nutrients in the digestive system. Eating sprouts with all meals aids in digestion. Eating young sprouted plants & micro greens hold phytates, which decrease as the plant matures. In turn, there are more antioxidants and bioavailability of nutrients in the sprouts than the grown vegetable or legume, & more bioavailable. Sprouts are rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, B vitamins, & magnesium.

Sea vegetables are a rich source of nutrients that are easily absorbed. They are full of vitamins & minerals that are naturally found in the ocean like potassium, calcium, magnesium, & iron. They are also a good source of antioxidants. Wonderful for growing brains or adult exhausted brains. Also these plants are high in B12, due to synergistic bacteria living inside the plant if eaten raw & unprocessed.

Edible Marine Algae, or Macroalgae are a brilliant way to oxygenate the cells. This is different from freshwater algae, like Chlorella or Spirulina (which also have great health benefits.) Phytoplankton is a great source. They contain many different lipids, vitamins, minerals & essential nutrients, including omega-3 DHA, EPA & Vitamin B12, & essential amino acids. These microalgae are also the only known natural vegan source of omega-3 long-chain fatty acids (EPA & DHA).

Leafy green vegetables are nutrient powerhouses. They’re also good sources of fibre, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, beta carotene, B-vitamins, magnesium, potassium, iron & calcium. I really recommend eating healthy fats like avocado with greens. Green leafy vegetables are more bioavailable with fatty acids as the are fat soluble. Meaning avocado & dark leafy greens are the secret to unlocking all there individual goodness when paired together. Add lemon juice & the vitamin C unlocks even more from the greens & aids in digestion for the avocado.

Do Viruses Exists?

It’s a controversial topic. Nobody is denying the existence of microbes. Spores, cells, or sperm as they are the essence of life. I repeat, LIFE, not disease.Human DNA is 1 percent human and 99 percent microbial. Our microbial ecosystem is present in every cell of our body, just like in every other living organism.

The difference between the theories is that one of them ASSUMES that disease is caused by microbes. This is assumed because virology claims that microbes are “seen” or “active” when disease is present, but as I just explained before, microbes are in 99% of our DNA. It is obvious that they are present everywhere. But, virology’s has not been able to prove that they are there as the cause of disease. Why? It is not because they can’t be analysed, it is because they are there to clean up and detoxify. A dead animal’s carcass is full of microbes– is that because they killed the animal? Obviously not. The microbes did not kill the animal, but excretions of the cells are seen (exosomes) and/or microbes are there to clean up to help detoxify dead cells. Because these microbes are present, germ theory assumes the microbes are the CAUSE of disease and it assumes that because they are there, they killed the animal.

Why are prebiotic foods important and recommended? Because they ferment in your intestine to create probiotic (live bacteria) which does the same job of the animal carcass– bacteria cleans up dead tissue, dead cells, etc and creates a symbiotic environment in your gut. Is this clear so far??

Terrain theory supports the existence of the microbial ecosystem, but as the “cleaning/detoxifying team” which is again, the work that your entire microbiome does. It provides the ability to detoxify constantly. Terrain or cell theory, just like lifestyle medicine for those who follow this proven concept, relates to epigenetic, another proven concept, where it is the environment of the cell (inner ecosystem) and the environment of a living organism (outer ecosystem) which includes food, water, air, and everything that affects the living being, as the determinant factors on health or disease outcomes. It is not genetics, or germs, it is the environment that determines health outcomes.

For those here who understand that food is part of the major outcome for disease, this is exactly supporting the concept of the terrain, meaning, it is what you eat (or put in your inner environment) what determines your health or lack of it. Besides food, there are many other aspects which affect our environment as toxicity comes from many sources, and therefore they need to be taken in consideration. Whatever affects your body, can affect the balance of your wellbeing– event stress, as it activates the over production of the glands, causing imbalances and oxidation of the cells. This is why it is called Cell or Terrain Theory— again, it is the environment, lifestyle habits, ecosystem, habitat or terrain, whether inner or outer, which determines health or disease.

Mainstream medicine has manipulated the concepts of many things including this one, for obvious reasons. Excretions/detoxification of the cells in mainstream medicine are called “viruses” and are blamed as the cause of diseases. This supports a great empire of antibiotic (anti-life) drugs, vaccines, and therapies against these so called “viruses”. Again, they are excretions of the cells. Our microbes, are an active part of our immune system, not the cause of disease.

Lastly, the human body’s system of detoxification uses every single one of our orifices for detoxification or riddance of toxins. When something toxic is inhaled, the body sneezes or coughs out. When something toxic is eaten, the body throws up, if it is ingested it is eliminated through defecation or diarrhoea, etc. The body utilises fever as a way to elevate the temperature and detoxify through skin pores by sweating. Heating of the body allows mucosa to rebuild and excrete toxins through it. These are some of the detoxification methods utilised by the perfect human machine but in mainstream medicine these are called “illnesses”.

