
Still drink coffee?. . .’oh just the one’ THINK AGAIN. . .

Do you think coffee is harmless to your adrenals?

Not just that 1 cup you have surely?

below I will help show you what that 1 cup of coffee even the black without milk will do to your adrenals and the effects that has on your entire system.


13 Little Known Facts About Coffee oh and Cacao!!

1. Caffeine is an alkaloid that the coffee plant uses to kill bugs, which eat its’ seeds which it wants birds to spread. The coffee plant also uses caffeine in the coffee pods to kill surrounding plants, so the coffee plant can attain more sunlight and grow larger. Caffeine is a pesticide, which causes genetic termination in living cells that come into contact with it.

2. MRI images taken before and after 1 cup of coffee showed a decrease in blood flow to the brain by 45%.

3. Brain imaging studies of chronic coffee drinkers showed they presented the same degradation of their brains as chronic alcoholics, cigarette smokers, Parkinson’s patients and marijuana users.

3. Coffee can cause an urge to move your bowels because this is one way the body tries to eliminate poison from the system fast. Coffee enemas are not a healthy practice and are not recommended unless you have stage 4 cancer and need a fast detox!

4. Coffee increases energy via the human fight or flight metabolic response, because the body is afraid of the caffeine based poison. Coffee doesn’t give energy, it removes it from the body. The energy a person feels when they drink coffee is the body going into overdrive because caffeine is a poison and all poisons activate an energy release in the body. (fight or flight) Coffee removes energy from the system making you need more and the cycle of addiction flows.

5. When the fight or flight response is triggered in the body, the lower IQ centers of the brain are activated as well as hormonal systems in control of aggression, violence, irrational and illogical decision making, jealousy, rage, anger, fear and paranoia.

6. When measured, 1 coffee activated the fight and flight response for 3 consecutive weeks, even though no other caffeine was consumed after that 1 cup of coffee. This means the most primal/low IQ centers of the brain (the limbic system) are activated for 3 weeks after consuming one cup of coffee, even if no other caffeine is consumed in that 3 week period. Making decisions through the limbic center of the brain (our caveman portion) is also proven to lead to chaotic life situations because of the low mental processing capabilities that area of the mind is famous for.

7. When coffee (caffeine) is consumed, the limbic part of the brain is hyper activated and the higher learning centers of the mind inhibited. The limbic part of the brain is only concerned with sex, reproduction, protection of territory, food acquisition and personal safety. The limbic portion of the brain is the most primitive and least developed portion of the mind complex. When you want to out smart or dominate another person, it’s best that their limbic system is activated, because it brings them to a mental state equal to that of a child.

8. The birth control pill inhibits clearing of ingested caffeine. This effect is increased dramatically by alcohol or pain killer use, therefore causing many cases of caffeine poisoning, which get treated as other things once the person reaches the hospital.

9. Coffee is proven to cause an enlarged prostate, high anxiety, insomnia, depression, birth defects, pain syndromes, unnatural breathing patterns, brain damage, hyperactivity, learning disorders (from the brain damage) behavior disorders, fatigue, certain types of cancer, Crohns, IBS, colitis, heart disease, headaches, PMS, increased incidence of muscle and tendon injury, joint pain, carpel tunnel…and that’s a short list.

10. Coffee causes fat gain and cellulite because by triggering the body’s flight or fight system (which any poison or threat does), eventually changes the body’s primary fuel source requirement to one of fat. When the body is threatend, it prefers fat as its’ primary fuel source, over sugar or protein. Constant activation of the body’s fight or flight system (via the daily ingestion of caffeine poison) aids in a metabolic shift to fat storgage and fat conservation, because again the body prefers fat as a fuel source when fighting any toxic intruder….. because fat contains 9 calories per gram for the fight, as oppsed to 4 calories per gram housed by sugar and protein. Welcome to the land of coffee (caffeine) induced fat gain, weight gain and cellulite. This is true for Cacao/chocolate too…read more next!

