

Think you don’t have them?

I know the word parasites can make someone’s stomach turn.
That we don’t really have them, at least not YOU!

I would also love to say that we should simply love them all, but the truth is that when our bodies are imbalanced and sick when our inner terrain is acidic and toxic, the parasites will thrive.

They multiply by laying eggs and by secreting toxic waste, and therefore they are adding to the burden of an already sick body. Not a fun scenario, so this is where we have to start.

We let these uninvited guests have a grand party inside of us when we keep the terrain to their liking. In any so-called chronic stage of a disease, parasites will be present.

Because they have been invited!

They will not miss the offering of free room and board, and most likely they will invite their friends to join the party.

We all have them, the parasites, so the topic is nothing to freak out about. Yes, I saw them come out, and yes, you might too. They are a part of any living being. Microbes, cells, parasites, viruses, all living and vibrating. Parasites are any type of creature that feeds off of another host. Their intention is not to destroy the host, because if the host dies, they will be forced to die as well.

Although they can feed off of just about any kind of nutrient and food substance, there are certain foods, in particular, they thrive on. These are foods high in complex sugar/ starches, unhealthy fats, and any man-made ingredient such as food-preservatives, food-colorants, and many other food-additives. They are also attracted to heavy metals and other toxic substances. The more the merrier.

You do not have to look for them, or even wonder if they are there. If you are sick they are there, period. As long as your house is that of imbalance and over-acidity, you have work to do. This takes us back to the inner terrain, the cultivating medium.

For a parasite to thrive, it needs to live in an environment that feeds its needs. It needs to eat, and it needs to have a comfortable place to reside. Mucus is perfect, as they love a good conglomeration of bacteria and microbes. They lay their eggs, they eat, they secrete, and they reproduce quickly.

Sounds pretty simple, doesn’t it?

Some of them are very attracted to the complex sugars and will let you know that they are there, through your cravings. Depending on the kind, the parasites will eat different things. One thing that is certain is that they will feed off of you, and leave you depleted and more toxic. They also love your nutrition and will take the best for themselves, leaving you with the leftovers.

So, what do you need to do, do you change the environment, or kill the parasites?
YES to both!

Sometimes, when sickness has arrived, the big guns are needed, and I say you need to do both. Absolutely, the terrain needs to be changed, and it will, but a parasitic overload is a large burden on all the bodily systems and organs, so a good parasite cleanse is a must.

Foods with anti-parasitic properties:

 Papaya seeds: The seeds from the papaya fruit have anthelmintic and anti-amoebic properties. This means that they kill intestinal worms and other parasitic organisms in your digestive system. Using papaya seeds for parasites has proven to be very effective. The seeds have a distinct slightly peppery flavour. They can, of course, be eaten as they are, or you can simply sprinkle them over salads and other dishes.

 Extra Virgin Coconut oil: This well-known oil consists of medium-chain triglycerides, which help to strengthen and build the immune system. Furthermore, this oil is also high in both lauric acid and caprylic acid, which possess antiviral, antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties.

 Garlic: This common household spice is also a potent herb for medicinal benefits. It is especially useful for flushing out parasites such as giardia and roundworms.

 Cayenne pepper: Increases circulation, boosts the immune system, and fights parasites.

 Pineapple: This much-loved fruit contains the digestive enzyme bromelain that helps to clear certain parasitic infections, such as tapeworms.

 Pumpkin seeds: Pumpkin seeds contain “toxic, tetracyclic triterpenes” within the seeds, which are released upon chewing- or by grinding them. This substance is known to intoxicate and paralyse the worms, causing them to release their grip on the intestinal wall. They will need help being expelled, so be sure to move the bowels.

 Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera helps to eliminate parasites, and it also helps to heal the body from the damage that might have been done. It is very effective at restoring the body at a deep cellular level by promoting new and healthy cell growth. A great alkaliser and intestinal healer.
Using Essential oils for anti-parasitic properties:

The Essential oils are natures treasures, they are our helpers and our blessings. Together with our wild botanicals, they are our gifts from God. Essential oils are created from plants, stems, and botanicals. They are used in many ways and have many benefits. There is a whole chapter dedicated to these amazing healers, and here’s some information that relates to the topic of parasites.
 Frankincense: This is the king of all oils. Although mostly known for its anti-tumour properties and all-around healing abilities, I include it in any regimen. It is such a powerful restorative helper, that is will enhance the property of any other oil. You can inhale it, diffuse it, use it topically or put a drop under your tongue.
 Myrrh: A very powerful antioxidant, and antiviral, anti-parasitic and analgesic/anaesthetic. The oil can be taken orally, a few drops in a small glass of water, in a capsule, inhaled or diffused.
 Oil of oregano: This has also been used for its powerful anti-viral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic properties. It can be diffused, used topically with a carrier oil (1part oil, 4 parts carrier oil). It can also be ingested, but it is very strong, so do not put it directly into the mouth.
 Peppermint: Great anti-parasitic properties, used against intestinal worms. Also antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal. You can place a few drops under the tongue, use it topically, a few drops in a glass of water, or inhaled.
 Tea Tree (Melaleuca): A truly powerful antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral and anti-parasitic oil, used in many cultures. Mix a few drops in a glass of water, or put it in your diffuser.
 Clove: This is one of the most antimicrobial and antiseptic of all essential oils. It is also an anti-fungal, antiviral and anti-infectious. Rub it on your skin or diffuse it.
 Lemon: Such a great all-around oil. Inexpensive and very potent. A great alkaliser, and no parasite like an alkaline environment. Use it internally, topically, diffuse it and smell it.
 Cinnamon Bark: one of the most powerful antiseptics known, strongly antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal.
 Eucalyptus (Radiata): Great for topical use. It is anti-infectious, antibacterial and antiviral.
 Rosemary: This oil has great antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. Diffuse or use topically.

Remember to always make sure that you are moving your bowels while cleaning out the parasites. We want the bowel to move, and during a cleanse it is even more important. Use an enema bag if you need too. I used one every single day during my heaviest cleanses. That way you are sure that what you are killing off is coming out. You can use a regular enema bag that you buy online, with room temperature water.