
Everyone MUST eat these!

No matter what your diet; raw, cooked, high fruits, low fruits, flesh eater, keto or junk fhoods eater. Everyone can benefit from these 4 foods being in your diet & daily.

Al-fal-fa” translates as “the father of all foods.” Broccoli sprouts have sulforaphane, a powerful phytochemical found in cruciferous vegetables in a concentrated dose.
Sprouts also reduce the potency of “anti-nutrients” which are the phytochemicals plants produce to discourage animals, including humans, from eating them. Antinutrients lower the absorption of other nutrients in the digestive system. Eating sprouts with all meals aids in digestion. Eating young sprouted plants & micro greens hold phytates, which decrease as the plant matures. In turn, there are more antioxidants and bioavailability of nutrients in the sprouts than the grown vegetable or legume, & more bioavailable. Sprouts are rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, B vitamins, & magnesium.

Sea vegetables are a rich source of nutrients that are easily absorbed. They are full of vitamins & minerals that are naturally found in the ocean like potassium, calcium, magnesium, & iron. They are also a good source of antioxidants. Wonderful for growing brains or adult exhausted brains. Also these plants are high in B12, due to synergistic bacteria living inside the plant if eaten raw & unprocessed.

Edible Marine Algae, or Macroalgae are a brilliant way to oxygenate the cells. This is different from freshwater algae, like Chlorella or Spirulina (which also have great health benefits.) Phytoplankton is a great source. They contain many different lipids, vitamins, minerals & essential nutrients, including omega-3 DHA, EPA & Vitamin B12, & essential amino acids. These microalgae are also the only known natural vegan source of omega-3 long-chain fatty acids (EPA & DHA).

Leafy green vegetables are nutrient powerhouses. They’re also good sources of fibre, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, beta carotene, B-vitamins, magnesium, potassium, iron & calcium. I really recommend eating healthy fats like avocado with greens. Green leafy vegetables are more bioavailable with fatty acids as the are fat soluble. Meaning avocado & dark leafy greens are the secret to unlocking all there individual goodness when paired together. Add lemon juice & the vitamin C unlocks even more from the greens & aids in digestion for the avocado.

What True Human Nutrition Is!

We here the term “real” food….or “whole” food often when people talk of nutrition.

However most are very confused on what TRUE REAL nutrition actually is. Everyone’s a nutritionist these days without any training or understanding of how the body truly works…how the body detoxifies, and what nutrients it needs to function optimally. After reading a few books or watching a few videos.

Although it is rather simple, we want to over complicate it. And often so many mis-truths, agendas and fades get us confused.

Let me break it down.

WHOLE FOOD = food in its natural raw state completely unprocessed grown from the ground or picked from a tree or bush. For example an apple picked from the tree and eaten skin, flesh and all. Not sliced and baked or boiled or deep fried or freeze dried or it’s juice or syrup extracted from another part. Foods like; fruits, vegetables, ocean vegetables, greens, nuts, herbs, seeds, legumes. NOT grains, flours, products made from flours, syrups, sugars, products, tofu’s, saitan, vegan fake meats, margarine’s, spreads, milks, crisps, baked goods, packet foods ect.

REAL FOOD = organic, natural, unhindered, non laboratory made, free from GMO’s, chemicals, preservatives, additives, E-numbers, MSG, sulphates, salts, flavourings, sugars, nano plastics or aborted foetal cells.

RAW ALIVE FOODS = plants, seeds, nuts, greens, fruits, legumes, herbs, ocean vegetables and vegetables that are edible eaten in there natural state as grown without any cooking, freezing or processing or seasoning needed. Any type of baking, browning, grilling, processing, frying or anything that changes the chemical structure of the plants…becomes a new chemical the body, which it cannot register or digest. These cooking processes create maillards, which are extremely addictive & cancer forming. Dehydrating or light steaming or cold pressed juicing or cold high speed blending can retain enzymes and the structure of the phytonutrients. Any food that can be eaten directly from the plant as a eat alone food. Ie an apple or a carrot or broccoli…vs biting down with your bare teeth into a cows bottom or lambs leg through the fur with the blood dripping down your face. Any food that is not edible or appealing raw is not human food and should be avoided or eaten sparsely. Ie eggplant, white potato, onions, garlic, salt, blooded flesh, eggs ect

MONO EATING = foods that can be eaten in plenty in their raw natural state ‘vs’ MEDICINAL EATING = foods that are beneficial in small doses and that have properties to enhance the bodies natural ability to heal. Like onions, garlic, herbs, roots, barks, leaves or spices. You couldn’t eat a meal of them nor would they give you complete nutrients and could be poison in high doses. Yet have there place in small amounts in human nutrition.

