
What do you do when you get a cold and Flu?

Fevers, cold/flu, diarrhoea, vomiting are all clever mechanism the body uses to heal itself. These are also very common healing crisis. Or can be from an overburden body trying to realise out..ever noticed that you get a “cold” after a big week of indulgent foods or a stressful week at work. Unfortunately most people will suppress it instead of assisting what the body is trying to do and you don’t want to get into suppressing minor symptoms like that, as it leads to more issues down the road. I see this a lot of people even in the natural health community, because they are still trying to fix symptoms instead of understanding the cause. This is still an allopathic approach disguised as natural health.

Whatever you use to suppress symptoms (even herbs or natural treatment) will not improve health in the long run, because the body’s elimination process has been stopped you are working against the bodies instincts.

When we suppress, all we are doing is ignoring the cause or the message the body is sending us. I understand symptom can be quite annoying and it’s hard to see your child “unwell”  but if you know exactly what is going on with the body, you can assist it in what it’s trying to do, without obstructing the flow of energy….Intuitive self healing!

So what is a fever exactly in many cases? I can be due to dehydration, stress, a rise in blood pressure, etc. In most cases a fever is the body trying to dissolve and move stagnant mucus in the brain and sinus area. Please note if your fever is to high consult a specialist.

What can you do to help yourself? 

You can get rid of colds, flus, fevers in about a couple hours following these procedures , but sometimes it takes a day or two depending on how much discharge the body is trying to get rid of or how much stress the body is under. It will definitely shorten the severity and duration of whatever you are dealing with.

  1. When the body is dealing with an acute ailment, it naturally looses its desire to eat. Follow that, don’t fight it….don’t listen to the tails of “eat something you will feel better”. If you do feel hungry try to limit your intake to fruit juices only or coconut water. High water fruit like watermelon and grapes can be eaten as well or even a soup depending on the person’s detoxification plan, but you want to give a rest to you digestive system so your body’s energy can go to healing instead of processing foods. Also do not listen to the old tails of “toast will soak it up” the bread feeds the pathogens, blocks the body and seems to make you feel better, but in fact you push it back down for another time…
  2. Using essential oils to cool the body like peppermint, but not stopping the fever is great. Adding 1 drop with a carrier oil to the soles of your feet or placing 2 drops in a salt bath for children.
  3. Mucus will start to run out of the nose. You will want to assist that with pungent and/or aromatic herbs like cayenne, ginger, Lemon, garlic, horseradish, etc. Or using  2 drops of eucalyptus, peppermint and lemon in a head steam bath with  a tip of cayenne pepper and cover with a towel for 20 minutes. 
  4. Drink plenty of liquids (preferably natural juices of the sub acid and acid category or my lymph buster) as this will help the body flush out toxins at a faster rate.
  5. You want to open the bowels, especially with a fever. If there is a lot of mucus in the sinus/head area, there is definitely too much in the transverse colon. Enemas are great in this case even twice a day while you feel congested.
  6. Instead of cold bath, think sweat bath if possible. You want to sweat out the toxins as well. This can be done by drinking some ginger tea and then taking a hot bath. Afterwards, go to bed and cover yourself with a blanket to sweat out the toxins. Or go to sauna and cold plunge if you feel up to it.
  7. Feel in to what emotion issue you are not dealing with read more hear:

Avoid using cough suppressants (even herbs that do this) instead use decongestants or expectorant herbs like mullein, eucalyptus, Echinacea, etc. especially if you get green, brown or yellow (thick) mucus coming out. That is a good sign. White is acute, yellow is sub acute, green is virus and toxic, brown is chronic, black is degenerative.

Often coughs that linger and have been shown not to be a virus can be upper respiratory, due the cough respiratory being in the ear nose and throat and if these areas are congested with mucus…cleaning them with ear candles or room temperature organic olive oil perpetuated into the ear canal for 15 minutes each side and massaged so the oil dislodged the wax and draws it out. This can also be done with a clean sock filled with sea salt and tired at the top, then heated in a pan and gentle placed on the ear for 10 minutes each side, with eucalyptus oils dropped on to the warmed sock. This will draw toxins out to.

