
What True Human Nutrition Is!

We here the term “real” food….or “whole” food often when people talk of nutrition.

However most are very confused on what TRUE REAL nutrition actually is. Everyone’s a nutritionist these days without any training or understanding of how the body truly works…how the body detoxifies, and what nutrients it needs to function optimally. After reading a few books or watching a few videos.

Although it is rather simple, we want to over complicate it. And often so many mis-truths, agendas and fades get us confused.

Let me break it down.

WHOLE FOOD = food in its natural raw state completely unprocessed grown from the ground or picked from a tree or bush. For example an apple picked from the tree and eaten skin, flesh and all. Not sliced and baked or boiled or deep fried or freeze dried or it’s juice or syrup extracted from another part. Foods like; fruits, vegetables, ocean vegetables, greens, nuts, herbs, seeds, legumes. NOT grains, flours, products made from flours, syrups, sugars, products, tofu’s, saitan, vegan fake meats, margarine’s, spreads, milks, crisps, baked goods, packet foods ect.

REAL FOOD = organic, natural, unhindered, non laboratory made, free from GMO’s, chemicals, preservatives, additives, E-numbers, MSG, sulphates, salts, flavourings, sugars, nano plastics or aborted foetal cells.

RAW ALIVE FOODS = plants, seeds, nuts, greens, fruits, legumes, herbs, ocean vegetables and vegetables that are edible eaten in there natural state as grown without any cooking, freezing or processing or seasoning needed. Any type of baking, browning, grilling, processing, frying or anything that changes the chemical structure of the plants…becomes a new chemical the body, which it cannot register or digest. These cooking processes create maillards, which are extremely addictive & cancer forming. Dehydrating or light steaming or cold pressed juicing or cold high speed blending can retain enzymes and the structure of the phytonutrients. Any food that can be eaten directly from the plant as a eat alone food. Ie an apple or a carrot or broccoli…vs biting down with your bare teeth into a cows bottom or lambs leg through the fur with the blood dripping down your face. Any food that is not edible or appealing raw is not human food and should be avoided or eaten sparsely. Ie eggplant, white potato, onions, garlic, salt, blooded flesh, eggs ect

MONO EATING = foods that can be eaten in plenty in their raw natural state ‘vs’ MEDICINAL EATING = foods that are beneficial in small doses and that have properties to enhance the bodies natural ability to heal. Like onions, garlic, herbs, roots, barks, leaves or spices. You couldn’t eat a meal of them nor would they give you complete nutrients and could be poison in high doses. Yet have there place in small amounts in human nutrition.

Hope that helps! Keep it simple eat raw fruits, vegetables, ocean vegetables, sprouts, seeds, nuts, greens and legumes.

ADDITIONALLY: germinating and sprouting legumes, seeds and nuts is optimal as these are hard foods for us to digest in large quantities, although they hold many benefits. This way we get optimal nutrition and digestion.

Remember WHOLE, ALIVE, REAL plants 🌱 gives us all our phytonutrients, amino acids, essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins we need.

With love
Hannah x x


Why Do We NOT Use Oils In A Raw Vegan Diet?

Why No Oils?

There is no place for any oil in a real whole foods, plant diet. Olive oil, coconut oil, avocado & other vegetable oils are processed foods that do not support good health, in fact hinder it. Even flaxseed oils. Most oils are manufactured in a way they turn into a trans fat. We know trans fats are the worst fhoods on the planet killing us.
* Vegetable oils contain almost no vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, minerals or fibre they are empty calories
* Vegetable oils are extremely energy dense & lead to weight gain & diabetes
* Whole plant foods like avocado, coconut, seeds, nuts, greens, vegetables & fruits contain all the essential fats that our bodies require

Eating oils stops the simple sugars from fruits, vegetables or greens reaching the cells causing
diabetes due to fermentation. Causing gas, bloating, rashes & exhaustion,
taxing the liver stopping healing. Oils weaken the mitochondria & cause nervous
system damage. 1 bag of crips/chips or 2 rashes of bacon or one deep fried pattie or hash brown or a spread of nutilex or margarine is
the equivalent of 3 cigarettes & takes longer to recover from. Taking 6-8 days to
recover the body & to eliminate from the liver. Eat these foods often & the liver
gets overburdened. Add sugar which taxes the liver further, poor food combinations
& denatured foods & the liver gets backed up. The liver is needed for everything, most fatty liver is caused by oils not alcohol. Oils create a mucoid plague build up in the intestines stopping absorption & creating a home for fungus & parasites to breed. Oils hinder the flow of blood in the body creating artery build up.

The myth that olive oil is “heart healthy” as some studies suggests is a lie & research in this field needs to be properly understood.
Studies made on the Mediterranean diet have only shown that consuming olive oil lowers LDL cholesterol when it replaces animal fats, like butter & cheese, its all a perspective of olive oil is better than margarine…however that doesn’t mean its healthy.
But adding olive or other vegetable oils to an otherwise healthy diet only increases LDL levels. Barnard, Greger, Campbell, Esselstyn all have written great papers on this.

1 banana provides you with 105 calories, with only 4% of its calories from fat, which is similar to most fruits, with the exception of a few “fatty fruits”, like avocado & olives.

