
HEALING symptoms associated with AUTISM is POSSIBLE – steps of how I did it and how you can too!

I am not a doctor and these are guidelines and practices to which I have followed to heal my sons. Please consult your Doctor or Naturopath before trying any of these. Ok that out the way . . . we need to get the message out that many cases The symptoms associated with Autism can be reversed especially vaccine related Autism!!

Why does one child get vaccinated and presents with Autism and another is “fine”?

The gut micro-biome holds the key…asthma, ear infections, colic, croup, food allergies, sensory processing and skin conditions are all ‘pre’ autism symptoms. What do I mean by that? Well they are signs the gut and brain is under pressure and that anything can push the body over the edge – vaccines, a poor diet, stress in the home, a trauma ect. Even if it doesn’t push the body to displaying autism symptoms, you can see a life of illness ahead leading to auto-immune issues and eventually cancers ect….everything is connected and the body tries to show you it’s under pressure. We must learn to listen and stop allowing society to tell us these are normal childhood illnesses.

THEY ARE BLOODY WELL NOT! They are signs of a toxic body under pressure. . .

Autism like any illness  or disease is a collection of symptoms that shows the body needs to detoxify. You detoxify the body, the symptoms drop away and the body returns to health. It is that simple!

Autism is separate to personalty or family traits and no amount of detoxifying the body can change personalty -this is about removing daily symptoms that affect your child’s life.

If your open and prepared to heal your child of the symptoms that come with Autism, ADHD or Learning Difficulties or yourself of any Disease or Cancer you need to work on ALL of these things with dedication and with faith;

• Removing and cleansing the body of parasites, viruses, candida overgrowths, yeast overgrowths and worms by alkalising the body through a vegan plant based diet high in raw living foods and using natural tools like zeolite, broccoli sprouts, barley grass powder, cell food, herbs, clays, detox smoothies and greens and many more even cannabis oil.
• Removing heavy metals from the organs and blood through chelation, either with foods alone like detox smoothies or and green juices or natural herbs or homeopathy or all together.
• Work on deficiencies within the cells and use foods to replace them and homeopathy.
• Nourish the body with real whole foods ONLY, taking the pressure of the gut and nervous system.
• Remove strictly ALL grains, dairy, high cooked foods like crackers, muffins, cookies, breads and biscuits void of nutrients (even gluten free ones and homemade), sugars (even natural ones like honey), salt, coffee, oils, chocolate and cacao, synthetic supplements, powders and processed foods.
• Work on re-wiring the brain and calming the nervous system through meditation, sound healing, music, light healing, early interventions, positive affirmations, Reiki, energy work, massage, osteopaths, Son Rise programs, unconditional love and acceptance and the right environment at home and school with the right people around them.
• Remove toxins from the home and any environment they are in, and from all body products too.
• Remove WiFi from the home (use broad brand plug in only) and get an EMF reading done and mould removed, and smart meter protection or have it removed.
• Install a whole house reverse osmosis safe water system.
• Remove all plastics from the kitchen and make sure your kitchen ware is safe and toxic free and lead free.
• Hold belief in the power of the body and it’s healing capabilities, learning to get out the way and let it heal… i.e. stop sabotaging it with “treats” and let it do it’s thing.
• Repair vaccine damage if they were vaccinated by homeopathy and nutrition.
• Remove ALL videos, TV and iPads that stop the brain rewiring and being calm, instead moving to nature, high vibrational music, art, crafts, journaling, yoga, Qigong and games that involve imagination to build up the right hand brain.
• Surround your family in a high vibration and with high vibrational people to help elevate the damaged cells in frequency.
• Allow time to heal and have faith!
• Self care and self love is important for the parents and carers too 💙 you can not heal your child without caring for yourself first and the energy you project effects the child directly.
• Unite as a family and ALL get involved with diet changes and lifestyle changes. You will see this as a blessing to heal you all soon.

It’s never one thing that heals the body but a collection of approaches and mediums. . . and time!


If you would like me to coach and guide you through these changes that have done myself with my family, please contact me here for one of my packages: have stood where you are now and my experience can help you to not fall in ahead as I did and make very expensive mistakes. Please join my Webinar to hear my top 3 secrets and hear how I did it and how you can to!

