
Edema (Swelling of the body)

Edema is something I have had all of my life. I have always carried water in my legs and looked puffy in my face. I just thought it was fat….after many cleanses I see that when I fast and my body utilises the stagnant water and moves my stagnant lymph fluid out, I see dramatic changes in my legs and face. I used to get swollen eye lids and I now know this is because my kidneys were not filtering as I started eating foods that were dislodging the heavy metals, viruses and bacteria out….it just kept floating around by body and my clever body stored it where it could. I would blame food for or situation, but really the foods I was eating where helping me clean but it was my kidney that couldn’t filter it out.  I am still cleansing and from time to time this comes back if I don’t regular fast and cleanse or I get too busy and my mind goes over time STRESS PLAYS A BIG PART (healing takes time for all of us and my Kidneys were very damaged so will take longer to heal)


When you start to eat cleanly removing high protein, eggs, dairy, alcohol and grains and do regular cleanses and fast you may stir up a lot of stuff if you have very genetically weak kidneys, or kidneys that have been badly damaged from high protein diets in the past…. even though I was a vegetarian most my life I drank a lot of milk, ate cheese and tofu , nuts, grains, alcohol, chocolate and legumes where my staple diet. Don’t be put off by this “HEALING CRISIS” just focus on getting your Kidneys to filter…


I have found that too much fasting too quickly and too many yo yo clean periods and then binges can shock the system and create Edema from steering up a lot of stuff while your still struggling with turning on digestion, absorption, elimination and utilization. This is why transitioning affectively is very important…. as well as consistency when reaching the high levels of being in a 100% RAW FOOD DIET. 


ONE CONTRIVERSAL THING I LEARNT, WAS TO STOP DRINKING SO MUCH WATER and introduce dry fasting in to your health routine. Read more here:  How much water is good for you, and why you should never take it with food?

Edema is serious and can build up into the lungs and drown you. Please focus on getting your kidneys to filter through your nutrition, exercise, mediation and fasting. If your kidneys are in very bad shape like mine, and you don’t get them to filter then your Edema could get worse, and this will only put more ware and tare on your Kidneys and Adrenal Glands. The Adrenal Glands sit on the Kidneys and control them, so if they do not function well and your stressed….then you won’t get good kidney filtration ether.



If you have Edema and you’re still eating a very acidic cooked high protein diet….you’re only going to damage your kidneys even more and create more of a problem in the future when you transition over to a healthy high fruit raw food diet. START NOW!


The best thing you can do for your body is to stop consuming and eating  animals, grains, beans, starches, alcohol and dairy products. Your kidneys are the most import eliminative organ to remove metabolic waste, mucus and acids from the lymphatic system. The kidneys are the exit valves to empty the septic tank. The kidneys hate proteins, cooked and acid forming foods and can’t eliminate there waste when there being damaged by these neurotoxins on a daily bases. 

Still drink coffee?. . .’oh just the one’ THINK AGAIN. . .

Kidneys love fruits, vegetables, and herbs as they leave little to no metabolic waste….the kidneys can function optimally when your eating a diet that creates a highly alkaline and hydrated environment. When you eat this way you do not need extra water, your fruits are high in water contents and you often drink green juices too. Water will just add to your Edema and slow your healing down. 

I am still on this path to heal my Edema but I know when its’ better my kidneys filter and when it stops and returns I have dabbled in too many starches, nuts, seeds, fats and the odd cooked foods. I have been on this journey for a few years and I no longer like the effects of following my taste buds over my natural diet!

Hannah  x x

Acid vs Alkaline and why one creates death and the other allows you to THRIVE!

What happens when the body gets too acidic?

Acidosis happens, the only “disease” that exists. In Natural Hygiene we do not subscribe to labels or names for symptoms. We believe and teach that all and every symptom is due to an acidic system, and a backed up lymphatic system that needs to be cleaned out so the disease/symptoms/illness goes away!

The only disease that exists is a “disease” called acidosis!

With the state of most people’s health we must question if the allopathic industry really are invested in healing and providing a cure? We must question if they even understand the basics of how a person’s health declines and the role they play in it?

Medical doctors make disease symptoms appear so complicated that the average person thinks only trained specialist can help them. My mission is to show everyone they can heal themselves from anything with just simple fruits and raw natural living foods and a natural lifestyle… without expensive supplements, medications, treatments and potions.

But Doctors, Governments and Big Pharma don’t want this information to get out….