Also if you get swollen lymph nodes, use lymphatic and kidney herbs. Good lymphatics are plantain, cleavers, red clover, pau darco and good kidney herbs are nettle, cornsilk, chapparal.

I invite you to stop treating symptoms! Stop fighting the body’s elimination processes! Stop going against the flow of energy of the body!

I invite you to understanding the cause instead of the effect! Start assisting the body in doing what it does best…self healing machine!

Please contact me if you would like to find ways to boost your immunity naturally through nutrition, spirituality and fasting…

Hannah x x

Edema (Swelling of the body)

Edema is something I have had all of my life. I have always carried water in my legs and looked puffy in my face. I just thought it was fat….after many cleanses I see that when I fast and my body utilises the stagnant water and moves my stagnant lymph fluid out, I see dramatic changes in my legs and face. I used to get swollen eye lids and I now know this is because my kidneys were not filtering as I started eating foods that were dislodging the heavy metals, viruses and bacteria out….it just kept floating around by body and my clever body stored it where it could. I would blame food for or situation, but really the foods I was eating where helping me clean but it was my kidney that couldn’t filter it out.  I am still cleansing and from time to time this comes back if I don’t regular fast and cleanse or I get too busy and my mind goes over time STRESS PLAYS A BIG PART (healing takes time for all of us and my Kidneys were very damaged so will take longer to heal)


When you start to eat cleanly removing high protein, eggs, dairy, alcohol and grains and do regular cleanses and fast you may stir up a lot of stuff if you have very genetically weak kidneys, or kidneys that have been badly damaged from high protein diets in the past…. even though I was a vegetarian most my life I drank a lot of milk, ate cheese and tofu , nuts, grains, alcohol, chocolate and legumes where my staple diet. Don’t be put off by this “HEALING CRISIS” just focus on getting your Kidneys to filter…


I have found that too much fasting too quickly and too many yo yo clean periods and then binges can shock the system and create Edema from steering up a lot of stuff while your still struggling with turning on digestion, absorption, elimination and utilization. This is why transitioning affectively is very important…. as well as consistency when reaching the high levels of being in a 100% RAW FOOD DIET. 


ONE CONTRIVERSAL THING I LEARNT, WAS TO STOP DRINKING SO MUCH WATER and introduce dry fasting in to your health routine. Read more here:  How much water is good for you, and why you should never take it with food?

Edema is serious and can build up into the lungs and drown you. Please focus on getting your kidneys to filter through your nutrition, exercise, mediation and fasting. If your kidneys are in very bad shape like mine, and you don’t get them to filter then your Edema could get worse, and this will only put more ware and tare on your Kidneys and Adrenal Glands. The Adrenal Glands sit on the Kidneys and control them, so if they do not function well and your stressed….then you won’t get good kidney filtration ether.



If you have Edema and you’re still eating a very acidic cooked high protein diet….you’re only going to damage your kidneys even more and create more of a problem in the future when you transition over to a healthy high fruit raw food diet. START NOW!


The best thing you can do for your body is to stop consuming and eating  animals, grains, beans, starches, alcohol and dairy products. Your kidneys are the most import eliminative organ to remove metabolic waste, mucus and acids from the lymphatic system. The kidneys are the exit valves to empty the septic tank. The kidneys hate proteins, cooked and acid forming foods and can’t eliminate there waste when there being damaged by these neurotoxins on a daily bases. 

Still drink coffee?. . .’oh just the one’ THINK AGAIN. . .

Kidneys love fruits, vegetables, and herbs as they leave little to no metabolic waste….the kidneys can function optimally when your eating a diet that creates a highly alkaline and hydrated environment. When you eat this way you do not need extra water, your fruits are high in water contents and you often drink green juices too. Water will just add to your Edema and slow your healing down. 