A fish is only as healthy as the water it swims in!

here is slink to learn more about the Terrain Theory:Terrain Theory

With love Hannah x x

What True Human Nutrition Is!

We here the term “real” food….or “whole” food often when people talk of nutrition.

However most are very confused on what TRUE REAL nutrition actually is. Everyone’s a nutritionist these days without any training or understanding of how the body truly works…how the body detoxifies, and what nutrients it needs to function optimally. After reading a few books or watching a few videos.

Although it is rather simple, we want to over complicate it. And often so many mis-truths, agendas and fades get us confused.

Let me break it down.

WHOLE FOOD = food in its natural raw state completely unprocessed grown from the ground or picked from a tree or bush. For example an apple picked from the tree and eaten skin, flesh and all. Not sliced and baked or boiled or deep fried or freeze dried or it’s juice or syrup extracted from another part. Foods like; fruits, vegetables, ocean vegetables, greens, nuts, herbs, seeds, legumes. NOT grains, flours, products made from flours, syrups, sugars, products, tofu’s, saitan, vegan fake meats, margarine’s, spreads, milks, crisps, baked goods, packet foods ect.

REAL FOOD = organic, natural, unhindered, non laboratory made, free from GMO’s, chemicals, preservatives, additives, E-numbers, MSG, sulphates, salts, flavourings, sugars, nano plastics or aborted foetal cells.

RAW ALIVE FOODS = plants, seeds, nuts, greens, fruits, legumes, herbs, ocean vegetables and vegetables that are edible eaten in there natural state as grown without any cooking, freezing or processing or seasoning needed. Any type of baking, browning, grilling, processing, frying or anything that changes the chemical structure of the plants…becomes a new chemical the body, which it cannot register or digest. These cooking processes create maillards, which are extremely addictive & cancer forming. Dehydrating or light steaming or cold pressed juicing or cold high speed blending can retain enzymes and the structure of the phytonutrients. Any food that can be eaten directly from the plant as a eat alone food. Ie an apple or a carrot or broccoli…vs biting down with your bare teeth into a cows bottom or lambs leg through the fur with the blood dripping down your face. Any food that is not edible or appealing raw is not human food and should be avoided or eaten sparsely. Ie eggplant, white potato, onions, garlic, salt, blooded flesh, eggs ect

MONO EATING = foods that can be eaten in plenty in their raw natural state ‘vs’ MEDICINAL EATING = foods that are beneficial in small doses and that have properties to enhance the bodies natural ability to heal. Like onions, garlic, herbs, roots, barks, leaves or spices. You couldn’t eat a meal of them nor would they give you complete nutrients and could be poison in high doses. Yet have there place in small amounts in human nutrition.

Hope that helps! Keep it simple eat raw fruits, vegetables, ocean vegetables, sprouts, seeds, nuts, greens and legumes.

ADDITIONALLY: germinating and sprouting legumes, seeds and nuts is optimal as these are hard foods for us to digest in large quantities, although they hold many benefits. This way we get optimal nutrition and digestion.

Remember WHOLE, ALIVE, REAL plants 🌱 gives us all our phytonutrients, amino acids, essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins we need.

With love
Hannah x x

Binders Are Essential In Detoxification

Binders are essential to support Detoxification. Greens fresh and organic are vital in large doses. Blended in smoothies or lightly steamed with lemon juice. 6 cups a day. Eat greens, sprouts and micro greens with fruits and everything. Juice greens daily no fruits a little lemon is ok. If you cannot eat this much or ideally more… invest in a good quality green powder with a variety of cold pressed greens.When you start detoxing your body you release toxins that have been lodged for years. It’s important to balance this with capture it out of the body and its blood stream so the binders can excrete them safely.

Chlorella. Chlorella is a blue-green algae rich in vitamins, minerals, iron, and amino acids that has a high affinity for heavy metals, but also volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides, herbicides, and mycotoxins. …
Activated Charcoal (coconut) softly binds to moulds, toxins and heavy metals without binding to nutrients.
Bentonite Clay soaks up toxins, heavy metals, and other harmful materials.
Pectin. From fruits or in a natural fibre powder forms can help bind to toxins.It helps to detoxify the body by sweeping up bio-toxins in the gut caused by mold and other infections. Camu Camu and Shizandra Berry are my favourites.
Enterosgel is a silica-based gel has a high affinity for aluminium and is super easy to add to water and give to kids who might struggle to swallow pills…
Silica can bind to aluminium and other metals like thallium and tin. You can get it though silica-rich mineral water or best is homeopathic.
Humic and Fulvic Acids…(liquid tinctures is best) These are made of decomposed plant matter, essentially dirt. They have been shown to detox glyphosate and support gut health.

The Best Binders to Support Detoxification:

•Chlorella. Chlorella is a blue-green algae rich in vitamins, minerals, iron, and amino acids that has a high affinity for heavy metals, but also volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides, herbicides, and mycotoxins. Phytoplankton is great too and extremely high in omega 3 fatty acids for binding to toxins in the brain. Also phytoplankton and spirulina.