11. Coffee (caffeine) blocks iron absorption, causing the vast majority of anemia today. The entire threat of caffeine in general includes caffeine teas, chocolates, caffeine based energy drinks, caffeine based pre work out drinks and over 2000 over the counter and prescription medications that PURPOSELY include caffeine either from chocolate or coffee. Medical doctors aren’t generally aware of the symptoms of caffeine poisoning and also only get paid when you’re sick, so keeping you on the coffee/caffeine train makes your return visits a guarantee!

12. Here we have an article explaining clearly why caffeine destroys human potential within the brain, leading lower life performance and achievement on all levels. This is an agenda explained below. Hot chocolate, caffeine laced energy drinks, chocolate and sugary sodas of course are gate way caffeine drugs for children…. towards their future coffee addictions as adults (which is why I never have knowingly given my children chocolate and do not recommend you ever do either.) Coffee shops are everywhere it is big business keeping everyone addictions alive. There’s a reason for this.

‘There’s absolutely no scientific evidence what so ever that coffee provides any health benefits to the human body,’

13. An investigation conducted by the author of the most extensive book on coffee ever written, reviewed almost every scientific research piece regarding coffee and his conclusion was that there’s absolutely no scientific evidence what so ever that coffee provides any health benefits to the human body, on any level, in anyway. He openly declares that any positive promotion of coffee consumption is a blatant lie, doing grave harm to our entire society. The publication of any positive effects of coffee are false and all can be traced back to a very powerful, covert and secret “coffee lobby”, which has both commercial and ruling family origins. The author reviews the research in the book at this added link. How many coffee shops have opened in your town in the last 20 years?

So why the lying about coffee? Think of government and how governing a brain damaged population is easier than governing a healthy population. Start there and keep connecting the dots. This documentary explains more. Coffee is only one brain damaging weapon used against an uninformed. The 10 most popular brain damaging weapons used against us (in order of use) are:

  •  1) vaccines
  • 2) coffee and caffeine products
  • 3) alcohol
  • 4) medical drugs
  • 5) sugar/wheat/cow’s milk
  • 6) fluoride
  • 7) cigarettes
  • 8) processed junk foods and genetically modified foods
  • 9) EMF radiation from wireless devices 
  • 10) chemtrails.

Coffee and caffeine products not only prime people to be overweight, sick and numb……they destroy the part of the brain that could warn the person that they’re becoming overweight, sick and dumb. This is how science is used against the slave. The best slave is a brain damaged slave, unable to think or care for themselves without the help of slave master. A helpless population guarantees a need for government. This is why the ruling families do everything in their power to create a helpless population, day in and day out. Governments exist because they perpetually create the conditions for their own existence. Ancient ruling families, who masquerade as modern altruistic governments, are not there to help the people progress, evolve or become more. You live on a chemically controlled slave based control grid. Coffee is just another poison that helps manufacture the low IQ and permanent ill health needed to maintain this control grid. Want to shut the human farm down and put slave master out of business? Reject the poisons!

This is good video explaining more…

Properties of fruit – Natures SUPERFOODS not from a packet!

We hear so much about superfoods and there is always a new berry or seed from a far away land packaged up ready to heal us! What about the common fruits you can get easily and eat every day?

Each fruit holds a different set of nutrients and can help you overcome deficiencies you may have or build you in areas you need. Learning to treat your body with these powerful packed goodies instead of supplements or pills or spending money on packaged super foods is the key to longevity, be it fertility, gut health, depression or removing heavy metals.

If I see a clients test results I work out how they can overcome these deficiencies  by adding in more of one fruit or more of a vegetable to build the body up. Once you learn to listen to your body and what it’s asking for you no longer have the need for supplements or crazy diets. And the body stops the addictive craving rollercoaster as really you listen to what it’s asking for and you start to grab natures powerful gifts . . . not the chocolate bar or coffee. . .

So I’ve broken it down as per the food combination chart Food combining and why is it essential for health!-chart.

Sweet Fruits.