There are 2 fluids in the human body. There is the blood and there is the lymphatic system and I speak about these in most of my posts. The blood acts like the kitchen it’s provides you what you need as a carrier of nutrients. The lymphatic system is the sewer system of the body. (The septic waste tank) just as we remove rubbish to a bin, the cells eliminate their waste into the lymphatic system. The waste is then carried to the lymph nodes by the lymphatic vessels, just as the sewer pipes carry them to the septic tank. After these waste brakes down they must be eliminated through the lymphatic fluids carrying the final by-products through the (kidneys) if that’s not possible because they’re damaged…. the waste will go through the skin! YUK
Just as bacteria is in a septic tank, brakes down it’s waste, the bacteria in the lymph nodes brakes down the body’s acid waste….never get your nodes removed!!

Most medical Doctors and Specialist don’t understand this simple concept and how the body functions in this way. They are still to focused on the kitchen (the blood) they assume that it’s the blood that detects these ” diseases” this is why they coined the phrase autoimmune disease that really just translates ( I don’t have a clue and no way to help you) it’s a perfect phrase to “diagnose a disease” to push the agenda of prescribing chemical medications and supplements to temporarily mask and suppress a “disease like symptom” its money for there banks. The medical system likes to blame our bodies for not working properly when really we just are not looking after them but giving the chance they work just fine!

It’s simple stagnant acids that are creating these obstructions, and it’s your kidneys that are too damage to filter and release them through the urinary tract.Causing swelling and rashes and symptoms that your body needs to be cleaned.

If you’re in a disease like state it’s not because you have a autoimmune problem and the body is attacking itself. Your body has been obstructed by acids and there backed up in the Lymphatic system from head to toe even in the brain, and your systemically effected by these acids, and your feeling the symptoms from your genetically weak areas. Skin lungs ect…

The answer to healing the body of all “diseases” is through DETOXIFICATION.

STOP damaging your body with acid obstructions that are corrosive to your lymphatic system, your body will start to heal it’s self naturally. Treating a problem with drugs that only numb, and mask a symptom, will only lock in these acids more and create a bigger problem in your future.

Does it really make sense if someone has damaged mutated cells (cancer) to dump more acids on top of acids that created the damaged cells?? Chemotherapy drugs and chemical radiation are acids….the same acids that created the problem in the first place like the foods we ingest, the fluids we drink, the air we breathe, and the things we put on our skin and the thoughts and environments we live in….

Some in the main stream are starting to come around to these facts of how simple it can be to heal are bodies. In Natural Hygiene we look to nature for guidance…when a animal in nature gets sick the animal finds a quite place and rest. The animal does not eat or drink anything until the body properly cleanses it’s self out from what has created the dis-ease, which has put the animal in this state of illness.
So should do the same thing, except we must work harder because humans are more toxic than animals in the wild. A diet high in fruits, greens, tender vegetables and herbs….with small fasting periods is essential with the highly toxic depleted state humans are in these days, especially for our Autistic children who are so toxic and sensitive.

By adding in alkaline chemistry through your diet. You can fix digestion, absorption, utilization, and elimination and you will remove the side of chemistry that is destroying your body and health. When you remove the acidic dead and carcinogenic producing foods such as grains, beans, meat, dairy, and all processed acid forming foods, the body can properly detoxify its self turn on proper glandular function…so you can get utilization of base chemistry. Alkalinity will fight off acids.

You must bring in more alkaline chemistry In order to remove acid chemistry.

This is a great chart below:


How do we bring in more alkaline chemistry so we can fight of corrosive obstructive acids that cause systemic lymphatic acidosis? 

We must change are diets to Raw Living Alkaline Foods. Mucus forming foods will only add on the fire causing the burn of cells!
So you see that the alkaline foods we consume are fresh raw fruits and vegetables, not cooked dead foods that cause an acid ash and create decay in the human organism. The detoxification process of the body healing its self can only take place when we consume chemistry alkaline and living in its natural form. The body cannot heal itself when we consume acid and mucus morning foods. IT CAN NOT HEAL WITH DEAD ANIMALS PRODUCTS IN IT…

The level of chronic poor health toxicity we have in today’s world is very shocking and upsetting to me… babies lymphatic systems are so compromised by this toxicity through generations they are being born with cancer!
We need the power of the fruits to remove the obstructions that are damaging the cells so that the cells can regenerate. Fruits do not ruin your skin, cause deficiencies, and make your symptoms worse. Fruits expose theses issues, and reveal them when they’re pulling them out of a toxic body.
If you stay on fruit long enough and push through the healing crisis, you’ll find out how beneficial the fruits are when it comes to energy, digestion and brain power! Which is why it will take a few years to overcome Autism on this lifestyle but it is possible!

