
WHY RAW LIVING FOODS! For Healing Diseases and Autism. . .

What’s the nutritional difference between cooked and raw foods?

When you cook vegetables, you change their chemical composition making them unable to be utilised by the body. Depending on the method and time, cooking reduces the amount of antioxidants in the plants.
This is especially true for water-soluble and heat-sensitive nutrients, such as vitamin C, glucosinolate and polyphenols. Cooking can reduce a nutrient’s ease of absorption into the body, making them useless for the body and it becomes a mucus forming food making it toxic for the body and thus causing inflammation.
We are all energy so eating foods high in energy, vitality and life force will help us have that energy and vitality ourselves. When you eat raw living alkalising foods you feel alive! The food moves through your body faster feeding your cells with high nutrients and a high water content hydrating you from the inside, better than plan water alone in some foods like cucumber, lettuce and watermelon. When you eat heavy, acidic, fatty cooked foods you want to sleep as your system is so overburdened and toxic it removes the energy and oxygen from the brain and muscles. And has to work hard to digest the heavy fatty foods sitting in the intestines, fermenting and dehydrating the body and causing an acidic state which leads to disease and cancer.

Food combining and why is it essential for health!-chart.
If your new to a plant based diet, even though you lose some nutrients value when cooking vegetables, I would still suggest building your vegetable intake up first moving to a 100% plant based diet and removing all animal products, with lightly steamed vegetables and greens. Then when you can and feel ready swapping cooked vegetables for as many raw vegetables as possible to help build your enzymes up in your gut and help PH balance your body, allowing for detoxification of the blood and lymphatic system – remembering fruit and raw vegetables and lots of greens are the only way to detox your body and remove heavy metals and mucus thus healing your body from disease and sickness. Cooked foods are mucus forming and lacking in enough nutrients to build your body to health. We are all so deficient these days with the quality of our soils, food, water and air . . . so to remove nutrients from our food by cooking it is not helpful. Also cooked foods are feeding the parasites and fungus our body are becoming imbalanced with because of it being to acidic. When the body is acidic and deficient in minerals and enzymes, diseases start and cells mutate into cancer. We want to make the body alkaline and thriving!

Hannah’s Gut Healing Protocol.

Knowing how detoxifying raw living foods are, start slowly when adding them in. Swapping 1 meal a day to a completely raw meal combined correctly, and build up. Or eating raw foods till dinner then a lightly steamed dinner. . . until you have regained enzymes to break the food down and the detox symptoms are manageable (this way of eating will not give you full healing properties as the cooked foods will stop you detoxifying fully). Or like me go 100% raw over night ride out the few days of detox and feel amazing and vibrant faster!

Either way increasing your raw greens, fruit and sweet young vegetables will benefit your body so much. You will see it in your skin, energy and vitality. If you can eat a food without doing anything to it bar peeling it then it’s a good raw food for the body. If you have to season it or cook it to make it palatable then it’s not our food.

Why Leafy Greens are so good for you and the Nutritional breakdown.

Contact me directly if you would like my assistant in transitioning to a natural living lifestyle and transitioning to raw foods to overcome your health struggles and take back your health!

0414967763 –

Much love x x


What is a ‘Health Coach’ and how can they help you achieve your goals?

If you have heard the term “Health Coaching,” or “Wellness Coaching” and find yourself wondering what a health coach does and how engaging health coach can help you, then this is the answer . . . Health Coaches support people to help them work towards un-achieved goals in all areas of life, they keep you moving forward not in the past talking over old hurts. Health coaching is different to life coaching which is often solely goals based and does not look at you holistically. It may be nutrition, career, overcoming autism or auto-immune conditions, finance, relationship, exercise and health or any other aspect of their life that they do not feel fulfilled in. It’s my belief that all aspects of your life have to be in balance for true happiness and healing to occur. If one aspect is out it can throw out the others I have tools and personal experience that helps you see this and we work through it together. How I do this is by guiding and creating an environment for you to be empowered to achieve small steps toward your goals. Anything is possible with the right mindset and a supporting guide!


I work by empowering my clients to embark on this journey to health for themselves, for you to feel excited by Nutrition and see the importance of loving your body enough to fuel it correctly, and take charge of healing YOUR own body, mind and spirit. I teach you the skills to build your mindset with daily practices to become able to deal with any of life’s up’s and down’s and not need another person, place or thing to “fix” you.

Goals and lifestyle changes I can help with are:

  • to empower you to achieve your goals
  • to up-skill you
  • to show you ways that have worked for my family in healing
  • help you find a pathway to heal autism or and auto-immune conditions
  • to save you the 7 years of study and personal ups and downs I had
  • to build up your self esteem and teach you how to love yourself
  • to advise you on your bio-individual nutrition needs
  • to teach you how to use professionals to get results
  • to work alongside your doctor or naturopath to understand result and treatment options
  • to support your whole family and there health and work on getting everyone on board
  • to improve your self-management
  • to teach you how to stay motivated
  • to show you how to live mindfully and a chemical free lifestyle
  • to understand the reason or blockage of why your not where you want to be in life
  • to give you tools to improve your wellbeing
  • to be someone to talk too and someone who will listen un-judgmentally to you
  • to believe and encourage you
  • to have a positive body image just the way you are
  • to strengthen your mind
  • to be someone to make you work hard on your goals
  • to teach you how to incorporate meditation and mindfulness in to everyday busy life

But a Health Coach is not:

  • a shrink
  • a personal trainer
  • a gym teacher
  • a yoga instructor
  • someone telling you what to do
  • someone telling you what your goals should be
  • someone who will make magic happen without hard work from yourself
  • someone who know it all

Only YOU can heal your body. I am just guide to help you see your own power!

Bio-individuality is the most important key to health and wellness. We are not all the same and one lifestyle will not fit us all. This belief leads to despondency and disappointment when you try a diet or exercise and it does not give you the results you wanted. How I work at ‘Nourish To Health’ is to mentor you find your path and to work through your goals in a safe confidential way. I recommend Plant Based Nutritional science based diets, lifestyle choices and exercises that suit your needs at that given time. I work with you to emotionally unblock painful situations that could be causing you to keep failing in your goals and teach you how to plan realistic, manageable goals and achieve them over a time frame we plan together. I do not do the work for you but empower you to achieve them with me guiding you. If you choose to work with me I would take you on a journey to achieve your goals working closely with you on a one to one or via Skype.  I recommend working together between 3-6 months, as there is always highs and lows in a wellness journey and often you get despondent after an initial excitement and need to be encourage to stick to health goals. Weight loss, food intolerances, and depression or nutritional deficiencies take time to correct as does lifestyle changes that are needed to achieve these. I look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve the health and wellness you deserve. Much love and successes on your health journey and I hope we get to work together when your ready.


If you connect with my message and approach and feel I could help you on your health journey please email me today on and we can arrange a free 20 minutes Skype consultation to see how we fit together and I will create a plan for you. I work globally via Skype 🌏

Please also join my ‘Detoxing Families – supporting ASD & Behaviours with Raw Foods’ private group too for more advice and a safe sound board to ask questions.

Blessings and love on whatever path you are on, and what ever stage of the journey you are on . . . we all must start somewhere! 🦋

Hannah Miles

x x x