
What’s mass consciousness and how can we all tap into it to help the planet and heal ourselves?

Each of us is a focal point of mass consciousness to varying degrees of spirituality. Mass consciousness is all around us and we tap into it even if we do not know it. Not only does media and society influence us, but so does the mass collectiveness that is universal oneness. Have you ever found yourself influence by your social group? Or by your community? Or found yourself following a change or movement without really knowing why or how you were brought to that knowledge? We have the power to tap into any consciousness we want. For example a vet goes to do an operation. She prepares by thinking about what she needs to do, that radiates a vibration from her heart to which other vibrations on that level attract to it (like attracts like) and she finds herself tapping into mass consciousness of all vets who have done that operation. She can choose to use that energy and be open to it or not. But it is still there. You can access this higher mass consciousness by living from a place of positivity and love.

Energy is made up on an atomic level. It’s all around us. This energy holds the programs to make and form each thing in this universe. Each body that dies, the energy disperses to make a new physical body while your soul moves on. We are all particles of this energy; each plant, dog or human is made from the same atoms and molecules. We are all one and the same. We are all hooked up and connected to the mass consciousness. Either contributing to it, or downloading from it. But when we are in physical form we feel individual and society celebrates this individuality, so we feel we are all separate and stand alone and that our thoughts are ours; and that we had them first. When the individual starts to rise above and out of certain lower vibration mass consciousness. We see that we are in fact all connected, and that as a united mass consciousness we can raise our vibration and make big changes in the universe from love and positivity.

But you are just you!
I hear this a lot “what can I do I’m just one person” or it doesn’t matter if I eat that, it will still happen” or “they will still sell that even if I don’t buy it” “a few vegans won’t change the industry”
This type of mindset keeps those people at the level of fear and hopelessness and they tap into that mass consciousness that they can not make a difference and hold no power. The thoughts and feelings from the mass consciousness they are vibrating at, validates them. You will see what you want to see. How much is real and how much is your thoughts tricking you to see what you think you want to see?

It takes a rain fall of tiny droplets to trickle to make a stream, and a stream to make a river and many rivers to make an ocean. And what’s an ocean? Many individual droplets of water!

So YOU can choose to tap into a higher vibrational mass consciousness and use positivity and loves collective energy to make a difference, or you can use that collective fear, grief and sadness to live scared of change, scared of death, worried about money, influenced by society and media who wants to keep you dumbed down and unaware. They want you to believing your thoughts are you (because like attracts like) without fear, war and greed where would the majority be?
But then let’s reverse that! Where would you be without fear, debt, time, hopelessness?. . . We all would be in communities that would all support and work together. The planet would be sustainable. Each person would be equal without leaders and elite tyers of society. No one would go hungry. Each person would have an equal share of wealth and possessions. Food would be available real and healthy. We would support our young, old and special humans. We would all meditate to stay connected and home in on lost arts like telepathy, clairvoyance and intuition. We would all be accepted and celebrated for our individuality and skills but come together as one for the higher good of each other, as we understand we are all one. We would have time to grow, expand and learn. But all do roles to raise the vibration of the planet and keep the cogs moving ie farm, build, make. Most importantly we would not live in fear, or fear death.


So what can you and I do?

Look after that homeless man on the street, not just feel despair about a country of homeless war torn people. Share with your neighbours, not just despair at our country not opening our borders to other humans that need it. Buy local, organic and support farmers on our doorstep not despair about GMO’s as the grass roots organic movement will grow and stomp out such idiotic practices. Stop harming other life. Respect each living soul, even plants have some lower levels of consciousness. Stop talking to yourself and others badly, you just grow the lower levels of mass consciousness. Show love to each and every life on the planet and know that they are no more individual or different than you. Even if their skin is a different colour or they speak in a different tongue or are from a different upbringing to you. We are all ONE and all need love, and should be shown love. Those who are stuck at lower levels of consciousness would soon be raised up from a mass consciousness that come from love, if that was the predominant vibration of this planet. So each of us plays our part and each of us is vital to influence and spread the word of love and show love, let’s start a love movement in our lives, community, country then planet. Thanks for reading. Type ‘yes’ below if you would like this download of love and world peace 🙏🏻

Mediation and Breathing techniques for beginners!