•Bentonite Clay soaks up toxins, heavy metals, and other harmful materials. Not internally only in baths. Not often.

•Pectin. From fruits or in a natural whole fibre powder forms can help bind to toxins. Raw C or Wild C Eden are great brand. These help to detoxify the body by sweeping up biotoxins in the gut caused by mold and other infections. Camu Camu and Shizandra Berry are my favourites too. All fruits are essential and a must for cellular detoxification. Especially citrus fruits.

•Enterosgel is a silica-based gel has a high affinity for aluminum and is super easy to add to water and give to kids who might struggle to swallow pills…

•Bamboo Silica can bind to aluminum and other metals like thallium and tin. You can get it though silica-rich mineral water or best is homeopathic.

•Fulvic and Humic acid are complex naturally occurring substances which have substantial proven health benefits verified by thousands of published studies including mold damage, toxins, lymes, fungus and heavy metals. Fulvic acid is an organic compound naturally found in the earth’s soil and bodies of water that has Humic acid and many more minerals in it. It is created as a consequence of millions of microbes breaking down decaying matter during a process called humification in peet mines.
• Electrolytes
• Antioxidants
• Prebiotics
• Probiotics
• Enzymes
• Amino acids
• Natural detoxifying compounds.

•Zeolite Touchstones for Nano particles and heavy metals. Pure Body and Pure Body Extra were developed to work together for a whole-body detox. Each has a unique particle size to target toxins in different body systems. Pure Body is sized to an average of 0.4 microns so that some will be absorbed into the bloodstream, and some will provide detoxification in the gut. Pure Body Extra is sized in the nanometer range, small enough to fit inside water molecule clusters, for detoxification to a cellular level. Together, I find they help to detoxify the whole body from Nano mercury and nano particles and I pray Graphene oxide. Purchase them here:

•DoTERRA Essential Oil Zendocrine to help the kidneys and Liver function and to open detox pathways up. DDR Prime to sooth the Vegas Nerve damage and reduce free radicals and toxins to the brain and expel heavy metals and nano particles. Frankincense for spike proteins. Purchase these here:

•High grade raw CBD oil as Cannabinoids can be entrapped into different systems to remove nano particles via different routes, binding to them and drawing them out in lipid particles. Reach out if you need a clean source.

•Flaxseed ground and chia seed soak act to sweep the intestines to remove mucoid plague.

•Celery juice acts to tighten the villi junction’s and sweep the intestines.

NOTE:this is not medical advise just suggestions.

With love Hannah x x

Let’s cut out the middle fish!

I often say when explaining how vegans get “protein” that in fact we need a variety of amino acids that are the building blocks to make our own unique protein…rather than eating flesh of another being, that’s made its own protein from plants. That your body will have to break down to remake in to amino acids to create your own protein, which robs you of energy & is acidic & mucus forming… & of course incredibly cruel & damaging for your Soul…thus cut our the middle cow 🐄 & just eat a variety of raw plants 🥑🥦🍏🥕🥥

So let’s talk DHA & EPA & ALA!

You’ve probably heard that cold water fish & fish oil contain an omega 3 fatty acids called DHA & that fish oil is our only way to get what our brains need.
DHA is vital for brain function, especially for neural divergents. DHA is a super-unsaturated long-chain omega 3 fat that contains 6 double bonds. These double bonds allow DHA to conduct the electrical activity needed for metabolically active tissues such as in the brain. Although DHA is very susceptible to oxidation, or free radical damage.
DHA therefore is generally only made by organisms when they need it, or when metabolic conditions are favourable. The 6 double bonds in DHA make body structures, such as cell membranes, more fluid & flexible which gives protection from freezing. This is why we find DHA in cold water aquatic organisms, such as wild salmon, krill, & certain types of cold-water algae, but not as much in warm water aquatic organisms who do not need the same protection from freezing. 
Thus you are told that fish, fish oil, or krill oil are the sole sources of DHA & EPA. However, just like understanding how our protein is made vs eating another persons protein. DHA is produced much lower on the cold water, aquatic food chain by certain types of algae! Fish & other marine animals get their DHA when they eat this DHA-containing algae!!

This is how DHA progresses up the aquatic food chain. The fact that the original source of DHA & EPA is from algae, & algae based DHA products dispels the myth that fish, fish oil, or krill oil are the only sources of DHA! & if you eat a plant ONLY diet, you will be “deficient” in DHA…no!
So how do we help our own bodies make DHA? And supplement extra without cruelty?

Our body can make enough of its own DHA from the omega 3 essential fatty acid ALA found in leafy greens, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, coconut, chia seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, brazil nuts, macadamia etc. Ideally organic raw & activated. Or cracked open fresh, & supplementing with clean algae & phytoplankton products.

Let’s keep moving towards a cruelty free diet! & cut out the middle animals.