I am still on this path to heal my Edema but I know when its’ better my kidneys filter and when it stops and returns I have dabbled in too many starches, nuts, seeds, fats and the odd cooked foods. I have been on this journey for a few years and I no longer like the effects of following my taste buds over my natural diet!

Hannah  x x

Starch cravings and why kids under 5 should not eat starches…

If  you have to cook a food in order to digest it…it is not suitable for your body. Every animal in nature eats their food raw by natural design. Humans are not an exception. The human anatomy is not designed to consume food that has to be cooked. We are frugivores so we are designed for fresh ripe fruits in there raw and natural state.

But people can and have survive of these foods and live long life’s when fire came in and they needed too…. and they thrive more then someone consuming animal products BUT OUR SENSTIVE KIDS NEED ADVANCED NUTRTION TO UNLOCK THEM AND REMOVE TOXINS. I can recommend using starches in the evening meals only while transitioning to this lifestyle and or would also consider a few steamed sweet potatoes pr pumpkin for someone extremely toxic during a detox to slow it down considerably if the die off was too much. The body is designed for simple sugars found in fructose not complex sugars. Complex sugars found in starchy foods, leave behind a lot of metabolic waste and create a sticky gluey like substance in the bowel wall that blocks absorption an coats the villi. This creates mucoid plaque. Starches like root vegetables and grains are also fungal promoting foods and fermentation causes candida overgrowth in the body and SIBO.

Children before there immune system has been strengthened should not eat starches and any child who has compromise gut should avoid starches. 

There is a good reason why someone who goes on a 100% raw food diet starts to crave starchy foods. When someone craves starchy foods like potatoes, breads, rice and flour products on a detox program it’s because they’re pulling on fungal beds and the parasites are trying to survive. These microbes and parasites are dying and they have consciousness like any other living beings. They eat and waste in our bodies and they crave these foods badly so they could survive. Whenever you get cravings for these foods it’s most likely because candida is getting out of control because of fermentation…..or it’s because there struggling to survive and are dying. The best way to overcome these cravings is to be consistent on a raw food diet and never cheat (I know how hard that is)…that’s why eating high fruit will help you. If you want to get these cravings under control while you detox you can look into a juice cleanse to flush out your bowels for 3-14 days. Also take a good anti-parasitic herbal formula or homeopathy to kill of the parasites and candida while you detox the lymphatic system. The root cause of this problem the majority of the time is because the adrenal glands are not functioning properly and they are responsible for sugar metabolism. If your not metabolizing fruit sugar well you have really bad adrenal function, and most likely tons of candida overgrowth in your body. So the main focus is to try and encourage adrenal gland function with fruits, fasting, detoxification and meditation as STRESS plays a massive part. When the adrenal glands start to function again then your blood sugar should come back in balance and you won’t ferment your sugars…. candida will balance out in the body and the cravings for starches will cease to exist. I PROMISE YOU…I can now go to a bread ship or cakes stand and not feel any urge to eat it….I still crave cooked sweet potatoes from time to time as die off happens.

If you have high fungus and sulphur in your body and your eating root veggies and other starches then your going to have a lot of trouble metabolizing complex sugars vs fruit sugars…thus you will have massive amounts of candida issues. Even veggies will be more difficult then fruits. Fruits are the best option for detoxification, sugar metabolism issues and getting to the root problem. Fixing the adrenal glands that are responsible for the metabolism of sugars will resolve the blood sugar fermentation issue.

I find using dried fruits to transition from comforting starchy foods helps and eating bananas as they fill you up…

If you are ready to make these step contact me today!


Detoxification…how do you detox and why should you?

Detoxification is a popular word and it’s often used in the wrong way and made popular from companies exploiting detoxing through shakes powders and systems that don’t really detox the body they just suppress or stimulate the symptoms.

Detoxing simple means cleanse or to clean!

Each and every night you go to sleep your body detoxes and you cleanse the waste from your body though your GI tract, your stools, your kidneys, your skin and your lungs and while your body sleeps or rest not through most foods you eat. This confuses people as they eat ‘detoxing foods’…there are foods that can help give your body nutrients and build healthy cells…but it is not the food that detoxes the body it is the lymphatic system and when the body is in a resting repair state.

