
Probiotics, Supplements and Yeast overgrowths… 


I tried using many types of probiotics and supplements over the years on my kids, clients and myself… I’ve done candida diets and yeast cleanses and even tried adding more yeast in and other crazy things!



The balance within your body such as yeasts, funguses, worms, parasites, mucus, acids, protein plaques, microbes, virus etc….must get detoxed and removed out of your body to get to the root of health. In order to change the environment in the body we must clean out the old not just ‘add’ in new. Supplementing with “pills” in a body with a backed up septic tank will not get you true health.


When the body fails to function in areas such as digestion, absorption, utilization and elimination. Trying to fix the problem with an isolated pill, supplement or adding large amounts of one bacteria and one mineral will not bring the body balance…. especially as they are none organic in it’s holistic structure (no longer a whole food but a part of a food that has been chemically changed and isolated) is only going to feed the body with just another foreign invader creating more imbalance and stress. I think of the phrase in movies when they say ‘magic comes with a price’…well so does supplementation…. 

The body is designed to utilize holistic chemistry so thinking a supplement created in a lab by big pharma will do more then what a whole organic fresh ripe piece of fruit can’t do….is not thinking from a place that nature provides us with all we need, and it does!


Supplements suppress the function of the endocrine glands and throw the body out of balance…

‘Probiotics are dead fermented chemistry not designed for the body’ says Dr Herbet Shelton. The body is designed to create healthy gut bacteria from the foods we are designed to eat and our environment. When we detox the body and turn on the endocrine glands, everything goes back to balance. When we get back to nature and simply eat the foods our bodies are biologically designed to eat….the body will create healthy natural bacteria to fight of the microbe that cause obstructions naturally. 

Probiotics and fermented foods like Kefir and Sauerkrauts only aggravate and make candida symptoms worse…I know that it controversial, as they are marketed as gut healing foods. Candida thrives on fermentation. Candida or (yeast) gets out of control in the body through fermentation so why add more in? When you have weak adrenals then you are likely to have blood sugar problems. When your not metabolizing sugars well, fermentation takes place. The fungal family comes in and feasts on the fermentation….so the food you eat is just feeding them not your cells. Why give the body more fermentation if you may already have a sugar metabolism issues creating the yeast overgrowth in the first place? We need some left in the body but for it to be at blanched ratio…


So if you have skin issues, weak yellow brittle nails, dry hair, bloating, gas or loose stools…you have a fungal imbalance.

The simpler we can look out how the body is designed to function optimally the more we will understand that supplementing is another way of masking a symptom and not addressing the root cause….just like prescription drugs!



 Often these supplements are made from sister or cousin companies of BIG PHARMA…..just think about that for a moment with where the motivation comes from?

The best way to get rid of yeast overgrowths is to work on the adrenal glands with herbs/homeopathy and a raw living foods diet high in ripe fruits and the correct food combinations.  If you think you have a candida overgrowth you should also avoid or never eat starches processed or in there whole food state. Starches are fungal formers and candida loves foods that create a lot of mould, such as starches and dairy products. If you have candida I would suggest keeping your fats to below 5 % of your nutritional plan too as the fats in the system will stop fruits being digested, and cause fermentation of the healthy fruits. High fruits, low protein and low fats are the best way to heal the body.

It’s very common for someone to crave breads, nuts and cheese when they have fungal problems….because the yeast thrive on these foods because the fermentation process takes place very quickly.


The goal to get healthy and to create balance in the body is to alkalize the body and to get the kidneys filtering and everything will come into balance on its own…not needing one extra mineral…with the exception of magnesium due to our soils and possible B12 until your body can utilise it from the organic fruits and vegetables and produce it in your gut.

Fruits, berries, melons, greens and herbs that promote detoxification is the best way to bring balance and alkalinity to the body with a daily mediation practice to boost your immune system and complementary remedies like essential oils, homeopathy and herbs. Yeast, parasites, fungusus cannot thrive in an alkaline body, nether can any pathogens and foreign invaders and viruses. 


Dr Robert Morse teaches that there is only 2 sides of chemistry and that’s acid and alkaline. When you get on the alkaline side of chemistry and you detox the acids that are suppressing the lymphatic system, blocking the flow of energy and causing disease… then “nutritional ” supplementation becomes a void modality that was created by a mind and industry that doesn’t understand the lymphatic system and true healing like we do in Natural Hygiene. 

It’s not what we add in that creates a healthy body it’s what we eliminate that creates a thriving healthy body with balance. 

Detoxification is the best way to get to the root of the problem and if we are stuck on supplementation with PILLS,  powders,  supplements and thinking that we are adding in “Nutrition” …thinking that’s going to clean up the problem!  Then we have been fully mistaking by so called “Health Experts” that are thinking no different then a medical Doctor that prescribes a drug to treat a symptom, not addressing the cause.  So many of these healthy natural supplements and nutritional meal replacement systems are produced by big pharmaceuticals companies that make the medicines and drugs. THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR LONG TERM HEALTH JUST ABOUT MAKING MONEY AND TEMPORALLY GIVING YOU THE SENSATION OF HEALTH.

The best supplement you can give your body is creating kidney filtration to drain the waste, so that he body can go on to thrive in proper homeostasis, balance and alkalinity.  This takes time I have been on this journey for years….I hold strong that I am in it for the long term health and not quick gains. I picture myself a health 60 year old and smile with knowing this is the right path to healing.

Add in alkaline nutrition and stop putting acids in your body and you will never need an expensive supplement to mask a symptom and create an imbalance not aligned with nature…


Please contact me to start this journey today and get off the round about of sickness supplements and Doctors. 

Hannah x x

Lets talk Magnesium oil and Epsom salt baths. . .

Most people today are severely deficient in magnesium, getting less than half of what their ancestors did only a century ago because farm soils are generally poor and over framed and most of us don’t eat enough green leafy vegetables- the average needed per adult is 6 cups a day. The modern diet (Standard Australian Diet) of processed foods is also magnesium-deficient and nutrient-deficient and high in sugar which depletes magnesium more from the body. How do you know if you’re Magnesium deficient? If you have any of these you might be: Insomnia, anxiety, hyperactivity, ADHD, restlessness, body odor, constipation, muscle spasms, twitches, soreness, impaired memory or cognitive function, back aches, headaches or migraines, menstrual pain or irregularities, heart palpitations, extreme fatigue, digestive disorders, skin conditions.


Pharmaceuticals such as diuretics and antibiotics can lead to an increased loss of magnesium from the body. Alcohol consumption has been linked to magnesium deficiency as it uses up so much Magnesium to flush alcohol from the liver.

And a big one . . . . . for every molecule of sugar you consume, it requires 54 molecules of magnesium to process it! No wonder we are deficient right! Basically, sugar leaches vitamins and minerals from your body, including magnesium.

So soak in weekly or twice weekly Epsom salt bath and daily spray Magnesium oil on to your body (not after shaving ladies!) depending on how defendant you are depends on how much it stings at first, but as your body drinks it in the stringing stops and the benefits to this amazing super mineral are: Improves sleep quality. Calms overactive nerves so is good for busy lives or those on the Autism Spectrum as it relieves stress, boosts energy level, strengthens the immune system, hydrates and strengthens skin, helps proper muscle function, relieves aches, pains, spasms, improves bone strength, and protects from loss of bone (osteoporosis).

So why wouldn’t you try this amazing mineral? What have you to loose? It’s a simple product that can help with so many health complaints.