With love Hannah x x


Here are the stages of water only fasting:

STAGE 1: DAY 1-2
Stage one lasts for the first couple of days of the fast or about 12-48 hours from your last meal. Usually, it is a good idea to put some planning and preparation into how and when you will start a fast. Try selecting a start day and time and then make preparations in your schedule for the duration of your fast.

This stage is when your body transitions into fasting mode and, for many people, it’s the most challenging part of their fast. This stage is where you start to feel the hunger pangs as you skip your regular mealtime routine. Most first-time fasters start to feel a reduction in their energy levels. These effects can induce a negative mood or irritability for most fasters. It’s wise to prepare
yourself for the possibility of being short on patience during this stage.

Several things happen at the cellular level that cause hunger and fatigue during this first stage. When you’re eating regularly, your body breaks down glucose to get the energy it needs to function properly. While you’re fasting,
your body needs to produce sugar for energy, so it begins a process called gluconeogenesis. During gluconeogenesis, your liver converts non-
carbohydrate materials like lactate, amino acids, and fats into glucose. As your body goes into “battery save mode,” your basal metabolic rate, or BMR, becomes more efficient and uses less energy. This power saving process
includes lowering your heart rate and blood pressure. At this stage, you may feel drained. However, if you stick it out for a little longer, some of that lost energy will return.

BENEFITS: Mental Strength and Heart Health
Fasting these first few days can be difficult, but there are mental and physical benefits. Mentally, the act of fasting is an excellent way to exercise your willpower. Similar to the strength runners might feel after pushing their body to run that extra mile, people who choose to fast can feel strength as they fight through those natural urges to eat. Physically, there are incredible cleansing and heart health benefits taking place, too. As BMR lowers, fat in the blood starts to disappear as it’s metabolised for energy. This process promotes a
healthy heart, and for some, improves cholesterol levels by boosting HDL levels.

STAGE 2: DAY 3-7
Stage two starts around the end of day two and lasts until day seven. A lot of changes begin to happen at this stage, and you may start to notice changes in your physical appearance, as well as how you feel.

HOW YOU FEEL: Less Hungry and More Energetic
By stage two, ketosis has begun. Ketosis is a critical phase of the fast where your body starts to burn stored fat as its primary power source. As the
processes of ketosis are carried out inside your body, you might stop feeling hungry and tired. The practice of putting your body into ketosis has a growing movement behind it. It is ideal for weight loss, balancing blood sugar, and more. Best of all, you don’t even have to fast to put your body into ketosis. Eating the right foods at the right time can be enough to start this fat burning process.

When you consume a typical diet of carbohydrate rich foods, your body breaks down sugars and starches into glucose. Glucose is the primary source of energy for the body. However, when you fast or go into ketosis glucose becomes limited, and your body must turn to fat stores for the energy it requires. Your body breaks fat down into glycerol and fatty acids. The liver synthesises ketones using glycerol. The glycerol is broken down by the liver for additional glucose, and finally, those ketones are used by your brain as
glucose becomes less available.

BENEFITS: Weight Loss and Cleansing
Burning fat has several benefits for your health — the first being weight loss. Ketosis is a predictable way to target fat stores that otherwise remain
untouched even with a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, getting rid of that extra fat has a detoxifying effect on the body. Your body’s natural defences use fat stores to store toxic metals and other toxins so they can’t wreak havoc on
your system. However, during ketosis, these toxic metals and toxins are safely expelled from your body as fat reserves get used up. This cleansing
effect may temporarily alter some people’s complexion or cause other signs of a HEALING CRISIS.

STAGE 3: DAY 8-15
Stage three typically falls between day eight and 15. This stage includes dramatic improvements in mood and mental clarity and is the stage seasoned fasters look forward to the most. Stem cells are released after day 5.

HOW YOU FEEL: Clear Minded
By the third stage a sort of “fasting high” begins. This boost happens when your body fully adjusts to fasting. While not everyone reaches this stage, those who do report a dramatic improvement in how they feel. These improvements include an elevated mood, increased energy levels, and a type of clear mindedness unique to fasting.

During stage three, your body starts to enter into a “healing mode.” This healing process begins as your digestive system takes a rest from the common stressors and toxins it endures on a daily basis. As a result, your body has fewer free radicals entering the mix, and oxidative stress decreases.
On the flip side, fasting causes a stress that provides an added benefit. This is a kind of mild stress that is comparable to the stress caused by exercise, which ultimately makes you stronger and your immune system more resilient.

BENEFITS: Healthy ageing
When the cumulative effects of this stage add up, they can be the catalyst for significant health improvements. Anytime you limit free radicals and
oxidative stress you are encouraging healthy ageing and positioning yourself for fewer health complications. While less researched, this healing process seems to improve health for some.

Stage four occurs sometime around day 16 and continues through the duration of your fast. While there may be some changes moving beyond this
juncture, there is a daily balance that starts to set in.