In our lifestyle nowadays we are all so toxic and backed up and find cleansing the body harder and harder. Each cell all trillion of them excretes waste within your body and that has to be removed, if this is not possible the body becomes acidic.  And when we eat acidic foods and excessively work out and have negative thoughts we produce an very acidic environment and this has to be buffered through the blood.

When you stop consuming acid ash and mucus forming foods the body will start the detoxification cycle, and you will experience symptoms of discomfort. These acids dehydrate the body and burn the vital tissues, glands and organs causing them to fall into dysfunction, creating the symptoms we suffer with and the whole medical system and pharmaceutical industry is based around…

We have 2 fluids in the body the blood and the lymph fluid. If the lymph is not moving and the body has lots of acid it becomes damaged or burned and the kidney get damaged and the body send you signals like skin issues, asthma, colds, flu, pain, poor eyes sight, headaches and then if you don’t listen….cancers. That was just my whole life there!!

So we are all so constipated and backed up with toxins and it expresses it self in your everyday symptoms. All diseases are an over burden waste system and all disease and symptoms need to be treated in exactly the same way…HOW? Detox the body, clean it out to allow it to repair by it self.



Why are we so toxic? Our thoughts, the food we eat the lifestyle we have…we come in to contact with toxins each and everyday!!

So how do you detox?

  • Stop harming your body with acid practices
  • Stop putting in toxic unnatural foods
  • Stop allowing negative thoughts to run your life
  • Stop negative relationships
  • Regular weekly saunas
  • High fruit low fat eating
  • Gentle exercise to move your lymphatic system
  • Fasting and water and juice cleanses
  • Mediation

If it has an ingredient list – it has been processed don’t put it in your body SIMPLE!

We must digest the food we consume, we must absorb the foods we consume, we must utilize the foods we consume, and we must eliminate the foods we consume.

 So the only food that can help pull waste and mucus from your body is fruit….nothing else just raw ripe fruit or juice. Why, because it is easy to digest and doesn’t cause an acid ash waste in the body. So when you stop digesting the body can actually heal…

Even vegetables and greens are not pulling detoxing foods they are building foods and will slow down the detoxification process BUT THEY ARE NOT HARMFUL JUST SLOW IT DOWN.

So to be a real detox cleanse it has to be through either:



Water fast WHICH TURNS OFF DIGESTION COMPLETELY so you can have 100% energy for healing and eating up damaged cells.

Or a Dry fast which I won’t talk about here but you can contact me about.

There are ways to take the pressure of the system and improve your health but to get real detoxing at an intense level it has to be taking the pressure of the body to allow the body to rest and repair… so NO shake powders, nutritional super powders or detox bar will do that.  

So the ideal is to move between a healthy eating lifestyle low in fat and high in fruits and greens… and then do periods of deep cleaning where the digestive tract is not engage and all the blood can go to the brain and to healing and you build up to that with guidance from myself.

If you want to detox the body the fats must be low or completely out for that time. Especially if you’re eating high fruits. Our Autistic kids need higher fats for there brains but there are ways to still detox them safely.

So lets re cap the body detoxes constantly on it’s own and especially at night so keeping your eating window to maximum 6-7 hours is key. But you must take the pressure of so it can eat up the damaged cells remove the mucus and filter the kidneys.

Foods that will stop you detoxing are:

  • Meats
  • Grains
  • Packaged foods
  • Oils of all types
  • Supplements and Isolates
  • Starches
  • Sugars
  • Spices
  • Caffeines and Cacaos
  • Spices
  • High Fats
  • High protein
  • Cooked foods (will slow you down)

Why no oils in detoxing?

Because they stop the simple sugars from fruit reaching the cells causing debates. That fruit then ferments and causing gas bloating rashes and exhaustion.

Once you have detoxified and are clean add the healthy fats back in.