Per pound oil is calorie rich without being dense in nutrients:
•Vegetables – 100 calories per pound
•Fruits – 300 calories per pound
•Unrefined complex carbohydrates, potatoes, whole grains, legumes – 400-600 calories per pound
•Avocados – 750 calories per pound
•Refined complex carbohydrates – 1,200 calories per pound
•Sugar – 1,800 calories per pound
•Nuts & seeds – 2,800 calories per pound
•Oil – 4,000 calories per pound

You see adding oils to your salads stops absorption of the vegetables. Creates a high calorie meal & feeds bacteria, parasites & fungus. Confusing the stress receptors also. Making the brain seek more foods when it’s had plenty of empty calories.

Now aiming to not eat oils naturally means cutting out 95% of processed foods instantly! No supermarket junk, processed food, takeouts, candies, crisps, crackers, cartoon milks, ect….

Cooking at home without oil is SIMPLE. Just replace oil on salads with a oil free dressing or lemon juice. Ask for lemon juice no dressings when you are out. Replace oils with water or stock when you are sauté or making curries ect. Bake with water in a separate dish to create steam & coat vegetables with lemon juice & dried herbs or spices.

Oils are not whole foods or healthy. Even pig pooped argan oil! Or coconut oil. Have you watched how they make coconut oil? Have you tried washing oil of your hands? Try the cells?

with love Hannah x x

Protein and Calcium on Raw Vegan Diet!

Protein is required for the development of the human body , but the protein consumed should be of the highest quality and is often misunderstood the amount we need per day. In a child it is around 15-20% per day and in an adult is 10-15% per day and in many cases much less. More proteiIn than this can cause inflammation in the body, more so if it is from animal products.

Other than Lychees ALL fruit and vegetables have all 8 Amino Acids (protein) and omega 3 fatty acids. 

There are proteins in everything that grows as long as it’s not a refined food. But If some of our vegan foods don’t stack up against animal foods and are deficient in certain amino acids, they are compensated by their abundance in other goodies and eating verity will help overcome this.

Green leafy vegetables and small amounts of a variety of nuts, legumes, sprouts and seeds provide this high level of nutrients and protein.


For example:

  • Spinach contains 49% calories from protein.
  • Kale contains 45% calories from protein.
  • Hemp seeds contain 22% calories from protein.
  • Sprouts 44% calories from protein, an excellent source of protein and B12 so perfect vegan food.

A pregnant and lactating woman can get all the protein she needs eating verity rich whole food, raw living vegan diet without deficiencies.


Eating meat floods the body with protein waste products. The kidneys then need to eliminate these acidic wastes, requiring calcium as a buffer in the process, leeching calcium from the bones. Calcium is continually lost in the urinary waste, and may result in osteoporosis or bone loss. It has been showed now that people who consume dairy in large daily amounts over their lifetime tend to have osteoporosis. Contrary what we are taught!

Vegetable protein is much more easily absorbed into the bloodstream without the loss of calcium from eating animal protein. Animal-based protein places a great stress upon the liver and kidneys. This is a link to great explanation:

Also excess proteins have a negative effect on calcium stores too because amino acids contain sulfur, which in turn affects the body’s pH balance. Excess Calcium prevents fat absorption within the gut. I suggest eating your calcium rich foods like kelp, dulse, celery, broccoli, figs, rhubarb and oranges away from fats and proteins will help and too little calcium will affect your bone and teethe health.

Increasing your B12 now will help with protein absorption rather than eating more protein, and K2 for teethe and bone health, as it acts like a public transportation system for calcium. You consume calcium through food like the rich foods above. Vitamin D from the sun ~ the body easily absorbs vitamin D with just 15 minutes of exposure to sunshine per day ~ triggers ergosterol, which is transformed into vitamin D, which helps us absorb calcium from the foods we consume directly into our bloodstream. This will help take the pressure of the body from excuse protein until you can transition to a low fat high carb raw vegan lifestyle.

Then vitamin K2 takes the calcium to where it needs to go. Without vitamin K2, calcium can end up hardening in your arteries as plaque, and deposits in the joints, arteries, kidneys, brain and elsewhere.

Often we seem to be low or high in calcium when in fact it is due to heavy metal that calcium gets drawn out of the bones and teeth and floats around the blood not being able to be utilised so is urinated out. This means it is present, but cannot be used properly. This condition causes symptoms of both deficiency and excess at the same time because there can be a deficiency of available calcium, and an excess of bio-unavailable calcium at the same time. I do not suggest calcium supplements. The body does not cope well with large amount of nutrients not in a whole foods form being dumped in to the body so doesn’t utilise it and excretes most out.

We should eat the food to which we are naturally adapted too which has ample amounts of protein, omega 3 fatty acids, nutrients, and essential carbohydrates. Fruits, vegetables, green leafy vegetables, sprouts, berries, sprouted legumes, nuts and seeds. Not animal flesh to get our protein.

Protein rich plant foods are:

  • spinach 49% calories from protein.
  • kale 45% calories from protein.
  • broccoli 45% calories from protein.
  • cauliflower 24% calories from protein.
  • green paper 22% calories from protein.
  • parsley 34% calories from protein.
  • cucumber 22% calories from protein.
  • lettuce 29% (let that sink in!) calories from protein.
  • cabbage 25% calories from protein.
  • tomatoes 18% calories from protein.
  • apricots 12% calories from protein.
  • peaches 9% calories from protein.
  • sunflower seeds 14% calories from protein.
  • watermelon 9% calories from protein.

Yes you can get protein from fruit!

Let’s compare that to animal products:

  • beef 25.8% calories from protein.
  • chicken 23% calories from protein.
  • eggs 12% calories from protein.