Good for: crohn’s, colitis, adrenal fatigue, digestion, increases fat burning, autism and diabetes, lowers risk of colorectal and kidney cancer. Anti-viral properties.

Contains: potassium,  B6, vitamin C, B5, B2, folate, selenium, manganese, potassium, copper, magnesium.  And a B12 enhancing food.

A good fruit to eat with dates and sweet potatoes 2-3 days before your menstrual cycle to give you energy.


Good for: adrenal support, chronic fatigue, thyroid conditions, diabetes, SIBO, GERD, OCD, lung cancers, autism , ADHD, insomnia when eaten as the last meal, vertigo, edema, candida and anxiety.

Contains:  B5, B3, B2, beta carotene, copper, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, iron, fiber. And a B12 enhancing food.

I suggest eating these with greens for better absorption of the natural sugars and having some in your bag to stop cravings taking over you.


Good for: removing parasites, autism, ADHD, asthma, menopause, pylora, sinus and bad eyes sight issues, alzheimers, constipation, eczema, crohn’s, colitis, SIBO, highly alkaline, the skins have anti-septic properties, highly mineralised, a laxative, a intestinal cleanser

Contains: B1, B5, B6, beta carotene, calcium, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, calcium. And a B12 enhancing food.


Grape – (organic seeded varieties are best)

Good for:  heart and blood vitalisation, filtering the kidneys, keeps blood platelets from sticking together, osteoporosis, cancers (anti-cancer phytonutrients), varicose veins, inflammation, anemia and rheumatoid arthritis, detoxifying,  cleansing, hay fever and allergies, has anti-viral properties, Great for brain fog so make a great afternoon snack!

Contains: resveratrol, antioxidants, quercetin and other polyphenols, boron, high in iron, magnesium and boron.


Good for: a laxative, energy, building muscles and good for stress and for eye sight.

Contains: high in beta carotene, vitamin C, B2, B6.

Taste like every tropical fruit in one!

Mamey Sapote

Good for: gut health and diabetes.

Contains: anti bacterial properties, vitamin C and calcium.

Tastes like a sweeter sweet potato!


Sapote (black)

Good for: great for adrenal support.

Contains: high in vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus.

Tastes like a chocolate mouse!


Good for: cancers, fatty liver, heart conditions, respiratory conditions and adrenal support.

Contains: anti-microbial and anti-viral properties.

Taste sweet and tangy with a perfumed aftertaste!


Good for: digestive support, adrenal support, liver disease, ideal for SIBO, fibromyalgia, MS, migraines, eczema, acne, rosacea and skin conditions, lymes disease, cleansing, enhances fat burning, autism, ADHD, adrenal support and fatigue.

Contains: high in beta carotene for skin conditions, high in vitamin C, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron. Great for parasites, worms and e-coli infections and especially the seeds when eaten on a full moon.


Persimmon – (Fuyu & Hachiya) –

Great for: chronic fatigue and adrenal support, constipation as it’s a mild laxative, soothing the digestive system.

Contains: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin C.

Sub-Acid Fruits.

Apple –(organic is best)

Great for: an overall tonic and contain pectin, a fiber that’s good for the digestive tract, supports immunity, good for alzheimer’s, skin elasticity, weight loss and diabetes.

Contains: vitamin C, copper, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, and trace minerals.


Blackberry –(organic is best)

Great for: diabetes, ADHD, autism, Alzheimer’s adrenal support, helps build bone density, anti-aging, suppresses appetite, enhances fat burning.

Contains: phytonutrients ,vitamin C, beta carotene, folate, omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin K, manganese, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc , fiber. And a B12 enhancing food.


Blueberry –(organic is best)

Great for: diabetes, ADHD, autism, Alzheimer’s, adrenal support, chromic fatigue, good for urinary tract and brain rejuvenation, and removing heavy metals when used with (coriander, parsley, barley grass, lettuce and coconut water in a smoothie).

Contains:  antioxidants & phytonutrients, zinc, omega 3 – 6 and 9 essential fatty acids, fiber, vitamin K, vitamin C, manganese, copper, iron. And a B12 enhancing food.



