
Finding God As An Atheist Trapped in Spirituality!

I feel there is a confusion that must be addressed to progress humanities growth.
The confusion and misinterpretation of the word “God”.
We connect this triggering word too
religion and even spirituality. That’s why I once physically felt sick using the word, and would never enter a church. It brought up such rage and judgement in me. I concluded to use the word God or believe in God. I must be religious, in a cult or simply nuts.

However now I feel it’s our disconnection to our Divine creator and the misunderstanding of the word God…that is why we are in such a state in our World, living so far out of love. We have let dark Spirits influence us for thousands of years. The world is run from violence, cruelty, lies, greed, anger, lust, jealousy, judgement, consumerism, over indulgence, power, and mismanaged. We live outside our means as islands not in community. Most importantly not in love, from love and even understand what true love is. We think we know what love is. I’ve learned recently I thought I did. However I did not. I am in my infancy to understanding the faith, gravitas and meaning of love.
Since I have made peace with the word God and learnt it’s origins. I have started a relationship with God and it has started to shift my life. My relationships and my reality.

I had to break down my triggers with the word and even saying “I have a relationship with God”. To see my own abandonment of Divines Love.
The word God once came from an Old English word, which itself is derived from the Proto-Germanic *ǥuđán, ghut. Which means “The good is invoked within”. The word arose in the proto-Germanic era, which would place it around 500 BCE, at the start of the Iron Age. So the word “God” is about 2,500 years old. Jesus in that time of a strong religious hold on the people he tried to free people from… did not use the word God they used… ‘Yahweh’ which roughly translates to ‘being good’.
God does not mean religion. Nor is it exclusive to religion. In fact religion is in many cases far from loving and good. It is used to invoke control, power and fear. And justify very unloving practices. As can some spiritual beliefs be.

Nor is the word God relating to a “person”… more an almightily Soul, our creator mother father. A path to follow by following his ways. To be a good loving kind truthful person while alive, and to live a life of Divine Love. Then when in Spirit form continue that relationship to continue you as the Souls, growth. God is an entity in the highest of Dimensions that is a great advance Soul of completion who is everything and can be within everyone who chooses. We can become at-one with him through our faith and actions in alignment to Divine Love. Through our understanding we are a Soul not anything else. That this in the start of our journey here on Earth.

Religion is a set of rules, regulations, and rituals created by humans influences by dark Spirts, who both want control over human growth, and too control the Spirit World from growth. Religion has aways been about corruption, greed of wealth and resources, politics and diverseness…. and the tool for power over others. Keeping people believing God punishes and judges. That we are depraved, sinful, and subservient. Fearing his wrath. Divisiveness and judgement against other religions. Shame on those who no don’t follow that religion. Religions are based on a misinterpretation of Jesus and great philosophers true channeled teachings from God. Swayed and twisted and rewritten to the gains of a select elite few.
These dark spirits that influence the select few… have us living in lust, fear, diverseness, in a lack of faith and inner connection to the Divine and under their control. All brainwashing started with religion for thousands of years. Now they still use religion, even atheism and science…however it’s now also through media, social media, Hollywood, entertainment, celebrities, music, gaming and TV.
And through spirituality…

Spirituality however, is seen as a way of life, and often used to free one from religion or atheism. But it can also be restrictive in true faith too. Also dogmatic and controlling. And also a misunderstanding of God the entity, misinterpreting God as simply an energy within us all, not our Creator a great Soul we can become at-one with through living a loving path. Some teachings of spirituality is a way that Dark Spirits can slow humanities growth, deceive us and not receive the true wisdom of the universe. Not allowing for higher Souls growth through the higher spheres (dimensions). Religions and often spiritual beliefs can cap our Souls growth.

Therefore not allowing true Divine Love to accelerate our Souls growth.
Why? Because so many Spiritual ways are still UNLOVING. Keeping us on a hamster wheel of fixing ourselves and others, solving from the 3D perspective and blaming others for our traumas. Justifying bad unloving actions in the name of free will. Thinking we are all God so thus justifying unloving actions without radical responsibility. Seeking outside of self. Disconnecting from God as our Creator. Ripping ourselves apart, constantly not enough… seeking to be better, and loosing our individuality in the misinterpretation of Oneness. A misinterpretation of body ~soul ~ spirit. Rather than a Soul with a spirt body and a temporary physical body… all connected to our great Spirit God and Divinity.