HOW YOU FEEL: Balanced
If you make it to stage four, you are at a place most have never gone. This stage, while doable, should only be attempted under close supervision from a
trusted healthcare professional. For those that do make it this far, there are not any drastic shifts that occur in how you feel. Instead, a steady balance
seems to set in.

Stage four is the extension and completion of the healing and cleansing processes that began during the earlier stages. The longer you fast, the more
time and opportunity your body has to heal and cleanse itself.

BENEFITS: Personal Goals and Growth
If you make it this far, the benefit becomes personal. Fasting, especially
beyond the first seven days, takes steadfast dedication. What you get out of the fast in these later stages can be a culmination of all the earlier stages or an accomplishment of a personal health goal. For some, it is weight loss, for
others, it is a strategy to heal a particular health complication.

STAGE 5: Breaking The Fast
Stage five may come sooner or later, depending on your fasting goal. While we don’t assign a specific target day, you may want to make breaking your fast a planned event you can look forward to and celebrate when it’s all done.
“I suggest water melon or juice no fats not foods other than melon, berries, fruits and juices for 1 day per week you have fasted” – Hannah

HOW YOU FEEL: Accomplished
Whether you fasted for half a day or a full month, you should feel accomplished. Taking deliberate action to improve your health or testing your
limits is something worth celebrating.

How you choose to end your fast is critical. Depending on how long you fast, you may need to ease your way back into eating solid food. Fruit juices, light salads and lightly steamed vegetables, and salt free broths can help acclimate your body and digestive system to eating as internal mechanisms come back online.

BENEFITS: Start Something New
With careful planning and thought, fasting can be an incredible springboard into a healthier lifestyle. One suggestion is to make plans before you even start your fast. Write down what you’re hoping to get out of it and what you want to accomplish. If done correctly, the end of a fast is the perfect time to begin a dramatically healthier diet and lifestyle
FASTING TIPS:…/75czg…/15-Fasting-Facts.pdf…


Water only fasting is when you drink only water for extended periods of time.(Work with a detoxification specialist before you try this for longer than 5 days please)
Cleansing is when you drink only juices or eat only fruits.
Dry fasting is obstaining from all liquids including showers and teeth brushing and foods. (Work with a detoxification specialist before you try this please)


Increases insulin sensitivity as there is less fluctuation in blood sugar levels.

Improves body repair, recovery and healing from decreased inflammation.

Lowers stress levels, decreases blood pressure and rejuvenates the body.

Increases immunity due to better cell resistance.

Enables reduction in cancer cell proliferation, and shrinks tumours.

Slows down ageing and cognitive decline.

Lowers the risk of heart disease

Solves digestive problems such as gastritis, irritable bowels, constipation, diarrhoea, gas, dyspepsia, and loss of appetite.

Water fasting is also an opportunity for emotional and spiritual introspection. People find they have better control over their thoughts and diet, after they are done with this fast.

•Smelling bad
•Rashes getting worse before they get better
•Blurred eyes
•Low blood pressure
•Stomach ache
•Bad breath
•Dry skin and lips
•Irregular stools
•Extra discharges
•Kidney pain

For this very reason I recommend as much rest as possible with only light stretching, yoga or rebounding. If you’re a busy mum or have a busy life I don’t recommend long water fast but shorter more manageable ones regularly or juice cleanse. Especially if you need to drive.

Have regular baths with magnesium and essential oils

Use castor oil packs with essential oils

Use essential oils to soothe you

Put your legs up the wall

Dry brushing daily

Rest when you can especially if your sleep is broken at night

Switch off from computers and phones

Ground daily


Journal when emotions come up

Sunbath mid morning or late afternoon

Get lymphatic drainage massages

Use cold and hot showers

Use the breath of fire when your dizzy

Use the kundalini moves and breathing

Swim in the ocean or rivers

Gentle stretch or do yoga or rebounding

Daily or twice daily enemas

Use essential oils to help with cravings

Prepare your family’s food in the morning so you don’t have to be in the kitchen

Cancel engagements and parties

Don’t set a set amount of days. Listen to your body when it’s ready to stop, then you won’t feel like you’re failed to reach a number.

Make a mind movie or vision board to keep you committed on those days you are tempted.

PLANT ONLY Natural Baby Formula

Breast milk is always best but some of us struggle to make milk or need to wean early. This is a great alternative to breast milk.

This recipe makes 3/4 litres, approx. 2-3 day supply for most babies depending on the age of the child. You can add a good quality barley grass or green powder too, dulse flakes or wakame powder to a dd more minerals.

Hemp and Coconut Formula.