Great for: PCOS, fat livers, cancer, autism, ear infections, acne, adrenal support, urinary tract and bladder problems, detoxifying, laxative, cleanser, reduce inflammation, heightens awareness, lowers bad cholesterol.

Contains: vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, iron, silicon, omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids.


Great for: the blood, metabolism increaser, and helps break down fat and protein.

Contains: high in polyphenols,  iron, folate, vitamin B, vitamin C, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium. Must be eaten ripe.

Taste somewhat like a fragrant grape!


Great for: your kidneys and digestion, a blood cleanser, supports the immune system, lowers bad cholesterol, great for stress, adrenal support, fatty livers, gut health, thyroid conditions, parkinson, kidney stones, epilepsy, bushings syndrome, urinal tract infections, stomach cancers, diabetes and pre diabetes, histamine intolerances and insomnia when eaten as the last meal.

Contains: beta-carotene for the skin, vitamin C, beta carotene, calcium, potassium and high in magnesium.

A great fruit to eat after your menstrual cycle to help support your body.

Nectarine –(organic is best)

Great for: as a digestive aid and cleanser.

Contains: beta carotene for the skin, B3, vitamin C, vitamin E and copper.

Apricot-(organic is best)

Great for: gallstones, lymes disease, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, moulds and candida as it helps bind to them and pull them out, gut health.

Contains: amnio acids such as cysteine and glutamine, rich in beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, B5, copper, high in iron, potassium, high in fiber, magnesium and a B12 enhancing food.


Peach –(organic is best)

Great for: constipation, a diuretic, a digestive aid, a cleanser and very alkalising.

Contains:  B3, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, magnesium and beta carotene.

Pear -(organic is best)

Great for: diabetes, e-coli infections, SIBO, GERD, fatty liver, OCD, migraines, stomach cancer, food poisoning. They are a diuretic, alkaline, digestive aid and cleanser.

Contains: fiber, iodine, vitamin C and copper.

Plum –(organic is best)

Great for: bowel cancer and contraption as its a good laxative.

Contains: high in oxalic acid, beta carotene, antioxidants, phosphorus, and potassium.


Raspberries – (organic is best)

Great for: lowering bad cholesterol and inhibits certain cancer growth, diabetes, autism, ADHD, stress, adrenal support, fibromyalgia and menstrual cramps.

Contains:  antioxidants, vitamin C , vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, B5, manganese, copper, and iron.

A great food to eat during your menstrual flow.



Great for: respiratory and urinary tracts, , gallbladders, yeast infections, staph infections, a diuretic, weigh loss, diabetes, ear wax and eat infections, breaks down toxins, balances hormones.

Contains:  vitamin C, tannic and oxalic acids.


Great for: high in pectin which strengthens blood vessels and capillaries and reduces the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaque in those afflicted with this problem. Grapefruit juice eases constipation and improves digestion but can reduce appetite, helping with weight loss. Good to eat for cancers, heart problems, strokes, constipation, the blood and nerves. Digestive aid, vascular health, removal of in organic calcium from joints so good for arthritis.

Contains: Vitamin c, pantothenic acid, copper, dietary fiber, potassium, biotin and vitamin B1.


Great for: arthritis, OCD, diabetes, adrenal support, SIBO. Removes excess sodium buildup, the enzymes help in correcting and soothing digestive system including acid reflux and anti-aging.

Contains: vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin, E, folate, copper, potassium.



Great for: anti-aging.

Contains:  calcium, beta carotene, vitamin C, iron, and magnesium.


Great for: a potent detoxifier, kills intestinal parasites and dissolves gallstones, great for flu, kidney disease, respiratory conditions, anxiety, cancers, weight loss and rosacea, heart problems, strokes, constipation, the blood and nerves. See Limes too.

Contains:  calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, cleansing, an alkalising effect even though it’s an acid fruit.


Limes – (yellow when ripe..I know!)