Although we feel they are loving practices or pure Light, as I did. We can use them to justify unloving practices, as I did. So many false Light or New Age spiritual practices keep us away from the truth of Our Creator, and the truths of the universe. Keeping us from radical responsibility to stand up and change the world… starting with living from PURE TRUE DIVINE LOVE. In Gods absolute truth.

God to me means living a loving, kind, truthful, humble path of trying each day not in inflict harm, violence and cruelty on another. To not project my emotions and unmet needs on to others. To not sacrifice myself or act unloving to self. To take ownership of my emotions and to feel truly my blocks/pains/trauma/birth traumas/patterns/circuits/ to release unloving ways. To become ‘at-one’ and live with Gods Universal Laws.

I am far from that, however I strive for this each day. Through the barometer of ‘Is that loving?’ ‘Is that love?’ ‘Am I acting from love?’ ‘How is my unloving actions a projection onto another?’

When I am not true love. I restore and try to change that through radical ownership. This is Soul growth for the betterment for humanity and my family.
That is my journey with myself. Not with a cult or religion or movement or set of rules. Although the only rule “Law” is of Divine Love.
My relationship with God. An entity that is complete in Love and Soul union hence him/her. That as soon as I connected too and opened up to receive her love. I understood my path ahead. My relationship grows as I feel his love and live more and more from her example.

Not a man in the sky, not a judging, punishing, scorning, righteous creation of religion and dark forces we retract from and fear, or believe we can never become connected with because we are not good enough, not sinless enough in his eyes.
God is our Creator Mother ~ Father who created a path back to her, which is to live a loving true life, in harmony with Nature’s Laws. In harmony with Universal Laws. To feel our Soul and to live through our Soulful Self removing the barrage of pain, trauma, density and blocks that prevents that. To let love in, have faith in a higher path ahead of us. Live from truth and humility. To pass on Divine wisdom and truth to others. To live in love for all of our Brothers and Sisters and all beings and creatures. Without harming another.

To work on our triggers and lack of faith around the word and our path of spirituality.

The word Spirituality means to have recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than self as a physical body. Something more to being human than sensory experiences, and that the greater whole of which we are apart of, is cosmic and divine in nature. An opening of the heart is an essential aspect of true spirituality and a path to God.

Learn more about Divine Truth from AJ’s website and youtube channel.

With Love Hannah x x

God is all loving all forgiving an ultimate Soul!

Religions would have you believe God is wrathful and not forgiving unless you scarce yourself or offer to him or do magical things. This is not true! Religion is man made, channeled through mans filters and wounds and twisted to gain power. The bible and books of religion hold good parts but are not the true word of God.

•God doesn’t fight battles for you
•God doesn’t create wars & suffering
•God doesn’t heal the world
•God doesn’t heal you
•God doesn’t punish you
•God doesn’t judge you
•God loves you even when you do not love her or know her
•God doesn’t teach you through lessons that hurt
•God doesn’t create obstacles & challenges for you to overcome
•God doesn’t cause you pain
•God doesn’t heal your sickness
•God doesn’t ignore you when you ignore him

•You create the wars & world problems (we all played our part collectively)
•You create your pain
•You create your challenges & obstacles via your law of attraction
•You create the earth to hurt
•You can heal yourself
•You can help the Earth
•You can hear God when you choose too
•You can change your reality
•You can ask for God to guide you
•You can open yourself up to receive Gods love
•You can use Gods love to change your life

When we all collectively change our Earth & world will change. When you decide to change & open to healing. Your reality will change.

No one…even God will save you. Fix you. Heal you. God didn’t create the mess we are in with violence, murder, aggression, suppression, criminal vaccinations & medical systems, child abuse, torture, theft, animal abuse, greed, over working, banking, slavery, toxic air/soil/food/water ect

You did, I did. We did. By our actions & thoughts & what we allow others to do. What we support. Our fears. Our acceptance of this reality. From our lack of connection to our creator & nature & our natural ways.

Do not blame God. Take radical responsibility & become the change you want to see. By creating your own reality to be more loving & in alignment to natures laws. That ripple creates waves.

God created Free Will. We took his gifts of this Earth abundant in resources & fruits & plants to eat. Our ability to love all & hear her voice & be guided to become our best selves. We created this current reality instead. God will not fix it…she will guide us how we can change our reality. If we listen! If we are ready to drop our façades & addictions.

Learn more from the Divine Truth website and YouTube.

Love Hannah x x