When you are not detoxing properly and you are still added mucus forming foods in and negative thoughts and environmental toxins the mucus get produces to protect the body, and it lines the intestines and builds up in the ear nose and throat area and lungs and when that putrefies.. it feeds parasites yeast and fungus…for example dairy and meat turns to pus within the body and just feed parasites.

 Fruit is the only foods that can go through the system without cause damage and eliminate easily with all the nutrients we need carbs, protein and minerals and fats.

Pyramid To Health

 So when you start detoxing what do you expect?

When you start to pull out the obstructions such as acids, mucus, proteins plaques, parasites, fungus, sulfur, worms, chemicals, and mucoid plaque you will experience cleansing reactions. Don’t be alarmed when having these healing crisis’s because once these toxic obstructions come out of the body you can start to heal. The body must break down to a remarkable degree in order to rebuild itself up again.

The cleansing process can range from very light with just a running nose and minor coughing to heavy, with deep bronchial and lung expectoration. Or/and rashes, headaches, old symptoms arising that you may have overcome, emotions, old patterns arising, behaviours, aches and pains…

These are what we call cold and flue like symptoms. The body wants to eliminate as much toxic Terran it can. The body will often feel weak and achy, but these are good signs that the body is starting to heal itself. this is when it is vital you do not suppress the detox with cooked foods or mediaction.

Aches and pains are common during detoxification. Remember acids in creates pain and acids out will create pain too. Pain is a result of acidosis that has created inflammation. Pain also develops when there are blockages locked in the body.

Pain will show itself wherever there are weaknesses in the body. Most of these pains will last from a few hours to a few weeks or in some cases longer.

Sounds horrid right! Why would you go through that?  

Because 3-7 years of detoxing and cleaning the body will stop you getting diseases and sickness as you get older and stop the playing out of family diseases playing out!


I have been on this raw lifestyle for a while and only after that time and feeling amazing did I go into deep healing and cleansing and some symptoms have come back as they come up and out of my body and others have stayed away but each cleanse I get healthier and closer to my idea health goals. So I go through the sore eyes and the headaches and the longer fasts to get the goals I want. And I hold in my mind that I want to be healthier in my 40’s than in my 20’s and that I will age with health and vitality!

And my worst detox weeks I am still better off than my best unhealthy weeks!

Why we should DETOX?

Because you owe it to yourself and the next generation!!

Try my ‘Vitality Detox Cleanse’ for 2 weeks then contact me to go further and take back your health!!

E-Books Hannah  x x


These things WILL STOP you healing and creating true health in your life….cut them out and see how AMAZING your body can feel…
  • fried oils
  • oils including olive oil and coconut oil
  • animal products
  • rancid denatured foods
  • roasted seeds and nuts
  • charred meats and vegetables
  • metal fillings except gold
  • dietary irritants: salt, pepper, vinegar, chiles, cayenne, oregano, curry, onion, radishes, garlic, mustard
  • caffeinated beverages: coffees, tea, energy drinks, colas and sodas
  • polluted air
  • chlorinated water
  • fluoridated water
  • waking up by an alarm clock
  • going to be too late
  • cleaning chemicals and home toxins
  • toxic toiletries and self care products and hair dyes
  • excessive exercise beyond your exhaustion level
  • excessive sex
  • excessive work
  • lack of recreation and relaxation
  • worrying and over thinking
  • fear
  • anger
  • resentment
  • disempowering negative beliefs
  • rushing
  • not chewing your food
  • excessive stress
  • noise pollution
  • electromagnetic radiation
  • wifi
  • drugs
  • supplements, synthetic powders and minerals…drinks and meal replacements (Isagenix, Hebalife or AdvoCare life ect)
  • medications
  • alcohol
  • marijuana (not CBD oil)
  • disharmonious difficult relationships
  • self-loathing
  • lack of exercise
  • poor posture
  • sitting too long
  • over-eating or binging
  • poor food combining
  • poor food sequencing
  • cooked fats
  • excessive fat above 10 % of your nutrition plan
  • excessive protein beyond 10 % of your nutrition plan
  • excessive cooked food
  • insufficient raw fruits and vegetables
  • white refined flours and products made from them
  • white sugars and processed syrups and products made from them
  • snacks / junk foods / packaged foods

Green Detox Smoothie


Is DETOXING with food possible?