Or join my 8 week program to start this joinery NOW! Learn more here:

Blessings Hannah 🦋

Understanding why we feel stressed and how to overcome it with spiritual practices.

STRESS you have the decision to view life any way you want…you can choose to think and feel anyway you want to…

Aligning with your soul or aligning with your ego will determine your daily life and how stressed you are day to day.

How many of us experience stress?

A perception of stress is that it is because of what others do or circumstances out of your control that make you stressed, and how others makes you feel. That belief is coming from a place of the victim and is self-imposed and self inflicted keeping you holding on to past stories that may not even be the whole truth but your version of that truth. If you believe stress is because of other people’s behaviour you are not aligned with your soul and the universe . . .that means you feel stress because of others in your life. This comes from ego and fear and is a low vibration that cause disease. Believing and living from this view means you can never be free and your happiness is based on others and situations around you. Because your happiness is determined by others or the life you must lead. If you don’t think your anxiety, depression, sadness and stress impact your physical health, think again. All of these emotions trigger chemical reactions in your body, which can lead to inflammation and a weakened immune system. You must find ways to cope and move beyond it….

Don’t let your mind bully your body into believing it must carry the burden of it’s worries.

Astrid Alauda




Stress is however a reminder that you are not aligned with your souls purpose! As is any negative emotions. Any moment of stress is if you are in alignment with the energy of your ego mind and viewing the universe from a place of fear and without faith in the higher purpose.

We say things to ourselves like . . .’If I had more money’, or ‘If I was thinner’, or ‘If I had more Facebook likes’ or ‘If my business were bigger’ ‘If my boyfriend purposed’ Then I would not be stressed out, I would be happy . . .but this mindset will never lead to happiness. Because it comes from ego and lack, and a place of viewing your life as if others can affect or influence it . . . but the truth is YOU have full control to change that view and connect with your soul and the universal energy and flow in life. You have the power to drop the old patterns and stories and create a new story and anew way of being…

When do you know if you have done that?

You’ll feel happiness, inner peace, contentment, no need for external influences or the need to numb your emotions with TV, food, drugs, alcohol, over exercising, mindless activities…but happy with simple pleasure found naturally and from within.

If you aligned with ego life will always seem dissatisfying, without passion, holding on to grudges, not forgiving. Life seems chaotic, painful, hard and out of your control, as if life is treating you unfairly . . .you will feel exhausted and sick and the outcomes in life will not fulfil you and you will always need the next thing or material objects to get some sort of pleasure. i.e. external temporary happiness.

So when you learn to align with your souls purpose, you will have a life of abundance, prosperity, health and a change of circumstances. And you will see the flow and ease of how life can be.

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.

William James

So how do you overcome stress and be in stressful environments and around stressful people without connecting to that energy?

Seeing that it is story you have created and that you can release the stories NOW….witnessing the complete emotion and sitting with it in acceptance without trying to numb it. Using daily mediation practices, self care practices and learning to accept and love yourself and your current life situation just as you are. Faith and trust in the flow of the universe letting go of forcing life. Opening and aligning with your inner voice and connect to the universal energy. Stop pointing and blaming at others for causing your stress and see stress as a message or warning from your soul that you are not aligned. Stop what you are doing and breath and take a new path, try to align with what your inner voice is saying. I would suggest connecting to the highest vibration you can through using mindset coaching, a master, a spiritual group, a yoga class, a qigong class or spiritual practice you connect with. That may be a friend who lifts you up and inspires you… 

‘A man must lift himself up by his own mind, not rely on others to save him’~ Hannah Miles.png

I would be honoured to help you through a stressful time and teach you the tools that have given me the strongest mindset I’ve ever had and the dream life I’ve always wanted.

Contact me today for a free 30 minute consultation to see how we could work together:

Remember you are not alone and it is never as bad as you can tell yourself it is…that’s just a story!

Much love Hannah x x

Understanding The Gut-Brain Connection and Behaviours.

Each food you eat either fuels your body and benefits your cells healing and reproducing new healthy cells. Or it harms your body causing inflammation and deficiencies and thus behavioral issues like Depression, Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and Bi-Polar Disorder, or inflammation illness like; Arthritis, Diabetes, ME, MS, Heart Conditions, Crohn’s, Eczema, psoriasis, Asthma, Epilepsy and Auto-immune diseases. It’s vital to understand eating the right foods and living in the right environment for your body so it can heal itself and do what it is designed to do without medication and intervention.