Hope that helps! Keep it simple eat raw fruits, vegetables, ocean vegetables, sprouts, seeds, nuts, greens and legumes.

ADDITIONALLY: germinating and sprouting legumes, seeds and nuts is optimal as these are hard foods for us to digest in large quantities, although they hold many benefits. This way we get optimal nutrition and digestion.

Remember WHOLE, ALIVE, REAL plants 🌱 gives us all our phytonutrients, amino acids, essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins we need.

With love
Hannah x x

Properties of fruit – Natures SUPERFOODS not from a packet!

We hear so much about superfoods and there is always a new berry or seed from a far away land packaged up ready to heal us! What about the common fruits you can get easily and eat every day?

Each fruit holds a different set of nutrients and can help you overcome deficiencies you may have or build you in areas you need. Learning to treat your body with these powerful packed goodies instead of supplements or pills or spending money on packaged super foods is the key to longevity, be it fertility, gut health, depression or removing heavy metals.

If I see a clients test results I work out how they can overcome these deficiencies  by adding in more of one fruit or more of a vegetable to build the body up. Once you learn to listen to your body and what it’s asking for you no longer have the need for supplements or crazy diets. And the body stops the addictive craving rollercoaster as really you listen to what it’s asking for and you start to grab natures powerful gifts . . . not the chocolate bar or coffee. . .

So I’ve broken it down as per the food combination chart Food combining and why is it essential for health!-chart.

Sweet Fruits.


Good for: crohn’s, colitis, adrenal fatigue, digestion, increases fat burning, autism and diabetes, lowers risk of colorectal and kidney cancer. Anti-viral properties.

Contains: potassium,  B6, vitamin C, B5, B2, folate, selenium, manganese, potassium, copper, magnesium.  And a B12 enhancing food.

A good fruit to eat with dates and sweet potatoes 2-3 days before your menstrual cycle to give you energy.


Good for: adrenal support, chronic fatigue, thyroid conditions, diabetes, SIBO, GERD, OCD, lung cancers, autism , ADHD, insomnia when eaten as the last meal, vertigo, edema, candida and anxiety.

Contains:  B5, B3, B2, beta carotene, copper, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, iron, fiber. And a B12 enhancing food.

I suggest eating these with greens for better absorption of the natural sugars and having some in your bag to stop cravings taking over you.


Good for: removing parasites, autism, ADHD, asthma, menopause, pylora, sinus and bad eyes sight issues, alzheimers, constipation, eczema, crohn’s, colitis, SIBO, highly alkaline, the skins have anti-septic properties, highly mineralised, a laxative, a intestinal cleanser

Contains: B1, B5, B6, beta carotene, calcium, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, calcium. And a B12 enhancing food.


Grape – (organic seeded varieties are best)

Good for:  heart and blood vitalisation, filtering the kidneys, keeps blood platelets from sticking together, osteoporosis, cancers (anti-cancer phytonutrients), varicose veins, inflammation, anemia and rheumatoid arthritis, detoxifying,  cleansing, hay fever and allergies, has anti-viral properties, Great for brain fog so make a great afternoon snack!

Contains: resveratrol, antioxidants, quercetin and other polyphenols, boron, high in iron, magnesium and boron.


Good for: a laxative, energy, building muscles and good for stress and for eye sight.

Contains: high in beta carotene, vitamin C, B2, B6.

Taste like every tropical fruit in one!

Mamey Sapote

Good for: gut health and diabetes.

Contains: anti bacterial properties, vitamin C and calcium.

Tastes like a sweeter sweet potato!


Sapote (black)

Good for: great for adrenal support.

Contains: high in vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus.

Tastes like a chocolate mouse!


Good for: cancers, fatty liver, heart conditions, respiratory conditions and adrenal support.

Contains: anti-microbial and anti-viral properties.

Taste sweet and tangy with a perfumed aftertaste!


Good for: digestive support, adrenal support, liver disease, ideal for SIBO, fibromyalgia, MS, migraines, eczema, acne, rosacea and skin conditions, lymes disease, cleansing, enhances fat burning, autism, ADHD, adrenal support and fatigue.