Detoxification of damaged cells and removing mucus, plague and rejuvenating organs takes sleep, no pressure on the body or digestion tract, clean water, a clean environment and TIME.

Foods like greens and fruit, melons and berries can help you do this but it’s not the food that detoxifies your body it’s the rest and sleep and introducing fasting where there’s no pressure on the body so it can use all the energy to HEAL. But the food you put in can HELP or HINDER this process i.e. either add to the toxic load or be easy to digest and help pull crap out of the body. Greens are one of the best way to remove toxins, heavy metals and chemical from your body dislodging them and allowing your body to pass them out on its own when you rest.

But only certain foods from nature help to heal the body. These are; fruit, berries, melons, greens, clean water, green juices, coconut water and young tender baby vegetables and sprouts! * Nuts, legumes and seeds and other vegetables and starches do not detoxify the body. I’m not saying they are bad for the body either but they are building foods not drawing foods.

This is a great way to start the journey to detoxing your body…replace your breakfast with this smoothie.


To make this:

Makes enough for 2-3

• 6 medium Bananas fresh or frozen.
• 4 sticks Celery.
• 1 medium Cucumber.
• 1/2 head lettuce.
• 1/2 cup of fresh coriander
• 1/2 cup Sunflower Sprouts.
• 1/4 cup fresh Broccoli Sprouts or 1/4 tsp Broccoli Sprout juice powder.
• 1 tsp Hawaiian Spirulina.
• 1 tbs Barley Grass juice powder.
• 1 tsp Chlorella juice powder.
• 60 ml Aloe Vera juice and

• 1 drop of cilantro essential oil.




If your kids are new to greens and smoothies start here:How to get your child drinking and loving ‘Green Smoothies’ . . . and Getting your child to drink green juices!



Try my heavy metal detox smoothie too: Heavy metal detox buster!

Heavy Metal Detox Buster!

Heavy metals play havoc on the body and we all have too many in our bodies with the world we live in. but if you have a gene mutation like MTHFR or Pyllora you will find detoxing much harder than most. But don’t worry a raw vegan living foods lifestyle will give you the key!

This is my secret weapon to help remove toxins, heavy metals and supporting the nervous system of my boys. The combination of barley grass, greens, aloe vera and blueberries are powerful in removing heavy metals and toxins from the body.


To make this:

Makes enough for 3 or 4 💜
1 lg cup frozen Blueberries.
6 medium Bananas.
4 sticks Celery.
1 medium Cucumber.
1/2 head lettuce.
1/2 cup Sunflower Sprouts.
1/4 cup fresh Broccoli Sprouts or 1/4 tsp Broccoli Sprout powder.
1 tsp Hawaiian Spirulina juice powder.
1 tbs Barley Grass juice powder.
1 tsp Chlorella powder.
60 ml Aloe Vera juice.
1 tbs Acia powder and 1 drop cilantro essential oil.


Up to 1 litre of Coconut Water depending on your liking for texture.
Blended till smooth and eaten within 10 minutes for maximum impact.
Incorporating this smoothie into your families diet daily or at least every other day will help detoxify the metals from your bodies along side lots of greens and ripe fruit. I suggest building up slowly to this powerful smoothie especially using Broccoli Sprout powder. An adaptation to this is removing the bananas and adding in the powerful kiwi fruit!! Properties of fruit – Natures SUPERFOODS not from a packet!


Try my green detox smoothie too: Green Detox Smoothie

Enjoy cleaning your body in the tastiest way!


DIGESTION TIME OF VARIOUS FOODS: This is approximately the time spent in the stomach before emptying into the intestines and bowels.

Pure Distilled Filtered Water is Alkaline.

When the stomach is empty, it leaves immediately and goes into intestines.
Cold Pressed Juices is Alkaline

Fruit, vegetables, vegetable broth – 15 to 20 minutes.
Semi-liquid is Alkaline.