Great for: Limes are good to eat for cancers, heart problems, strokes, constipation, the blood and nerves. Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, cleansing, alkalising even though it’s an acid fruit. See Lemons too.

Contains: bioflavonoids, citric acid and pectin.


Great for: reducing inflammation, shrink tumors, and inhibit blood clots, help with gum disease, kidney stones, anxiety, depression, acne, removing heavy metals. The Herperidin in oranges can help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, they contain bioflavonoids, citric acids and pectin. Oranges are good for cancers, heart problems, strokes, constipation, the blood and nerves and  digestive support.

Contains: 170 different phytonutrients and more than 60 known falconoid, calcium, vitamin C.

A great fruit to eat the week before your menstrual cycle to help prepare and clean your body.



Great for: adrenal support, respiratory conditions, ADHD, PCOS, removing heavy metals when used with greens. Promotes joint health, reduces inflammation, a  diuretic, a digestive aid, a cleanser of mucus, and a mild laxative.

Contains: calcium, vitamin C, folic acid, magnesium, manganese and beta carotene.

I suggest eating it frozen to stop your tongue burning!


Great for: cleansing and building the blood, insomnia, brain fog, adrenal support, heart conditions, diabetes,  urinary tract infections, protects against sunburn, PCOS, removes ear wax, fights prostate cancer and regulates hormones.

Contains: vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and beta carotene.


Strawberry –(organic is best)

Great for: diabetes, ADHD, heart conditions, alzheimer’s, reduce bad cholesterol, suppress growth of colon, prostate and oral cancers.

Contains: vitamin C, folate, manganese, copper and iron.


Great for: See oranges.

Contains: vitamin C, beta carotene, calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium.

Tomato – (heirlooms and organic are best)

Great for: Tomatoes are filled with antioxidants and phytonutrients, over 9,000 known phytonutrients to date. The main and most powerful antioxidant known in the tomato is lycopene. Lycopene is thought to protect the liver, lungs, prostate gland, colon and skin from sunburn among other things. Ongoing research seems to show that lycopene helps prevent macular degeneration, lower cholesterol, support the immune system and can help prevent and rid cancers. Also has a alkaline residue and reduces inflammation.

Contains: vitamin C, B6, B5 ,B1, vitamin K, copper, iron, magnesium.

Only eat raw do not cook tomatoes!

High Fat Fruits.


Great for: colitis and crohn’s and gut health. Helps restores the intestinal lining and gut health, removing polyps, good for liver and to lower cholesterol levels. Great for the brain and growing children

Contains:  vitamin E, protein, iron and copper, Omega 3 essential fatty acids.

A great fruit to eat while you are ovulating and the week after ovulation.


Durian –  great after work out food as it’s high in potassium and sulfur which makes them a warming fruit.

Contains: vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folate, copper, manganese, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

Smells bad but is tasty!

Olives – (not in oil)

Great for: anti-aging, very alkalising, lubricating and cleansing.

Contains: calcium, sodium, magnesium, amino acids, antioxidants, vitamin A and E. High in Omega 3 essential fatty acids.

Coconut fresh meat and water

Great for: autism, gut health, adrenal support, parkinson’s, anti-aging, brain support, alzheimers’s, adrenal support, diabetes, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, heart conditions.  provides protection against UV raises, promotes collagen and contains probiotics.

Contains:  4 electrolytes, anti-microbial fats, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral properties, magnesium, potassium, iron and sodium.

Add coconut water to green smoothies to help the greens like parsley and coriander to remove heavy metals and unwanted acids form the body. A great fruit to eat after your menstrual cycle to help support your body.

These 4 fruits are very high in fat, but are of the best healthiest kind. However, you should eat these foods in moderation. If you are consuming a lot of fruit or you will end up with insulin problems. A low fat raw food diet usually works best for most people look into the 80/10/10 Diet. If you are a slow oxidizer and have weight to loose you should aim for 10% fat in your diet or less. If you are eating a 2000 calorie diet this works out to be about 22 grams of fat per day and this adds up quicker than you might think. One avocado has about 25 grams of fat and one olive has 1 gram of fat. If you are a fast oxidizer you can eat a higher percentage of 20% but be careful not to consume too much high sugar fruit or stay high fat for too long.