Contains: high in beta carotene for skin conditions, high in vitamin C, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron. Great for parasites, worms and e-coli infections and especially the seeds when eaten on a full moon.


Persimmon – (Fuyu & Hachiya) –

Great for: chronic fatigue and adrenal support, constipation as it’s a mild laxative, soothing the digestive system.

Contains: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin C.

Sub-Acid Fruits.

Apple –(organic is best)

Great for: an overall tonic and contain pectin, a fiber that’s good for the digestive tract, supports immunity, good for alzheimer’s, skin elasticity, weight loss and diabetes.

Contains: vitamin C, copper, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, and trace minerals.


Blackberry –(organic is best)

Great for: diabetes, ADHD, autism, Alzheimer’s adrenal support, helps build bone density, anti-aging, suppresses appetite, enhances fat burning.

Contains: phytonutrients ,vitamin C, beta carotene, folate, omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin K, manganese, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc , fiber. And a B12 enhancing food.


Blueberry –(organic is best)

Great for: diabetes, ADHD, autism, Alzheimer’s, adrenal support, chromic fatigue, good for urinary tract and brain rejuvenation, and removing heavy metals when used with (coriander, parsley, barley grass, lettuce and coconut water in a smoothie).

Contains:  antioxidants & phytonutrients, zinc, omega 3 – 6 and 9 essential fatty acids, fiber, vitamin K, vitamin C, manganese, copper, iron. And a B12 enhancing food.



Great for: PCOS, fat livers, cancer, autism, ear infections, acne, adrenal support, urinary tract and bladder problems, detoxifying, laxative, cleanser, reduce inflammation, heightens awareness, lowers bad cholesterol.

Contains: vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, iron, silicon, omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids.


Great for: the blood, metabolism increaser, and helps break down fat and protein.

Contains: high in polyphenols,  iron, folate, vitamin B, vitamin C, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium. Must be eaten ripe.

Taste somewhat like a fragrant grape!


Great for: your kidneys and digestion, a blood cleanser, supports the immune system, lowers bad cholesterol, great for stress, adrenal support, fatty livers, gut health, thyroid conditions, parkinson, kidney stones, epilepsy, bushings syndrome, urinal tract infections, stomach cancers, diabetes and pre diabetes, histamine intolerances and insomnia when eaten as the last meal.

Contains: beta-carotene for the skin, vitamin C, beta carotene, calcium, potassium and high in magnesium.

A great fruit to eat after your menstrual cycle to help support your body.

Nectarine –(organic is best)

Great for: as a digestive aid and cleanser.

Contains: beta carotene for the skin, B3, vitamin C, vitamin E and copper.

Apricot-(organic is best)

Great for: gallstones, lymes disease, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, moulds and candida as it helps bind to them and pull them out, gut health.

Contains: amnio acids such as cysteine and glutamine, rich in beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, B5, copper, high in iron, potassium, high in fiber, magnesium and a B12 enhancing food.


Peach –(organic is best)

Great for: constipation, a diuretic, a digestive aid, a cleanser and very alkalising.

Contains:  B3, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, magnesium and beta carotene.

Pear -(organic is best)

Great for: diabetes, e-coli infections, SIBO, GERD, fatty liver, OCD, migraines, stomach cancer, food poisoning. They are a diuretic, alkaline, digestive aid and cleanser.

Contains: fiber, iodine, vitamin C and copper.

Plum –(organic is best)

Great for: bowel cancer and contraption as its a good laxative.

Contains: high in oxalic acid, beta carotene, antioxidants, phosphorus, and potassium.


Raspberries – (organic is best)

Great for: lowering bad cholesterol and inhibits certain cancer growth, diabetes, autism, ADHD, stress, adrenal support, fibromyalgia and menstrual cramps.

Contains:  antioxidants, vitamin C , vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, B5, manganese, copper, and iron.

A great food to eat during your menstrual flow.



Great for: respiratory and urinary tracts, , gallbladders, yeast infections, staph infections, a diuretic, weigh loss, diabetes, ear wax and eat infections, breaks down toxins, balances hormones.

Contains:  vitamin C, tannic and oxalic acids.


Great for: high in pectin which strengthens blood vessels and capillaries and reduces the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaque in those afflicted with this problem. Grapefruit juice eases constipation and improves digestion but can reduce appetite, helping with weight loss. Good to eat for cancers, heart problems, strokes, constipation, the blood and nerves. Digestive aid, vascular health, removal of in organic calcium from joints so good for arthritis.

