Choosing Gods Path. The Time Is NOW!
Now is the time to ask for Gods Love. To open yourselves up too the Divine Love & Pure Light that’s on offer, that birthed you into creation as a Soul. To move away from the limitations of mans Natural Love & the addictions, lures & pains we have been trapped in on Earth, in such low Soul conditions. Keeping us stagnant in Soul growth. Trapped by unloving practices. Justifying our unloving actions.
Natural Love is generated from within us & will only takes you so far (6 spheres out of 33). We are in a mid to low dimension in the 1st sphere on Earth. Depending on how in alignment to love you are. Natural love gifts us some intellectual understanding of the universe, metaphysical experiences & some creations. Having a love for self & others. Yet still able to ascend without true unconditional love & still partaking in unloving practices. Also not knowing the powerful love of God. Either believing you are a God or God doesn’t exist, or God is punishing or the only way to God is through Jesus or religion, or swallowing a Bible, or God is an energy or God is the universe.
God created the Source energy life force, & is love & created the universe & all beings. He is not all beings. We are his creations. All connected through the essence of her life force.
Divine Love, which is the love Gods gifts to anyone who asks & longs for it. Brings a true connection & a relationship to God. It will gift you mortality, peace & true universal wisdom & enlightenment (to the 33rd sphere & above).
This path will close soon & only those who have let Gods love in, will keep ascending beyond the 6th sphere. Nothing bad will happen if you don’t choose the narrow path less walked. You will just not fully experience who we were created to become. To be at one with God knowing her plans and infinite potential & gifts. To experience true union of Divine Love with your Soulmate. It’s simply Free Will. A choice to open to Gods teachings & ultimate unconditional love.
I choose love. I found my relationship with the entity God, our Creator Mother Father. My wisdom expanded, my eyes opened, my life changed, my future set on course. My healing journey just begun.
With love Hannah x x