Non-Sweet Fruits.

Bell peppers – (orange and red only, green are unripe and not suugested organic is best)

Great for: protects against sunburn, good for the heart.

Contains: beta carotene, vitamin C, folate, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamin E. vitamin K, iron, manganese.


Cucumber – (organic is best)

Great for: skin and hair, energy, adrenals support, cushing’s syndrome, MS, infertility, the lymphatic system, chronic fatigue and a cooling effect on the organs, great for e-coli infections and yeast overgrowths, alkalising, a diuretic and a great cleanser.

Contains: electrolytes, high in vitamin K (this can be converted to K2 for bone and teeth health), B5, silicon, potassium, copper.

A great fruit to eat after your menstrual cycle to help support your body.


Tomato – (also an acid fruit see above)


Great for: contains vitamins A and C, maganese and magnesium, and contains folate, which has been shown to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects and other birth defects.

Contains: carotenoid beta-cryptoxanthin, has decreased incidence of lung cancer. A cup of winter squash contains 15% of the recommended daily allowance of folate.



Great for: alzheimer’s, autism , epilepsy, cancer, stress, ADHD.

Contains: vitamnins B1, B3, B6, C and potassium, glykoalkaloids and phytonutrients like flavonoids, caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid. The flavonoid nasunin in eggplants, has high levels of antioxidant properties and is known to be a scavenger of free radicals, thus protecting the cells of the body. Nasunin is also known for its ability to protect the fats surrounding the cell membrane of the brain. the chlorogenic acid it contains is known to be the most potent antioxidant that displays antimicrobial, antiviral and antitumor abilities and plays an important role in the prevention of many diseases. Glykoalkaloids invade cancer cells and stimulate the cell’s owns digestive enzymes the culinary definition of fruit excludes these foods, botany declares them a fruit because of their seeds. They are low in sugar and fat and are great to add to salads or just to eat alone as part of a low fat raw food diet. Best to be steamed whole and then added to salads or raw dips.


Melons are one of natures miracle foods, close to our own milk in goodness as they give us all we need. They are one of the best cleansers and I recommend eating mono meals of melons too clear out your system. Melons are to be eaten alone due to there rapid digestion time so make a great breakfast. Read more here: The truth about fruit . . .

Melons are the most alkalising fruits around, high in electrolytes making them a super food for us! They are easily absorbed bioavailable and bioactive so utilised by the body easily.



Great for: immunity support, protects against sunburn, reduces inflammation, a cleanser and great for rehydrating, ideal for diabetes as it helps balances insulin levels and hormones.

Contains: a great nutrient profile, very high in beta carotene, vitamin C, folate, B3, potassium, copper. Great for parasites.

A great fruit to eat after your menstrual cycle to help support your body.

Watermelon – (organic and seeded is best)

Great for: SIBO, adrenal fatigue, heavy metals, adrenal fatigue, protects against sunburn, helps reduce the risk of prostate, ovarian and cervical cancers and a great cleanser, great for rehydrating.

Contains: beta carotene, vitamin C and  copper.

Bittermelon – the fruits and leaves of bitter melon are a good source of minerals and vitamins, such as iron, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin B. The juice from the leaves is also good to prevent and lessen cough, for fever and against ringworms. it is also used to treat sterility in women and alleviate liver problems. bitter melon has some antimicrobial activity and can help infected wounds. Nutritional contents can actually be absorbed by the body’s digestive system of the plant become some of these substances exist in unabsorbable form. It lowers blood sugar levels and addition in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, reducing the patients intake of antidiabetic drugs.

Protein and Calcium on Raw Vegan Diet!