Blended smoothies and salads, vegetables or fruits – 20 to 30 minutes.
Fruits is Alkaline.

Watermelon – 20 minutes.
Other melons – cantaloupe, honeydew etc. – 30 minutes.
Apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, plums, persimmons, papaya, pawpaw, grapes, cherries, berries etc.- 40 minutes.
Fruits is Acidic

Orange, lemons, limes, strawberries, blueberries, grapefruit – 30 minutes.
Raw Vegetables is Alkaline.

Raw salads and vegetables – tomato, lettuces, cucumber, celery, red or green pepper, other succulent vegetables – 30 to 40 minutes.
Steamed or cooked vegetables without oil is Alkaline.

Leafy vegetables, spinach, kale, greens etc.- 40 minutes.
Zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, string beans, yellow squash, corn on cob – 45 minutes.
Steamed or cooked vegetables with oil is Acidic.
Leafy vegetables, spinach, kale, greens etc. – 65 minutes.
Zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, string beans, yellow squash, corn on cob – 70 minutes.
Cooked root vegetables without oil Alkaline.

Not recommended to roast in oil (Oil slows digestion).

Carrots, beets, parsnips, turnips etc. – 50 minutes.
Cooked root vegetables with oil is Acidic.

Not recommended to roast in oil  (Oil slows digestion).
Carrots, beets, parsnips, turnips etc. – 1hr 15 minutes.
Semi-Concentrated Carbohydrates (Starches) is Alkaline.

Not recommended to roast in oil (Oil slows digestion).

Artichokes, butternut squashes, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, chestnuts – 60 minutes.
Concentrated Carbohydrates – Grains is Acidic.

Really not recommended for good digestion.
Brown rice, millet, buckwheat, cornmeal, oats – 90 minutes.
Legumes & Beans is Acidic

Not recommended for good digestion, but in moderation in good combinations can be tolerated especially when sprouted.
Lentils, lima beans, chickpeas, yellow peas, kidney beans, etc. – 90 minutes.
Soy beans – 120 minutes.
Seeds & Nuts is Alkaline.

In moderation in good combinations.
Seeds, sunflower, hemp seeds, pumpkin, pepitas, sesame – 2 hours.
Nuts, Almonds, macadamias, peanuts (raw), cashews, brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans etc. – 2 1/2 to 3 hours.
Raw Fats is Alkaline

In moderation in good combinations.
Avocado, coconut, nut butters – 3 hours.
Cooked or extracted fats is Acidic.

Really not recommended for good digestion
Trans fats, olive oils, coconut oil, butter, canola oil, rice bran oil, rapeseed oil etc. – 6 hours.
Dairy Acidic

Really not recommended for good digestion
Skim milk, soft cheese, low fat pot cheese or ricotta – 90 minutes.
Whole milk soft cheese – 120 min.
Whole milk hard cheese – 4 to 5 hours.
Animal proteins is Acidic.

Really not recommended for good digestion
Whole egg – 45 min.
Fish, cod, snapper, flounder, sole, seafood ect. – 30 minutes.
Fish – salmon, salmon trout, herring, (more fatty fish) – 45 to 60 minutes.
Chicken – 11/2 to 2 hours (without skin).
Turkey – 2 to 2 1/4 hours (without skin).
Beef, lamb – 3 to 4 hours.
Pork – 41/2 to 5 hours.
Animal proteins is Alkaline when eaten alone.

Egg yolk – 30 minutes.
Remember this is leaving your stomach. These foods can sit in your colon for up to 4 days if your digestion is not good or you have poor food combinations, especially meat. For the best digestion choose easy to digest foods and in the right combinations.

HEALING symptoms associated with AUTISM is POSSIBLE – steps of how I did it and how you can too!

I am not a doctor and these are guidelines and practices to which I have followed to heal my sons. Please consult your Doctor or Naturopath before trying any of these. Ok that out the way . . . we need to get the message out that many cases The symptoms associated with Autism can be reversed especially vaccine related Autism!!