•3/4 litre 100% Raw Organic Young Coconut water Available at most health food stores, OR you may just buy & open YOUNG COCONUTS purchased from an Asian market and use the water from them directly. OR you can use this instant Raw Organic Freeze Dried Coconut Powder.
•1 cup organic shelled Hemp Seeds
•1 tbsp of sea moss (Irish moss) – first make a gel by washing and soaking overnight a handful of sea moss. Boil the moss on medium heat for 1hr until the moss turns into a gel. store in glass jar in fridge. This gives your little one super amounts of calcium, DHA and the Omega fatty acids needed for brain development.…/irish-sea-moss-capsules…
•7-9 organic dates, pitted according to sweetness desired. Dates are very high in nutrition, They are incredible to add high quality minerals.
•1 serving of green powder (found in health food stores)…/hawaiian-pacifica…/
•Pure filtered/distilled fluoride free water to make 3/4 litre

-Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend on HIGH speed until hemp seeds are very well blended. Now,
-Add enough pure water to make 2 qtr of milk in TOTAL, (Be sure NO FLUORIDE in the water, It can block baby’s digestion of good nutrients!)
-Store milk in the refrigerator in glass jar or pitcher for 2-3 days or freeze in bottle size portions using breast milk storage bags.
-It stays frozen for two days in a good cooler until you get to your destination and can put it in the freezer. (it is normal for this milk to separate in the refrigerator – just shake very gently each time before filling the bottle.

Detoxification protocol from spike proteins and vaccinations 💉

Important Safety Information Before Beginning a DETOX from the vaccinations or test swabs.

Please do not undertake a spike protein detox without supervision from your trusted health practitioner. It needs to be slow and your nutrition clean. Binders must be used. Lots of hydration and daily sweeting and gentle movement and lymph brushing. If you are not passing a stool after each meal. Increase fruits and drink more structured water. Lots of water! 4-6 litres.

Please note the following: 
* Pine needle tea, neem, comfrey, Andrographis paniculata –  Should NOT be consumed during pregnancy.
* Magnesium –  Overdosing is possible, and it is more difficult to detect when consuming liposomal magnesium. Therefore, consider a mixture of liposomal and conventional magnesium, or just conventional magnesium and spray. 
* Zinc – When consuming a multivitamin that already includes zinc, be sure to adjust the quantity of zinc consumed in other supplements.
* Nattokinase – Do not take while using blood thinners or if you are pregnant or nursing.
* Always consider dosing – When taking a multivitamin, remember to adjust the amount of individual supplements accordingly. (e.g. If your multivitamin contains 15mg of zinc, you should reduce your zinc supplementation by that amount.) 
* St John’s Wort – This medicine interacts with many pharmaceutical drugs. It should not be taken if you are on other medication without advice from your doctor.

What is the spike protein?

The vaccinations contain spike proteins. During a natural infection, spike proteins play a key role in helping the virus enter the cells of your body. A region of the protein, known as the S2, fuses the viral envelope to your cell membrane.

Spike proteins are also produced by your body after taking a Covid-19 jab, and they function similarly in that they are able to fuse to cell membranes. In addition, since they are made in your own cells, your cells are then targeted by your immune system in an effort to destroy the spike protein. Thus, your immune system’s response to spike proteins can damage your body’s cells.

Some “Protein Binding Inhibitors” inhibit the binding of the spike protein to human cells, while others neutralise the spike protein so that it can no longer cause damage to human cells.

These injections create a mitochondrial storm. The 99.9% man made Graphene Oxide in the injection fluid. Blasts the cells open from within. Creating massive free radical oxidative stress within and outside of each cell. A cytokine storm. A crisis of symptoms as the body purged the poison out. On top of normal vaccination damage and our toxic environment, stress levels and bombardment of chemicals in our waters, air and soils…thus our food. Add in fake Fhoods and alcohol and cigarettes most consume, and dis-ease is created.

Graphene Oxide (GO for short)

GO is in disposable masks they ask you to wear, test strips used up your nose or in your throat, products and self care, fhoods that have glyphosates, 99.9% of the injection ingredients RNA being the other ingredient, GO is also in many pharmaceuticals already too. It’s in most 90% junk processed foods and bottled water. Woman’s sanitary products. Sprayed in our airs so even those who have not been injected are exposed. GO can create thromboses and can cause blood clots due to its coagulation effects. It disrupts the immune system create chaos with the bodies communication pathways.
It has shown to create pneumonia. GO causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and crosses the blood brain barrier. It is a poison and neural toxin. It will create havoc in your energy bodies and could if you do not create daily practices, effect your connection and communication to your Soulful Self due to the lack of coherence, creating behaviour imbalances.

It’s vital to recover the oxidative stress by removing all other chemicals, toxins and unplug from WIFI and radiation as much as they can. Radically changing your lifestyles and nutrition.

Radiation is the cherry on top of the cellular storm. Which is why 5G creates more havoc to vaccinated people.


Spike Protein Inhibitors are: Prunella vulgaris, pine needles, emodin, neem, dandelion leaf extract.