Contains: Vitamin c, pantothenic acid, copper, dietary fiber, potassium, biotin and vitamin B1.


Great for: arthritis, OCD, diabetes, adrenal support, SIBO. Removes excess sodium buildup, the enzymes help in correcting and soothing digestive system including acid reflux and anti-aging.

Contains: vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin, E, folate, copper, potassium.



Great for: anti-aging.

Contains:  calcium, beta carotene, vitamin C, iron, and magnesium.


Great for: a potent detoxifier, kills intestinal parasites and dissolves gallstones, great for flu, kidney disease, respiratory conditions, anxiety, cancers, weight loss and rosacea, heart problems, strokes, constipation, the blood and nerves. See Limes too.

Contains:  calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, cleansing, an alkalising effect even though it’s an acid fruit.


Limes – (yellow when ripe..I know!)

Great for: Limes are good to eat for cancers, heart problems, strokes, constipation, the blood and nerves. Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, cleansing, alkalising even though it’s an acid fruit. See Lemons too.

Contains: bioflavonoids, citric acid and pectin.


Great for: reducing inflammation, shrink tumors, and inhibit blood clots, help with gum disease, kidney stones, anxiety, depression, acne, removing heavy metals. The Herperidin in oranges can help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, they contain bioflavonoids, citric acids and pectin. Oranges are good for cancers, heart problems, strokes, constipation, the blood and nerves and  digestive support.

Contains: 170 different phytonutrients and more than 60 known falconoid, calcium, vitamin C.

A great fruit to eat the week before your menstrual cycle to help prepare and clean your body.



Great for: adrenal support, respiratory conditions, ADHD, PCOS, removing heavy metals when used with greens. Promotes joint health, reduces inflammation, a  diuretic, a digestive aid, a cleanser of mucus, and a mild laxative.

Contains: calcium, vitamin C, folic acid, magnesium, manganese and beta carotene.

I suggest eating it frozen to stop your tongue burning!


Great for: cleansing and building the blood, insomnia, brain fog, adrenal support, heart conditions, diabetes,  urinary tract infections, protects against sunburn, PCOS, removes ear wax, fights prostate cancer and regulates hormones.

Contains: vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and beta carotene.


Strawberry –(organic is best)

Great for: diabetes, ADHD, heart conditions, alzheimer’s, reduce bad cholesterol, suppress growth of colon, prostate and oral cancers.

Contains: vitamin C, folate, manganese, copper and iron.


Great for: See oranges.

Contains: vitamin C, beta carotene, calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium.

Tomato – (heirlooms and organic are best)

Great for: Tomatoes are filled with antioxidants and phytonutrients, over 9,000 known phytonutrients to date. The main and most powerful antioxidant known in the tomato is lycopene. Lycopene is thought to protect the liver, lungs, prostate gland, colon and skin from sunburn among other things. Ongoing research seems to show that lycopene helps prevent macular degeneration, lower cholesterol, support the immune system and can help prevent and rid cancers. Also has a alkaline residue and reduces inflammation.

Contains: vitamin C, B6, B5 ,B1, vitamin K, copper, iron, magnesium.

Only eat raw do not cook tomatoes!

High Fat Fruits.


Great for: colitis and crohn’s and gut health. Helps restores the intestinal lining and gut health, removing polyps, good for liver and to lower cholesterol levels. Great for the brain and growing children

Contains:  vitamin E, protein, iron and copper, Omega 3 essential fatty acids.

A great fruit to eat while you are ovulating and the week after ovulation.


Durian –  great after work out food as it’s high in potassium and sulfur which makes them a warming fruit.

Contains: vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folate, copper, manganese, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

Smells bad but is tasty!

Olives – (not in oil)

Great for: anti-aging, very alkalising, lubricating and cleansing.

Contains: calcium, sodium, magnesium, amino acids, antioxidants, vitamin A and E. High in Omega 3 essential fatty acids.

Coconut fresh meat and water

Great for: autism, gut health, adrenal support, parkinson’s, anti-aging, brain support, alzheimers’s, adrenal support, diabetes, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, heart conditions.  provides protection against UV raises, promotes collagen and contains probiotics.

Contains:  4 electrolytes, anti-microbial fats, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral properties, magnesium, potassium, iron and sodium.

Add coconut water to green smoothies to help the greens like parsley and coriander to remove heavy metals and unwanted acids form the body. A great fruit to eat after your menstrual cycle to help support your body.