The “Mind-Gut Connection”

The trillions of microbes that inhabit the human body, collectively called the microbiome, are estimated to weigh two to six pounds. Up to twice the weight of the average human brain (No wonder we call the Gut the second Brain) Most of them live in the gut and intestines, where they help us to digest food, synthesize vitamins and ward off infection. Studies have linked the gut microbiome to a range of complex behaviours, such as mood and emotion, appetite, and even learning and memory. Not only does the gut microbiome appear to help maintain brain function, but it may also influence the risk of psychiatric and neurological disorders, including anxiety, depression and autism.

  • Gut microbiota help break down certain nutrients.
  • Gut microbiota produce brain chemicals such as,
  • GABA, tryptophan, serotonin, histamine and
  • Dopamine (all needed to function and stay happy and balanced)
  • 70-80% of your brain chemicals are made in the gut!

Disruption of the gut barrier:

  • Dysbiosis “leaky gut” – toxicity
  • Parasites and over-growths of yeast
  • Inflammatory bowel disorders

Microbiota Disturbance

There are many things that can upset this delicate balance, from family genes passed on from blood lines, to environment, toxins and of course most important is the food you nourish your body with.

  • Environment – pesticides, herbicides, synthetic hormones and pollutions.
  • Foods – intolerances, processed foods, white sugar, trans fat, wheat, gluten and food chemicals, preservatives and additives. (Gluten can cause opening of the cell junctions, open it up to toxins and bacteria entering the blood stream causing Leaky Gut)
  • Under-active digestion (low stomach acid)
  • Stress and emotional trauma. (Causing diarrhoea or constipation, bloating, wind, reflux, low stomach acid, ulcers in the digestive tract, disruption in motility, bacterial imbalance, when stressed there are tendencies to eat more sugar and refined carbohydrates when under pressure)
  • Medication -painkillers, sleeping tablets, thrush treatments, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory e.g. Nurofen, Cortisone, Voltaren.

Many factors come in to play to stop our cells from talking to each other and growing healthily or reproducing:

  • Inflammation
  • Food sensitivities – e.g. gluten intolerance
  • Oxidative Stress (toxicity of cells)
  • Hormones – e.g. Cortisol (stress)
  • Leaky gut

What is “Leaky Gut”?

The lining of our digestive tract acts as a barrier with tiny holes that should only allow small, harmless particles to pass through while preventing waste particles and undigested food from escaping. However, if this lining becomes compromised or more porous than normal, undigested food particles and waste products can get through and enter the bloodstream. When undigested food particles and waste seep into the bloodstream, the immune system responds with inflammation throughout the body, leading to leaky gut syndrome (coined my Naturopaths). Inflammation can then lead to symptoms like bloating, cramps, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, fatigue, rashes, achy joints, allergies, and more. These symptoms, in addition to chemicals produced during this immune response, are contributing factors for kids who struggle with behavior, focus, and learning difficulties. Kids with leaky gut syndrome may also experience vitamin and mineral deficiencies due to poor absorption, which can further exacerbate learning or behavioral struggles. While it is widely accepted that people with Crohn’s Disease, Celiac Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) often experience leaky gut syndrome, the idea that kids with ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), Autism and Dyslexia and other neuro-developmental disorders may also be affected is gaining traction thanks to Dr Natasha Mc Bride ‘The GAPS Diet’.


Hannah’s Gut Healing Protocol.


Hormones play such an important role in your body and its healing ability, if one is out or low or too high it can cause many long-term health issues. If your lacking in any of these hormones or your body is imbalanced you can get symptoms of depression, learning difficulties or leaky gut. Here I break down each one and the importance of them:


These act as messengers for the brain and nervous system:

  • They either “excite” or “inhibit”
  • Keep you in a “fight or flight response”


Helps with:

  • Alertness, concentration, memory and mood:
  • Overproduction can result in high stress – panic attacks or anxiety and not being able to switch off at night

Acetyl Choline

Helps with memory and learning, signs and symptoms of a deficiency include:

  • Poor concentration
  • Light sleep
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Highly reactive to stress


Helps with regulating sleep, mood and eating behaviours. Signs and symptoms of a deficiency include:

  • 95% of serotonin in the body is in the GUT! – Gluten effects serotonin production
  • Aggressiveness
  • Bad temper
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks

(so if your guts not right your not going to feel happy)


Helps with motivation, mood regulation, memory and movement. Signs and symptoms of a deficiency include:

  • Restless legs (Fibromyalgia)
  • Low libido
  • Depression/low mood
  • Dull boring dreams or no memory of dreams


Helps with sleep maintenance and our main inhibitory brain chemical “stops excitatory brain chemicals” signs and symptoms of deficiency include:

  • Anxiety/panic attacks
  • Alcohol cravings
  • Insomnia or struggles to fall asleep/waking during the night with a rushing mind


Too much elevated Cortisol levels can interfere with every aspect of your health. Signs and symptoms include:

  • Learning and memory difficulties
  • Lowered immune function
  • Bone density
  • Increase weight gain or unable to loose weight even when under eating and exercising
  • Blood pressure issues
  • Cholesterol
  • Heart disease
  • Keeps you in chronic stress
  • Increase risk for depression
  • Mental illness
  • Lower life expectancy
  • Inflammation in the body
  • Burn out your Adrenal Glands


Helps with your immune system, proper digestion, and your central nervous system. As a neurotransmitter, it communicates important messages from your body to your brain. It is also a component of stomach acid, which is what helps you break down food in your stomach. Too much Histamine can cause:

  • Leaky Gut
  • DEO deficiencies
  • GI bleeding

Too little Histamine can cause:

  •       Arousal and wakefulness
  •       Loss of appetite
  •       Low stomach acid
  •       Food allergies
  •       Binge eating and cravings
  •       Dry skin allergies
  •       Tissue swelling
  •       Difficulty regulating temperature
  •       Fatigue
  •       Cramping around menstruation
  •       Anxiety
  •       Nasal congestion, sneezing,          difficulty breathing
  •     Vertigo or dizziness
  •       Arrhythmia, or accelerated heart rate


Parasites can cause many issues when untreated and stop the healing process. The body becomes Malnutritioned and they can cause Leaky Gut and Fat Malabsorption, meaning the body doesn’t get the nutrients from the food you are eating as they take it all first. This then affects the Gut Flora and Microbiome and other deficiencies accrue. We all have parasites to some level but some are able to expel them natural without it causing them harm whilst others need medical help. Parasite can be picked up through:

  • Travel to other countries – e.g. “Bali Belly”
  • Weakened immune system
  • Pets and animals
  • Lack of hygiene

Signs and symptoms of them include:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Wind
  • Bloating
  • Indigestion
  • Pain
  • Nausea
  • Weight gain or weight loss

Parasites can be passed through salvia and bodily fluids and from changing nappies so if one family member has them you all have them. Testing can be hard but worth persisting to find out which ones you have and the right treatment for them. Treatment can take up to 1 year and there are foods to help with expelling them as well as natural cleansers.

Candidia Yeast Overgrowths and Sibo

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (or SIBO) is a chronic bacterial (and/or yeast) infection of the small intestine, where excessive number and/or abnormal type of bacteria (and yeasts) growing in a part of the gastrointestinal tract that normal contains relatively few microorganisms.  These bacteria can cause a variety of problems by interfering with digestion and absorption of nutrients and by damaging the lining of the gut, causing a “Leaky Gut” Symptoms of bacterial overgrowth include abdominal pain, nausea, bloating, gas, belching, flatulence, chronic diarrhoea, and chronic constipation.  These symptoms are due to the large volume of bacteria the digestive tract (alive and dead, as they read the end of their lifecycle) and the large amount of gas and metabolic waste that they produce.  Many more symptoms of SIBO are a direct effect of nutrient mal-absorption (the body being starved even though you are eating). This arises either from the bacteria metabolizing those nutrients before we can absorb them or by the bacteria causing enough inflammation in the lining of the gut that it the gut can’t work properly anymore. The bacteria preferentially consume iron and vitamin B12, causing anemia.  The bacteria decrease fat absorption by de-conjugating bile, leading to deficiencies of vitamins A & D and causing fatty floating pale stools.  As the gut lining becomes increasingly inflamed and leaky, larger and not fully digested food particles enter the body, causing an immune reaction, which leads to food allergies and food sensitivities.  Bacteria themselves can enter the blood stream causing systemic inflammation and immune reactions that can lead to autoantibody formation and autoimmune diseases. The truth about fruit . . .