Protein is required for the development of the human body , but the protein consumed should be of the highest quality and is often misunderstood the amount we need per day. In a child it is around 15-20% per day and in an adult is 10-15% per day and in many cases much less. More proteiIn than this can cause inflammation in the body, more so if it is from animal products.

Other than Lychees ALL fruit and vegetables have all 8 Amino Acids (protein) and omega 3 fatty acids. 

There are proteins in everything that grows as long as it’s not a refined food. But If some of our vegan foods don’t stack up against animal foods and are deficient in certain amino acids, they are compensated by their abundance in other goodies and eating verity will help overcome this.

Green leafy vegetables and small amounts of a variety of nuts, legumes, sprouts and seeds provide this high level of nutrients and protein.


For example:

  • Spinach contains 49% calories from protein.
  • Kale contains 45% calories from protein.
  • Hemp seeds contain 22% calories from protein.
  • Sprouts 44% calories from protein, an excellent source of protein and B12 so perfect vegan food.

A pregnant and lactating woman can get all the protein she needs eating verity rich whole food, raw living vegan diet without deficiencies.


Eating meat floods the body with protein waste products. The kidneys then need to eliminate these acidic wastes, requiring calcium as a buffer in the process, leeching calcium from the bones. Calcium is continually lost in the urinary waste, and may result in osteoporosis or bone loss. It has been showed now that people who consume dairy in large daily amounts over their lifetime tend to have osteoporosis. Contrary what we are taught!

Vegetable protein is much more easily absorbed into the bloodstream without the loss of calcium from eating animal protein. Animal-based protein places a great stress upon the liver and kidneys. This is a link to great explanation:

Also excess proteins have a negative effect on calcium stores too because amino acids contain sulfur, which in turn affects the body’s pH balance. Excess Calcium prevents fat absorption within the gut. I suggest eating your calcium rich foods like kelp, dulse, celery, broccoli, figs, rhubarb and oranges away from fats and proteins will help and too little calcium will affect your bone and teethe health.

Increasing your B12 now will help with protein absorption rather than eating more protein, and K2 for teethe and bone health, as it acts like a public transportation system for calcium. You consume calcium through food like the rich foods above. Vitamin D from the sun ~ the body easily absorbs vitamin D with just 15 minutes of exposure to sunshine per day ~ triggers ergosterol, which is transformed into vitamin D, which helps us absorb calcium from the foods we consume directly into our bloodstream. This will help take the pressure of the body from excuse protein until you can transition to a low fat high carb raw vegan lifestyle.

Then vitamin K2 takes the calcium to where it needs to go. Without vitamin K2, calcium can end up hardening in your arteries as plaque, and deposits in the joints, arteries, kidneys, brain and elsewhere.

Often we seem to be low or high in calcium when in fact it is due to heavy metal that calcium gets drawn out of the bones and teeth and floats around the blood not being able to be utilised so is urinated out. This means it is present, but cannot be used properly. This condition causes symptoms of both deficiency and excess at the same time because there can be a deficiency of available calcium, and an excess of bio-unavailable calcium at the same time. I do not suggest calcium supplements. The body does not cope well with large amount of nutrients not in a whole foods form being dumped in to the body so doesn’t utilise it and excretes most out.

We should eat the food to which we are naturally adapted too which has ample amounts of protein, omega 3 fatty acids, nutrients, and essential carbohydrates. Fruits, vegetables, green leafy vegetables, sprouts, berries, sprouted legumes, nuts and seeds. Not animal flesh to get our protein.

Protein rich plant foods are:

  • spinach 49% calories from protein.
  • kale 45% calories from protein.
  • broccoli 45% calories from protein.
  • cauliflower 24% calories from protein.
  • green paper 22% calories from protein.
  • parsley 34% calories from protein.
  • cucumber 22% calories from protein.
  • lettuce 29% (let that sink in!) calories from protein.
  • cabbage 25% calories from protein.
  • tomatoes 18% calories from protein.
  • apricots 12% calories from protein.
  • peaches 9% calories from protein.
  • sunflower seeds 14% calories from protein.
  • watermelon 9% calories from protein.