My journey with meditation and the power of mindset began about 5 years ago when I needed techniques and changes in my life to cope with health issues and the health of my children. I saw very quickly how strong being mindful was and how I can overcome physical conditions with just my mind. I use mindfulness and mediation in each and every day and today I have a strong sexy brain!

Mediation is one of the biggest tools in my healing and our family’s healing and that I now bring to my clients as it is the key to bring all their health goals together. The science of this ancient art form is that breathing deeply and slowly through your belly helps the vagus nerve (running from the neck down through the diaphragm) to send a signal to your brain to turn up your parasympathetic nervous system i.e. (relax and repair) and turn down your sympathetic nervous system i.e. (fight or flight).

A good breath practice to start with is:

  • Breath in for 3 seconds
  • Hold the breath for 5 seconds
  • Breath out for 5 seconds
  • And repeat for as long as you can.

This breath work can be increased to 5 seconds and 8 seconds when you have become comfortable with the first stage.

What ever way works for you be it, Mickle Therapy, Theta Healing, Mediation Apps, Yoga, Meditation, chanting, reading healing self help books like ‘The Power Of Now’ or walking in nature. Finding your key to unlocking your spiritual practice and calming your ‘chattery’ mind, breathing deeply and calmly will help every aspect of your life.

What is spirituality?

My interoperation is that you become aware that you are your body, mind and energetic body, and that they are all connected and that we are connected to each life force in the universe. And that we are all made from the same atoms and molecules or “star dust” and that nothing happens without a reason as we make out won destiny! it can have everything or nothing to do with religion . . .mediation can help you see and feel this.

A few ticks I have been taught along the way and things I’ve found that help me are:

When you meditate it’s not about having a blank mind with no thoughts, more when a thought arises and it will. Don’t pay it any attention just let it drift through your mind or sweep it away. When you pay attention to thoughts aniexty arises as you live in the future or dwell on the past. Over time your thoughts will be less crowded and you’ll let them pass without any attention. If you can hold a positive clear thought for 17 seconds another positive thought will join it and you will feel happier very quickly. The same goes for a negative thought and downward spirals . . .

Finding time for mediation practice can be hard and I’ve learnt not to make it perfect. It’s better to learn this practice in the noise of work, kids, a play ground or whilst the kids are screaming and running around, learn to be mindful in each day. For a long time I sort perfection to be able to mediate the cables and chants and the incenses . . . ha well that never happened. There will always be noise distractions and “life” Mediation is just to be aware of your body, breath and thoughts. It does not need to be hard . . .stop over thinking it!

Practising in a perfect calm yoga studios or mediation rooms has it’s place and is brilliant for healing and others who are in a higher vibration to you can help lift you up, but if you cannot keep that practice space up once your at home you loose that feeling and get despondent. Which stops mindful-living and being present from becoming a daily life choice.

Instead learn to breath and calm you mind with all that is around you and your practice will be stronger.

I few places I like to mediate or concentrate on my breath are:
mediate in the car before school pick up.
Breath deeply and slowly at the traffic lights.
Lying on the floor while the kids watch movies and meditate.
In the garden even when the kids are screaming and attacking each other with water finding a space to sit with my breath.
Putting on an App just before bed or in the bath.

Raising my legs up the wall and being still is the latest way to get out of my head!

Mediation can be done whilst walking or running or cycling too. Anything that allows your mind to be calm and thoughts to drift in and out without giving them any momentum or power. To walk slowly in the grass noticing the feel on your feet and the sounds and the air on your face can be just powerful as chanting in a circle with enlightened hippies! -I can say that am a chanting hippie at heart hahah!

I hope these tips help you see you can strengthen you practice anywhere at any time.

Blessings in your day and let me know if these techniques helped you x x