Read about my gut healing protocol here; Hannah’s Gut Healing Protocol.


What is a ‘Health Coach’ and how can they help you achieve your goals?

If you have heard the term “Health Coaching,” or “Wellness Coaching” and find yourself wondering what a health coach does and how engaging health coach can help you, then this is the answer . . . Health Coaches support people to help them work towards un-achieved goals in all areas of life, they keep you moving forward not in the past talking over old hurts. Health coaching is different to life coaching which is often solely goals based and does not look at you holistically. It may be nutrition, career, overcoming autism or auto-immune conditions, finance, relationship, exercise and health or any other aspect of their life that they do not feel fulfilled in. It’s my belief that all aspects of your life have to be in balance for true happiness and healing to occur. If one aspect is out it can throw out the others I have tools and personal experience that helps you see this and we work through it together. How I do this is by guiding and creating an environment for you to be empowered to achieve small steps toward your goals. Anything is possible with the right mindset and a supporting guide!


I work by empowering my clients to embark on this journey to health for themselves, for you to feel excited by Nutrition and see the importance of loving your body enough to fuel it correctly, and take charge of healing YOUR own body, mind and spirit. I teach you the skills to build your mindset with daily practices to become able to deal with any of life’s up’s and down’s and not need another person, place or thing to “fix” you.

Goals and lifestyle changes I can help with are:

  • to empower you to achieve your goals
  • to up-skill you
  • to show you ways that have worked for my family in healing
  • help you find a pathway to heal autism or and auto-immune conditions
  • to save you the 7 years of study and personal ups and downs I had
  • to build up your self esteem and teach you how to love yourself
  • to advise you on your bio-individual nutrition needs
  • to teach you how to use professionals to get results
  • to work alongside your doctor or naturopath to understand result and treatment options
  • to support your whole family and there health and work on getting everyone on board
  • to improve your self-management
  • to teach you how to stay motivated
  • to show you how to live mindfully and a chemical free lifestyle
  • to understand the reason or blockage of why your not where you want to be in life
  • to give you tools to improve your wellbeing
  • to be someone to talk too and someone who will listen un-judgmentally to you
  • to believe and encourage you
  • to have a positive body image just the way you are
  • to strengthen your mind
  • to be someone to make you work hard on your goals
  • to teach you how to incorporate meditation and mindfulness in to everyday busy life

But a Health Coach is not:

  • a shrink
  • a personal trainer
  • a gym teacher
  • a yoga instructor
  • someone telling you what to do
  • someone telling you what your goals should be
  • someone who will make magic happen without hard work from yourself
  • someone who know it all

Only YOU can heal your body. I am just guide to help you see your own power!

Bio-individuality is the most important key to health and wellness. We are not all the same and one lifestyle will not fit us all. This belief leads to despondency and disappointment when you try a diet or exercise and it does not give you the results you wanted. How I work at ‘Nourish To Health’ is to mentor you find your path and to work through your goals in a safe confidential way. I recommend Plant Based Nutritional science based diets, lifestyle choices and exercises that suit your needs at that given time. I work with you to emotionally unblock painful situations that could be causing you to keep failing in your goals and teach you how to plan realistic, manageable goals and achieve them over a time frame we plan together. I do not do the work for you but empower you to achieve them with me guiding you. If you choose to work with me I would take you on a journey to achieve your goals working closely with you on a one to one or via Skype.  I recommend working together between 3-6 months, as there is always highs and lows in a wellness journey and often you get despondent after an initial excitement and need to be encourage to stick to health goals. Weight loss, food intolerances, and depression or nutritional deficiencies take time to correct as does lifestyle changes that are needed to achieve these. I look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve the health and wellness you deserve. Much love and successes on your health journey and I hope we get to work together when your ready.


If you connect with my message and approach and feel I could help you on your health journey please email me today on and we can arrange a free 20 minutes Skype consultation to see how we fit together and I will create a plan for you. I work globally via Skype 🌏

Please also join my ‘Detoxing Families – supporting ASD & Behaviours with Raw Foods’ private group too for more advice and a safe sound board to ask questions.

Blessings and love on whatever path you are on, and what ever stage of the journey you are on . . . we all must start somewhere! 🦋

Hannah Miles

x x x