Yes you can get protein from fruit!

Let’s compare that to animal products:

  • beef 25.8% calories from protein.
  • chicken 23% calories from protein.
  • eggs 12% calories from protein.

Understanding why we feel stressed and how to overcome it with spiritual practices.

STRESS you have the decision to view life any way you want…you can choose to think and feel anyway you want to…

Aligning with your soul or aligning with your ego will determine your daily life and how stressed you are day to day.

How many of us experience stress?

A perception of stress is that it is because of what others do or circumstances out of your control that make you stressed, and how others makes you feel. That belief is coming from a place of the victim and is self-imposed and self inflicted keeping you holding on to past stories that may not even be the whole truth but your version of that truth. If you believe stress is because of other people’s behaviour you are not aligned with your soul and the universe . . .that means you feel stress because of others in your life. This comes from ego and fear and is a low vibration that cause disease. Believing and living from this view means you can never be free and your happiness is based on others and situations around you. Because your happiness is determined by others or the life you must lead. If you don’t think your anxiety, depression, sadness and stress impact your physical health, think again. All of these emotions trigger chemical reactions in your body, which can lead to inflammation and a weakened immune system. You must find ways to cope and move beyond it….

Don’t let your mind bully your body into believing it must carry the burden of it’s worries.

Astrid Alauda




Stress is however a reminder that you are not aligned with your souls purpose! As is any negative emotions. Any moment of stress is if you are in alignment with the energy of your ego mind and viewing the universe from a place of fear and without faith in the higher purpose.

We say things to ourselves like . . .’If I had more money’, or ‘If I was thinner’, or ‘If I had more Facebook likes’ or ‘If my business were bigger’ ‘If my boyfriend purposed’ Then I would not be stressed out, I would be happy . . .but this mindset will never lead to happiness. Because it comes from ego and lack, and a place of viewing your life as if others can affect or influence it . . . but the truth is YOU have full control to change that view and connect with your soul and the universal energy and flow in life. You have the power to drop the old patterns and stories and create a new story and anew way of being…

When do you know if you have done that?

You’ll feel happiness, inner peace, contentment, no need for external influences or the need to numb your emotions with TV, food, drugs, alcohol, over exercising, mindless activities…but happy with simple pleasure found naturally and from within.

If you aligned with ego life will always seem dissatisfying, without passion, holding on to grudges, not forgiving. Life seems chaotic, painful, hard and out of your control, as if life is treating you unfairly . . .you will feel exhausted and sick and the outcomes in life will not fulfil you and you will always need the next thing or material objects to get some sort of pleasure. i.e. external temporary happiness.

So when you learn to align with your souls purpose, you will have a life of abundance, prosperity, health and a change of circumstances. And you will see the flow and ease of how life can be.

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.

William James

So how do you overcome stress and be in stressful environments and around stressful people without connecting to that energy?

Seeing that it is story you have created and that you can release the stories NOW….witnessing the complete emotion and sitting with it in acceptance without trying to numb it. Using daily mediation practices, self care practices and learning to accept and love yourself and your current life situation just as you are. Faith and trust in the flow of the universe letting go of forcing life. Opening and aligning with your inner voice and connect to the universal energy. Stop pointing and blaming at others for causing your stress and see stress as a message or warning from your soul that you are not aligned. Stop what you are doing and breath and take a new path, try to align with what your inner voice is saying. I would suggest connecting to the highest vibration you can through using mindset coaching, a master, a spiritual group, a yoga class, a qigong class or spiritual practice you connect with. That may be a friend who lifts you up and inspires you… 

‘A man must lift himself up by his own mind, not rely on others to save him’~ Hannah Miles.png

I would be honoured to help you through a stressful time and teach you the tools that have given me the strongest mindset I’ve ever had and the dream life I’ve always wanted.

Contact me today for a free 30 minute consultation to see how we could work together:

Remember you are not alone and it is never as bad as you can tell yourself it is…that’s just a story!

Much love Hannah x x