These 4 fruits are very high in fat, but are of the best healthiest kind. However, you should eat these foods in moderation. If you are consuming a lot of fruit or you will end up with insulin problems. A low fat raw food diet usually works best for most people look into the 80/10/10 Diet. If you are a slow oxidizer and have weight to loose you should aim for 10% fat in your diet or less. If you are eating a 2000 calorie diet this works out to be about 22 grams of fat per day and this adds up quicker than you might think. One avocado has about 25 grams of fat and one olive has 1 gram of fat. If you are a fast oxidizer you can eat a higher percentage of 20% but be careful not to consume too much high sugar fruit or stay high fat for too long.

Non-Sweet Fruits.

Bell peppers – (orange and red only, green are unripe and not suugested organic is best)

Great for: protects against sunburn, good for the heart.

Contains: beta carotene, vitamin C, folate, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamin E. vitamin K, iron, manganese.


Cucumber – (organic is best)

Great for: skin and hair, energy, adrenals support, cushing’s syndrome, MS, infertility, the lymphatic system, chronic fatigue and a cooling effect on the organs, great for e-coli infections and yeast overgrowths, alkalising, a diuretic and a great cleanser.

Contains: electrolytes, high in vitamin K (this can be converted to K2 for bone and teeth health), B5, silicon, potassium, copper.

A great fruit to eat after your menstrual cycle to help support your body.


Tomato – (also an acid fruit see above)


Great for: contains vitamins A and C, maganese and magnesium, and contains folate, which has been shown to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects and other birth defects.

Contains: carotenoid beta-cryptoxanthin, has decreased incidence of lung cancer. A cup of winter squash contains 15% of the recommended daily allowance of folate.



Great for: alzheimer’s, autism , epilepsy, cancer, stress, ADHD.

Contains: vitamnins B1, B3, B6, C and potassium, glykoalkaloids and phytonutrients like flavonoids, caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid. The flavonoid nasunin in eggplants, has high levels of antioxidant properties and is known to be a scavenger of free radicals, thus protecting the cells of the body. Nasunin is also known for its ability to protect the fats surrounding the cell membrane of the brain. the chlorogenic acid it contains is known to be the most potent antioxidant that displays antimicrobial, antiviral and antitumor abilities and plays an important role in the prevention of many diseases. Glykoalkaloids invade cancer cells and stimulate the cell’s owns digestive enzymes the culinary definition of fruit excludes these foods, botany declares them a fruit because of their seeds. They are low in sugar and fat and are great to add to salads or just to eat alone as part of a low fat raw food diet. Best to be steamed whole and then added to salads or raw dips.


Melons are one of natures miracle foods, close to our own milk in goodness as they give us all we need. They are one of the best cleansers and I recommend eating mono meals of melons too clear out your system. Melons are to be eaten alone due to there rapid digestion time so make a great breakfast. Read more here: The truth about fruit . . .

Melons are the most alkalising fruits around, high in electrolytes making them a super food for us! They are easily absorbed bioavailable and bioactive so utilised by the body easily.



Great for: immunity support, protects against sunburn, reduces inflammation, a cleanser and great for rehydrating, ideal for diabetes as it helps balances insulin levels and hormones.

Contains: a great nutrient profile, very high in beta carotene, vitamin C, folate, B3, potassium, copper. Great for parasites.

A great fruit to eat after your menstrual cycle to help support your body.

Watermelon – (organic and seeded is best)

Great for: SIBO, adrenal fatigue, heavy metals, adrenal fatigue, protects against sunburn, helps reduce the risk of prostate, ovarian and cervical cancers and a great cleanser, great for rehydrating.

Contains: beta carotene, vitamin C and  copper.

Bittermelon – the fruits and leaves of bitter melon are a good source of minerals and vitamins, such as iron, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin B. The juice from the leaves is also good to prevent and lessen cough, for fever and against ringworms. it is also used to treat sterility in women and alleviate liver problems. bitter melon has some antimicrobial activity and can help infected wounds. Nutritional contents can actually be absorbed by the body’s digestive system of the plant become some of these substances exist in unabsorbable form. It lowers blood sugar levels and addition in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, reducing the patients intake of antidiabetic drugs.

WHY RAW LIVING FOODS! For Healing Diseases and Autism. . .

What’s the nutritional difference between cooked and raw foods?