Why does one child get vaccinated and presents with Autism and another is “fine”?

The gut micro-biome holds the key…asthma, ear infections, colic, croup, food allergies, sensory processing and skin conditions are all ‘pre’ autism symptoms. What do I mean by that? Well they are signs the gut and brain is under pressure and that anything can push the body over the edge – vaccines, a poor diet, stress in the home, a trauma ect. Even if it doesn’t push the body to displaying autism symptoms, you can see a life of illness ahead leading to auto-immune issues and eventually cancers ect….everything is connected and the body tries to show you it’s under pressure. We must learn to listen and stop allowing society to tell us these are normal childhood illnesses.

THEY ARE BLOODY WELL NOT! They are signs of a toxic body under pressure. . .

Autism like any illness  or disease is a collection of symptoms that shows the body needs to detoxify. You detoxify the body, the symptoms drop away and the body returns to health. It is that simple!

Autism is separate to personalty or family traits and no amount of detoxifying the body can change personalty -this is about removing daily symptoms that affect your child’s life.

If your open and prepared to heal your child of the symptoms that come with Autism, ADHD or Learning Difficulties or yourself of any Disease or Cancer you need to work on ALL of these things with dedication and with faith;

• Removing and cleansing the body of parasites, viruses, candida overgrowths, yeast overgrowths and worms by alkalising the body through a vegan plant based diet high in raw living foods and using natural tools like zeolite, broccoli sprouts, barley grass powder, cell food, herbs, clays, detox smoothies and greens and many more even cannabis oil.
• Removing heavy metals from the organs and blood through chelation, either with foods alone like detox smoothies or and green juices or natural herbs or homeopathy or all together.
• Work on deficiencies within the cells and use foods to replace them and homeopathy.
• Nourish the body with real whole foods ONLY, taking the pressure of the gut and nervous system.
• Remove strictly ALL grains, dairy, high cooked foods like crackers, muffins, cookies, breads and biscuits void of nutrients (even gluten free ones and homemade), sugars (even natural ones like honey), salt, coffee, oils, chocolate and cacao, synthetic supplements, powders and processed foods.
• Work on re-wiring the brain and calming the nervous system through meditation, sound healing, music, light healing, early interventions, positive affirmations, Reiki, energy work, massage, osteopaths, Son Rise programs, unconditional love and acceptance and the right environment at home and school with the right people around them.
• Remove toxins from the home and any environment they are in, and from all body products too.
• Remove WiFi from the home (use broad brand plug in only) and get an EMF reading done and mould removed, and smart meter protection or have it removed.
• Install a whole house reverse osmosis safe water system.
• Remove all plastics from the kitchen and make sure your kitchen ware is safe and toxic free and lead free.
• Hold belief in the power of the body and it’s healing capabilities, learning to get out the way and let it heal… i.e. stop sabotaging it with “treats” and let it do it’s thing.
• Repair vaccine damage if they were vaccinated by homeopathy and nutrition.
• Remove ALL videos, TV and iPads that stop the brain rewiring and being calm, instead moving to nature, high vibrational music, art, crafts, journaling, yoga, Qigong and games that involve imagination to build up the right hand brain.
• Surround your family in a high vibration and with high vibrational people to help elevate the damaged cells in frequency.
• Allow time to heal and have faith!
• Self care and self love is important for the parents and carers too 💙 you can not heal your child without caring for yourself first and the energy you project effects the child directly.
• Unite as a family and ALL get involved with diet changes and lifestyle changes. You will see this as a blessing to heal you all soon.

It’s never one thing that heals the body but a collection of approaches and mediums. . . and time!


If you would like me to coach and guide you through these changes that have done myself with my family, please contact me here for one of my packages: have stood where you are now and my experience can help you to not fall in ahead as I did and make very expensive mistakes. Please join my Webinar to hear my top 3 secrets and hear how I did it and how you can to!

Or join my 8 week program to start this joinery NOW! Learn more here:

Blessings Hannah 🦋