Sometimes it can take several months to get your body to have a response or even years depending on how toxic and backed up you are.
Keep your detoxification going….my journey has been slow and years but I never give up!

Hannah x x



The body has no need for protein, and is not even able to utilize and absorb protein. IT IS IN FACT THE AMINO ACIDS the body needs, the building blocks of life, and all the amino acids your body needs are in fruits and vegetables….HOW DO YOU THINK LARGE ANIMALS LIKE GORALLAS AND ELEPHANTS GET THERES?

Proteins are foreign to the human anatomy, and leave an acid ash and break down the most important eliminative organ in the human body… that are responsible for draining the septic tank so the body doesn’t get chewed up by acids. When the acids get backed up in the human body they start to suppress the endocrine glands that are responsible for mineral utilization, calcium utilization, hormone production, steroid production, and the anatomic nervous system. EXCESS PROTEIN IS KILLING US TODAY…don’t get me started on protein shakes that’s another blog!!


Excess protein is very acidic and actually creates stagnant acids the break down the tissue. Protein damages the kidneys and causes acid plaque around them… to the point that the body can no longer filter lymphatic waste from the body, when this happens this causes the root of all health issues. This happens to vegans and vegetarians too as it did to me as my diet was full of legumes, beans, nuts, seeds, milk and tofu…

We do not absorb PROTEIN molecules into our bloodstream. If protein molecules were injected into the bloodstream, we’d become critically sick and could die.

For our nutritional needs, we absorb AMINO ACID molecules (not PROTEIN molecules) into our bloodstream from the small intestine.

ALL of the PROTEIN molecules that make up our cells, hormones and other biochemical necessities are manufactured/synthesized by our cells from AMINO ACIDS. AMINO ACIDS are the building blocks of PROTEINS. That is, we must digest/reduce food-sourced PROTEIN molecules down to AMINO ACID molecules for the body’s uses. AMINO ACID molecules are smaller than PROTEIN molecules, and they are absorbable.

Where do we get our protein from?


Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and a long chain. Protein must be broken down to a amino acids to be utilised and digested. So cut out the middle cow and just eat plants!

For those who say we don’t absorb nutrients from plants as well as flesh….how does a gorilla 🦍 get so strong? Or a horse 🐎 or a giraffe 🦒⁉️

In my experience all nine essential amino acids are needed for muscle growth so a variety of fruits and greens are best. There are 22 amino acids that exist, nine are essential and 11 are non-essential. These are what we need the most threonine, tryptophan, isoleucine, methionine, leucine, and lysine.

Some plants high in the 9 essential amino acids I’d suggest are:

Sesame seeds
Turnip greens
Sunflower seeds
Leafy greens
Hemp seeds
Chia seeds
Sprouted chickpeas
Brazil nuts
Barley grass
Sprouted Buckwheat
Apricots (fresh and dried)
Coz lettuce

But All fruits and vegetables and plants have some level of amino acids to build strong bodies.

When we eat a variety of fruits greens and non starchy vegetables we are getting ALL WE NEED

Deficiencies do not exist in a clean and alkaline body. What you should do is clean out the sewer system in your body (your Lymphatic system) through detoxification….and start eating raw fruits and herbs, because your body is designed for them. The Homo sapien is a frugivore species and thrives on tree ripen fresh organic fruit!

When you eat the food your biologically designed for you will thrive and heal your health issues. Raw food low in fat cleans out the body and creates detoxification….and when this happens the body will brake down all the damage we have created on the high cooked, mucus forming and protein rich diets. If your having chronic skin issues it’s because your not filtering through your kidneys and need to focus on how you can clean the protein plaques of that are suppressing them. The best thing you can do for your kidneys, lymphatic system and your skin is to move to a mucusless raw food diet of keeping your fruits at 80% and take herbs that encourage the kidneys to filter out the acids that are braking down the kidneys.

Detoxification will expose your weakness and draw out the damage…before it can build itself up and repair it. The swelling and rashes are the acids trying to escape your body, but they are stagnant because of weak kidneys and adrenal glands. Once you get your kidneys too filter the lymphatic waste then these things will start to go away

If your skin is getting worse on a raw food fruit based diet,  it’s not the diet that’s causing the issue, but a systemic underlined issue being brought to the service. The fruits are stirring up these acids so that the body can eliminate them.

The kidneys are so toxic and damaged from the mucus, pus and acid forming foods such as all processed food, beans, grains, dairy, meat and starches that it takes more then fruit and vegetables to get them cracked open so they can filter. It take time, detoxification  and consistently…