When you cook vegetables, you change their chemical composition making them unable to be utilised by the body. Depending on the method and time, cooking reduces the amount of antioxidants in the plants.
This is especially true for water-soluble and heat-sensitive nutrients, such as vitamin C, glucosinolate and polyphenols. Cooking can reduce a nutrient’s ease of absorption into the body, making them useless for the body and it becomes a mucus forming food making it toxic for the body and thus causing inflammation.
We are all energy so eating foods high in energy, vitality and life force will help us have that energy and vitality ourselves. When you eat raw living alkalising foods you feel alive! The food moves through your body faster feeding your cells with high nutrients and a high water content hydrating you from the inside, better than plan water alone in some foods like cucumber, lettuce and watermelon. When you eat heavy, acidic, fatty cooked foods you want to sleep as your system is so overburdened and toxic it removes the energy and oxygen from the brain and muscles. And has to work hard to digest the heavy fatty foods sitting in the intestines, fermenting and dehydrating the body and causing an acidic state which leads to disease and cancer.

Food combining and why is it essential for health!-chart.
If your new to a plant based diet, even though you lose some nutrients value when cooking vegetables, I would still suggest building your vegetable intake up first moving to a 100% plant based diet and removing all animal products, with lightly steamed vegetables and greens. Then when you can and feel ready swapping cooked vegetables for as many raw vegetables as possible to help build your enzymes up in your gut and help PH balance your body, allowing for detoxification of the blood and lymphatic system – remembering fruit and raw vegetables and lots of greens are the only way to detox your body and remove heavy metals and mucus thus healing your body from disease and sickness. Cooked foods are mucus forming and lacking in enough nutrients to build your body to health. We are all so deficient these days with the quality of our soils, food, water and air . . . so to remove nutrients from our food by cooking it is not helpful. Also cooked foods are feeding the parasites and fungus our body are becoming imbalanced with because of it being to acidic. When the body is acidic and deficient in minerals and enzymes, diseases start and cells mutate into cancer. We want to make the body alkaline and thriving!

Hannah’s Gut Healing Protocol.

Knowing how detoxifying raw living foods are, start slowly when adding them in. Swapping 1 meal a day to a completely raw meal combined correctly, and build up. Or eating raw foods till dinner then a lightly steamed dinner. . . until you have regained enzymes to break the food down and the detox symptoms are manageable (this way of eating will not give you full healing properties as the cooked foods will stop you detoxifying fully). Or like me go 100% raw over night ride out the few days of detox and feel amazing and vibrant faster!

Either way increasing your raw greens, fruit and sweet young vegetables will benefit your body so much. You will see it in your skin, energy and vitality. If you can eat a food without doing anything to it bar peeling it then it’s a good raw food for the body. If you have to season it or cook it to make it palatable then it’s not our food.

Why Leafy Greens are so good for you and the Nutritional breakdown.

Contact me directly if you would like my assistant in transitioning to a natural living lifestyle and transitioning to raw foods to overcome your health struggles and take back your health!

0414967763 –

Much love x x

Hannah’s Gut Healing Protocol.



Removing is the first step: by removing harmful foods, toxins and stresses on the body you give it the best chance to heal. If you imagine your body as a large cooking pot and each toxin, junk food, chemical, truama or stressful day goes into fill up that pot, eventualy that pot will over flow and you can try to put a lid on it (medication) but you are just supressing the inevitable of it exploding and spilling over (disease and illness). Foods like spices, cooked foods, meats and flesh, alcohol, packaged foods, coffee and chocolate are stimulants to the body and will stop it healing. The body can only heal when it has no pressures on the system and is getting adequate sleep.

Below is what you need to remove without cheating or using as a “treat food”

Things in moderation does not apply to good nutrition and healing the body. A small amount of harmful unnatural foods are still damaging for the body. Large amounts are more damaging!