Spike Protein Neutralizers: N-acetylcysteine (NAC), glutathione, fennel tea, star anise tea, pine needle tea, St. John’s wort, comfrey leaf, real vitamin C

* Ivermectin has been shown to bind to spike proteins potentially rendering it ineffective in binding to the cell membrane. However it’s like a shot gun for your microbiome and can cause long term issues to mental health, use for short periods or with LDN.
* Several plants found in nature, including pine needles, fennel, star anise, St. John’s wort, and comfrey leaf, all contain a substance called shikimic acid, which may help to neutralise the spike protein. Shikimic acid may help to reduce several possible damaging effects of the spike protein, and is believed to counteract blood clots.
* Regular oral doses of vitamin C are useful in neutralising any toxin and utilising other minerals. I recommend liposomal C, a raw vitamin C whole foods powder. And 1 tsp of sodium ascorbate acid sipped 7-7 daily not in one dose.
* Pine needle tea or essential oil has powerful antioxidant effects and contain high concentrations of vitamin C.
* Nattokinase, an enzyme derived from the Japanese soybean dish ‘Natto’, is a natural substance whose properties may help to reduce the occurrence of blood clots.

What is the ACE2 receptor?

The ACE2 receptor is located in the cell wall, in lung and blood vessel linings, and in platelets. Spike protein attaches to ACE2 receptors. 
It has been proposed that large concentrations of spike protein may bind to our ACE2 receptors and effectively ‘sit there’, blocking the regular functioning of these receptors in various tissues. The disruption of these receptors has been associated with multiple adverse side effects and alters tissue function.  
* If spike proteins bind to the cell wall and ‘stay put’, they could trigger the immune system to attack healthy cells and possibly trigger dis-ease. 
* The spike protein could attach to ACE2 receptors located on blood platelets and the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels, which may lead to abnormal bleeding or clotting.

How to detox your ACE2 receptors?

Substances that naturally protect the ACE2 receptors:
* Ivermectin (if really necessary)
* Hydroxychloroquine (with zinc)
* Quercetin (with zinc)
* Fisetin 
* Low Dose Naltrexone

What is Interleukin-6?

Interleukin 6, or IL-6, is a primarily pro-inflammatory cytokine protein. This means it is naturally produced by the body in response to infection or tissue damage and initiates the inflammatory response. IL-6 is considered one of the most important cytokines during an infection, along with interleukin 1 (IL-1) Interleukin 6 is an interleukin that acts as both a pro-inflammatory cytokine and an anti-inflammatory myokine.

Why target IL-6?
Some natural substances help the post-jab detoxification process by targeting Interleukin 6.
Scientific evidence shows that cytokines such as IL-6, are found in far higher levels among those dealing with high levels of inflammation and toxins.
How to detox from IL-6

The following lists of natural substances, including several basic anti-inflammatory food supplements, can be used to prevent the adverse effects of IL-6 by inhibiting its action.
IL-6 Inhibitors (anti-inflammatories): Boswellia serrata (DoTERRA frankincense essential oil) and dandelion leaf extract 
Other IL-6 inhibitors: Black cumin (Nigella sativa), curcumin, Protendim, omega 3 fatty acids, cinnamon, fisetin (flavonoid), apigenin, quercetin (flavonoid), resveratrol, luteolin, liposome vitamin D3 (with vitamin K2), zinc, magnesium, jasmine tea, bay leaves, black pepper, nutmeg, and sage.
* Several natural, plant-based substances are used in antiviral therapy. The plant pigment quercetin has been shown to display a broad range of anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. 
* Zinc has been shown to work as a antioxidant, which protects the body from oxidative stress.

What is Furin?
Furin is an enzyme, which cleaves proteins and makes them biologically activate (I.e breaking the peptide bonds between amino acids in to proteins). I recommend the Doterra digestive enzymes.

Why target Furin?

Furin has been shown to separate the spike protein and thus allow the virus to enter human cells. 

How to detox from Furin?

Substances that naturally inhibit furin:
* Rutin (found in buckwheat, apricots, cherries, grapes, wild blueberries, grapefruit, plums, and oranges)
* Limonene (found in organic citrus especially the peels)
* Baicalein (found in herbs like scull cap, thyme, Scutellaria baicalensis)
* Hesperidia (found in berries and citrus)

What is Serine protease?

Serine protease is an enzyme.

Why target Serine protease?

Inhibiting serine protease can prevent spike protein activation and also reduce viral waste entry to cells.

How to detox from Serine Protease?

Substances that naturally inhibit serine protease and may help to reduce spike protein levels in the body:
* Green tea
* Potato’s and tubers
* Blue green algae
* N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
* Boswellia (DoTERRA frankincense essential oil)

Top ten spike protein detox essentials:
* Vitamin D 
* Raw Vitamin C
* NAC (N-acetylcysteine) 
* Nigella seed
* Quercetin
* Zinc 
* Magnesium 
* Curcumin fresh and activated powder
* Milk thistle extract
* Pine needle

I also recommending some products and Light and Frequency technologies that may help:

•NRF2 Protandim Synergiser to reduce oxidative stress as fast as they can. Oxidative stress doesn’t go away. It only gets worse with age. It damages your mitochondria and causes protein and DNA damage to all cells, leading to mutations, and is at the very centre of more than 300 disease processes. Even before Graphene oxide. Normally 1 tablet a day however I’d suggest 2…1 morning 1 evening for 3-6 months or longer. It’s the best product I’ve found to reduce oxidative stress 40% more than any antioxidants found in a vast amount of raw organic fruits and vegetables….and you couldn’t consume as much as you need each day of greens, fruits and vegetables. Protandim creates a 300% increase in the body’s intracellular glutathione, the mother of all antioxidants. Down-regulates inflammatory genes which is vital after this injection or to protect against Nano particles.
Purchase it here. If you are not in Australia let me know and I’ll send you the relevant link:

•Lifewave Photobiomodulation Light Patches. The light emitted by your body has your own SIGNATURE WAVELENGTHS that cannot be replicated. But the patch reflects these SIGNATURE wavelengths with the same wattage produced by your body. So this is instantly recognisable and usable by your body if there is good materials to work with (see below). Lifewave phototherapy patches reflect infrared light from your body to induce biochemical changes without any transdermal transmission. Different patches send different signals and induce DIFFERENT BIOCHEMICAL and PHYSIOLOGICAL changes in the body. The patches work on the meridian body and energy body. X39 there Stem Cell Patch and Glutathione and Carnasine at a minimum I would recommend to use. The Glutathione patch supports a 300% increase in the body’s intracellular glutathione production. X-39 is a STEM CELL patch designed to activate stem cell production by elevating GHK-cu peptide. It encourages apoptosis of cancer cells and discourages metastatic cancer cells and mutating cells. The DNA reset protocol is the best to follow. Reach out to find out about each patch. Purchase here:

•Fulvic and Humic acid are complex naturally occurring substances which have substantial proven health benefits verified by thousands of published studies including mold damage, toxins, lymes, fungus and heavy metals. Fulvic acid is an organic compound naturally found in the earth’s soil and bodies of water that has Humic acid and many more minerals in it. It is created as a consequence of millions of microbes breaking down decaying matter during a process called humification in peet mines.
• Electrolytes
• Antioxidants
• Prebiotics
• Probiotics
• Enzymes
• Amino acids
• Natural detoxifying compounds.

•Zeolite Touchstones for Nano particles and heavy metals. Pure Body and Pure Body Extra were developed to work together for a whole-body detox. Each has a unique particle size to target toxins in different body systems. Pure Body is sized to an average of 0.4 microns so that some will be absorbed into the bloodstream, and some will provide detoxification in the gut. Pure Body Extra is sized in the nanometer range, small enough to fit inside water molecule clusters, for detoxification to a cellular level. Together, I find they help to detoxify the whole body from Nano mercury and nano particles and I pray Graphene oxide. Purchase them here:

•Essential Oil Zendocrine to help the kidneys and Liver function and to open detox pathways up. DDR Prime to sooth the Vegas Nerve damage and reduce free radicals and toxins to the brain and expel heavy metals and nano particles. Frankincense for spike proteins. Purchase these here:

•High grade raw CBD oil as Cannabinoids can be entrapped into different systems to remove nano particles via different routes, binding to them and drawing them out in lipid particles. Reach out if you need a clean source.

•Using a Healy machine daily or Rife bioreonace machine or cellular charger as often as you can. I can connect you with someone to share more.

•Tesla Plates. Use my discount code and call Chris for which ones are best:

•Binders are essential to support Detoxification. Greens fresh and organic are vital in large doses. Blended in smoothies or lightly steamed with lemon juice. 6 cups a day. Eat greens, sprouts and micro greens with fruits and everything. Juice greens daily no fruits a little lemon is ok. If you cannot eat this much or ideally more… invest in a good quality green powder with a variety of cold pressed greens.

•Chlorella. Chlorella is a blue-green algae rich in vitamins, minerals, iron, and amino acids that has a high affinity for heavy metals, but also volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides, herbicides, and mycotoxins. Phytoplankton is great too and extremely high in omega 3 fatty acids for binding to toxins in the brain. Also phytoplankton and spirulina.

•Bentonite Clay soaks up toxins, heavy metals, and other harmful materials. Not internally only in baths.

•Pectin. From fruits or in a natural whole fibre powder forms can help bind to toxins. Raw C or Wild C Eden are great brand. These help to detoxify the body by sweeping up biotoxins in the gut caused by mold and other infections. Camu Camu and Shizandra Berry are my favourites too. All fruits are essential and a must for cellular detoxification. Especially citrus fruits.

•Enterosgel is a silica-based gel has a high affinity for aluminum and is super easy to add to water and give to kids who might struggle to swallow pills…

•Bamboo Silica can bind to aluminum and other metals like thallium and tin. You can get it though silica-rich mineral water or best is homeopathic.

Please share with anyone who may benefit.

Please note this is advice and I suggest you work with someone to implement this.

With love Hannah ✨

Sharing my experience & journey shedding my facades & finding the path to truth, divine love & humility. God’s guidance filtered through me. Take what you will. Leave the rest.