What do you do when you get a cold and Flu?
Fevers, cold/flu, diarrhoea, vomiting are all clever mechanism the body uses to heal itself. These are also very common healing crisis. Or can be from an overburden body trying to realise out..ever noticed that you get a “cold” after a big week of indulgent foods or a stressful week at work. Unfortunately most people will suppress it instead of assisting what the body is trying to do and you don’t want to get into suppressing minor symptoms like that, as it leads to more issues down the road. I see this a lot of people even in the natural health community, because they are still trying to fix symptoms instead of understanding the cause. This is still an allopathic approach disguised as natural health.
Whatever you use to suppress symptoms (even herbs or natural treatment) will not improve health in the long run, because the body’s elimination process has been stopped you are working against the bodies instincts.
When we suppress, all we are doing is ignoring the cause or the message the body is sending us. I understand symptom can be quite annoying and it’s hard to see your child “unwell” but if you know exactly what is going on with the body, you can assist it in what it’s trying to do, without obstructing the flow of energy….Intuitive self healing!
So what is a fever exactly in many cases? I can be due to dehydration, stress, a rise in blood pressure, etc. In most cases a fever is the body trying to dissolve and move stagnant mucus in the brain and sinus area. Please note if your fever is to high consult a specialist.
What can you do to help yourself?
You can get rid of colds, flus, fevers in about a couple hours following these procedures , but sometimes it takes a day or two depending on how much discharge the body is trying to get rid of or how much stress the body is under. It will definitely shorten the severity and duration of whatever you are dealing with.
- When the body is dealing with an acute ailment, it naturally looses its desire to eat. Follow that, don’t fight it….don’t listen to the tails of “eat something you will feel better”. If you do feel hungry try to limit your intake to fruit juices only or coconut water. High water fruit like watermelon and grapes can be eaten as well or even a soup depending on the person’s detoxification plan, but you want to give a rest to you digestive system so your body’s energy can go to healing instead of processing foods. Also do not listen to the old tails of “toast will soak it up” the bread feeds the pathogens, blocks the body and seems to make you feel better, but in fact you push it back down for another time…
- Using essential oils to cool the body like peppermint, but not stopping the fever is great. Adding 1 drop with a carrier oil to the soles of your feet or placing 2 drops in a salt bath for children.
- Mucus will start to run out of the nose. You will want to assist that with pungent and/or aromatic herbs like cayenne, ginger, Lemon, garlic, horseradish, etc. Or using 2 drops of eucalyptus, peppermint and lemon in a head steam bath with a tip of cayenne pepper and cover with a towel for 20 minutes.
- Drink plenty of liquids (preferably natural juices of the sub acid and acid category or my lymph buster) as this will help the body flush out toxins at a faster rate.
- You want to open the bowels, especially with a fever. If there is a lot of mucus in the sinus/head area, there is definitely too much in the transverse colon. Enemas are great in this case even twice a day while you feel congested.
- Instead of cold bath, think sweat bath if possible. You want to sweat out the toxins as well. This can be done by drinking some ginger tea and then taking a hot bath. Afterwards, go to bed and cover yourself with a blanket to sweat out the toxins. Or go to sauna and cold plunge if you feel up to it.
- Feel in to what emotion issue you are not dealing with read more hear:
Avoid using cough suppressants (even herbs that do this) instead use decongestants or expectorant herbs like mullein, eucalyptus, Echinacea, etc. especially if you get green, brown or yellow (thick) mucus coming out. That is a good sign. White is acute, yellow is sub acute, green is virus and toxic, brown is chronic, black is degenerative.
Often coughs that linger and have been shown not to be a virus can be upper respiratory, due the cough respiratory being in the ear nose and throat and if these areas are congested with mucus…cleaning them with ear candles or room temperature organic olive oil perpetuated into the ear canal for 15 minutes each side and massaged so the oil dislodged the wax and draws it out. This can also be done with a clean sock filled with sea salt and tired at the top, then heated in a pan and gentle placed on the ear for 10 minutes each side, with eucalyptus oils dropped on to the warmed sock. This will draw toxins out to.
Also if you get swollen lymph nodes, use lymphatic and kidney herbs. Good lymphatics are plantain, cleavers, red clover, pau darco and good kidney herbs are nettle, cornsilk, chapparal.
I invite you to stop treating symptoms! Stop fighting the body’s elimination processes! Stop going against the flow of energy of the body!
I invite you to understanding the cause instead of the effect! Start assisting the body in doing what it does best…self healing machine!
Please contact me if you would like to find ways to boost your immunity naturally through nutrition, spirituality and fasting…
Hannah x x
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