  • alcohol, coffee, cacao, chocolate
  • soda and canned drinks, fruit juices and cartoon drinks, UHT milks and juices and nut milks
  • cooked foods
  • sweets, lollies, candies, pop corn and packaged treats and biscuits
  • chocolate (even raw if you have Adreanal or Chronic Fatigue)
  • spices and spicy foods
  • sugars and natural sugars like agave, maple, honey, coconut sugar
  • trans fat, crisps, chips, fried foods and packaged and canned foods
  • jared, tinned and pre-made foods
  • wheat, gluten and grains (some grains and seeds like quinoa, buckwheat and millet can be added back in once the healing has been done)
  • canned beans, legumes, meats, broths and dairy
  • stress and toxic relationships
  • work pressures
  • the need to be right
  • the need to be perfect
  • badly combined foods
  • eating late meals
  • reducing nightshades like tomatoes, eggplants, capsicum and starchy vegetables like parsnips, carrots, beets and white potatoes some may need to remove completely but can be returned after the skin has healed
  • remove all parastite and yeast over growths by doing cleanses or probiotic protocols
  • tap water and bottled water and drinking when you are not thirsty
  • chemicals, toxins from your skin care and home cleaning products-supermarket supplements
  • moulds from your home
  • stresses and environmental stresses including work and relationships
  • antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medication – ibuprofen, Oral contraceptive pill and thrush medication-all mediation safely.
  • chiropractic adjustments, saunas, vigorous rough massage, excessive exercise that exhausts you and anything else that stimulates the nervous system
  • salt and pepper

This list may seem overwhelming and too much to remove but you will not achive healing if you are still using chemicals on your skin or toxins in your home or having weekend treats of raw deserts, chips, cakes and chocolate or eating foods that are cooked to often in your diet. You must go through a strict removing stage to allow your body to expel the inflammation and re-program itself to start the healing process. It’s not to say if you do slip up (we are all human and life happens) that you have undone all you have worked hard on so far. It’s about getting back on the horse and trying again. Each time you do this your body will recover faster and eventualy it will signal you don’t need those foods anymore and it will show you how to get what you need from natural healthy foods and your environment.


For example I used to suffer from migrains and as soon as I felt one coming on I would reach for my migraine tablets and have a chocolate craving. Well what my body was telling me is that I needed magnesium and it was trying to detoxify my system. So now when I feel a mild headache come on I have some almonds or a banana and take double dose of my magnesium powder, or I fast to allow my body to remove the toxins efficiently, I listen to my body instead of supressing the signals it’s telling me.

Your body is very clever, it’s equipt with everything it needs and signals to you what it wants or needs to function. We have become so far removed from our bodies and we are used to suppressing or stimulating it with junk foods or medication we have lost the abilty to read it and understand what it needs. ‘You don’t eat for hunger but to fuel your cells’.


Repairing is the second but most important step: once you have removed these foods and environmental toxins, it allows the pressure to come off the sympathetic nervous systems which primary process is to stimulate the body’s fight-or-flight response and return to the Parasympathetic nervous system which primary process is to calm and relax the body and allow healing to happen. Healing will not be able to happen if you are in the fight-or-flight response your body does not digest from this state and it can not heal from this state. Eating mindfully is important and eating mono (one food meals) at first will help your digestion repair faster. Having a meal of just one fruit can really help kick the digestion back in.

 How do you repair you body?

These foods below you should be eating daily if possible and be incorporated into your weekly nutrition where possible, try to eat a large amount of organic or low spray greens and vegetables daily and get most of your nutrients and calories from ripe in season fruits. which is our primary source of energy. Nuts and seeds can be added in the right food combinations and depending on your level of leaky gut. Nuts and seeds and the truth about digesting them . . .

“Coffee to a healthy strong body can be productive in small doses sparingly, coffee to a person with leaky gut, stress, hormone unbalances and adrenal fatigue can be a killer and is not a health food.”

Healing healthy foods are essential as is the right environment for healing and repairing cells.

  • bio-individual probiotics if needed until the gut is healed
  • prebiotics rich foods like sweet potato, papaya and lemon
  • bio-individual natural supplements like zinc, magnesium, iodine, glutamine, B vitamins, D vitamins and trace minerals, adaptogens.
  • organic essential oils
  • large amounts of green leafy vegetables daily
  • aloe vera and beetroot juice – for constipation
  • barley grass powder for minerals
  • liquid chlorophyll
  • ripe fruits in abundance
  • sunshine daily on bare skin
  • grounding into the earth bare footed
  • ocean, forest or mountain air regularly
  • silica (diatomaceous earth) -for diarrhoea
  •  activated charcoal – for food allergies or reactions


  • mesquite powder -zinc, magnesium
  • zinc rich foods like – brazil nuts figs and pumpkin seeds.
  • vitamin A/beta carotene rich foods like- orange root vegetables
  • good natural saturated fats like avocado, walnuts and whole coconuts in small amounts
  • balancing hormones with diet and supplements like maca powder
  • iodine rich foods like seaweed
  • magnesium baths with sea salt and bi-carb to pull out toxins
  • correct food combining is essential to gut health
  • love and friendship
  • mediation daily
  • green juice on a empty stomach
  • only drink when you are thirsty
  • try to stay as raw as possible and only have cooked foods for dinner

The truth about fruit . . . and Carbs carbs carbs . . . good, bad and how many is right for you? may help you too . . .


This step is the third step: but one of the most important as it seals your new healthy life change and keeps your body able to protect itself and keep growing and healing the cells promoting anti-ageing and high energy levels.

You have done the hard part by removing the foods and making the lifestyle changes. By now you should be used to eating a healthy diet and learning to listen to your body’s signals.

These practices below will help you stick to this lifestyle and allow your body to cope with the everyday stresses that arise:

  • a healthy diet balanced in small amounts of good omega 3 fats, high amounts of natural complex carbohydrates (fruits and vegetables) iodine rich foods like green leafy vegetables and seaweed, nuts, seeds and an abundance of colour from natures foods, and clean filtered distilled water eaten away from food.
  • a daily practice of 10 minutes meditation twice a day will keep your anxiety down and help you think clearly and make decisions in every day life.
  • essential oils to help bring your into your body and relax you.
  • regular soft massage will help remove toxins and help relax your body.
  • Qi-gong or Ti chi or Yoga daily or at least 3 times a week will balance hormones, remove toxins, help with weight loss and distress your mind.
  • walking in nature as often as possible helps ground you (bare foot if you can).
  • practicing mindful-living will help keep you in the present moment and not living in the future or past thus keeping anxiety and worry down
  • setting values up around you and making sure you lifestyle choices are always in keep with these values will allow you to stay on your path.
  • boundaries and communication is vital to your health, if your body feels hard done by or stressed because of others it will show up in physical symptoms. By having open communication to those close to you and always putting yourself first and not over stepping your boundaries you will keep your body feeling safe.
  • chew chew chew your food slowly and spend time appreciating your food. It is fueling your body -do not just throw I down your throat. What does “Mindful Eating” really mean and how can it help your food intolerance?
  • breathing this is the most important thing we can learn as humans and the one thing we all do so badly at because of course we breath or we would be dead right? Well most of us don’t breath deeply enough and shallow breath can cause stress on the body. Take the time to deep breath in for 3 seconds hold for 5 seconds and out for 5 seconds at least 5 minutes of each hour every day. I do this every time I stop at a red light or sit on the toilet. Find a place and time that suits you and make it a daily practice. Mediation and Breathing techniques for beginners!


The final step to healing your body:

Once you are at this stage you would have changed as a person, your body will be thanking you with clear skin, sleeping well, no aches and pains and no inflamation, an alert mind and clear thinking – sounds blissfull right!

The final step is to address any of lifes hurts. This stage is the most difficult to overcome and most of us are still on this journey even the most enlightened guru’s have their past hurts or backage to overcome.

Through Coaching or Mickel Therpay or CBT or Theta Healing or your chosen way, I suggest dealing with any pain you have been caused or any pain you cuurently have in your life. This can unblock years of trauma you have pushed down causing your body physical symptoms. This is something I can help you with at a one to one coaching session. What is ‘Theta Healing’ and how can it help you?

Each persons story will be different and at first you might not want to open up about painfull past issues, but if you can make the connection beween you constant neck pain and your issue with your mother then you start to see the importance of doing so.

Have you ever returned from a family lunch with a headche or shoulder pain that you didn’t have before? Or met a friend for lunch and not felt listen to or he/she didn’t ask about your life or how you are and you come away feeling down and then go to the shops or eat something to make yourself feel better and just push that emotion down?

Do you see the connection between supressing emotions and physical pain and do you see that suppressing your body with food will cause more symptoms. Even if you have overcome this as an adult and you no longer let others effect. And you and you don’t absorb their pain or issues as your own (well done you) dealing with your past hurts can be prodcutive for your physical body. A simple guide to understanding Nutrition and the part it plays on your body, and how to heal your own body!

I recommend these books to help with this and to find a counselor or therpist you feel comfortable with:

‘You Were Not Born To Suffer’ -by Blake D Bauer

‘Your Can Heal Your Life’ -Louise Hay

‘Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway’ – Susan Jeffers


I leave you with this point that healing the body isn’t just about food or supplements, but about a whole body-mind approach and that the balance of life has to be right to achieve total happiness.

Please contact me if you need more support and guidance through your Gut-healing Protocol as doing it alone can be hard.

What is a ‘Health Coach’ and how can they help you achieve your goals?