
Acid vs Alkaline and why one creates death and the other allows you to THRIVE!

What happens when the body gets too acidic?

Acidosis happens, the only “disease” that exists. In Natural Hygiene we do not subscribe to labels or names for symptoms. We believe and teach that all and every symptom is due to an acidic system, and a backed up lymphatic system that needs to be cleaned out so the disease/symptoms/illness goes away!

The only disease that exists is a “disease” called acidosis!

With the state of most people’s health we must question if the allopathic industry really are invested in healing and providing a cure? We must question if they even understand the basics of how a person’s health declines and the role they play in it?

Medical doctors make disease symptoms appear so complicated that the average person thinks only trained specialist can help them. My mission is to show everyone they can heal themselves from anything with just simple fruits and raw natural living foods and a natural lifestyle… without expensive supplements, medications, treatments and potions.

But Doctors, Governments and Big Pharma don’t want this information to get out….

There are 2 fluids in the human body. There is the blood and there is the lymphatic system and I speak about these in most of my posts. The blood acts like the kitchen it’s provides you what you need as a carrier of nutrients. The lymphatic system is the sewer system of the body. (The septic waste tank) just as we remove rubbish to a bin, the cells eliminate their waste into the lymphatic system. The waste is then carried to the lymph nodes by the lymphatic vessels, just as the sewer pipes carry them to the septic tank. After these waste brakes down they must be eliminated through the lymphatic fluids carrying the final by-products through the (kidneys) if that’s not possible because they’re damaged…. the waste will go through the skin! YUK
Just as bacteria is in a septic tank, brakes down it’s waste, the bacteria in the lymph nodes brakes down the body’s acid waste….never get your nodes removed!!

Most medical Doctors and Specialist don’t understand this simple concept and how the body functions in this way. They are still to focused on the kitchen (the blood) they assume that it’s the blood that detects these ” diseases” this is why they coined the phrase autoimmune disease that really just translates ( I don’t have a clue and no way to help you) it’s a perfect phrase to “diagnose a disease” to push the agenda of prescribing chemical medications and supplements to temporarily mask and suppress a “disease like symptom” its money for there banks. The medical system likes to blame our bodies for not working properly when really we just are not looking after them but giving the chance they work just fine!

It’s simple stagnant acids that are creating these obstructions, and it’s your kidneys that are too damage to filter and release them through the urinary tract.Causing swelling and rashes and symptoms that your body needs to be cleaned.

If you’re in a disease like state it’s not because you have a autoimmune problem and the body is attacking itself. Your body has been obstructed by acids and there backed up in the Lymphatic system from head to toe even in the brain, and your systemically effected by these acids, and your feeling the symptoms from your genetically weak areas. Skin lungs ect…

The answer to healing the body of all “diseases” is through DETOXIFICATION.

STOP damaging your body with acid obstructions that are corrosive to your lymphatic system, your body will start to heal it’s self naturally. Treating a problem with drugs that only numb, and mask a symptom, will only lock in these acids more and create a bigger problem in your future.

Does it really make sense if someone has damaged mutated cells (cancer) to dump more acids on top of acids that created the damaged cells?? Chemotherapy drugs and chemical radiation are acids….the same acids that created the problem in the first place like the foods we ingest, the fluids we drink, the air we breathe, and the things we put on our skin and the thoughts and environments we live in….

Some in the main stream are starting to come around to these facts of how simple it can be to heal are bodies. In Natural Hygiene we look to nature for guidance…when a animal in nature gets sick the animal finds a quite place and rest. The animal does not eat or drink anything until the body properly cleanses it’s self out from what has created the dis-ease, which has put the animal in this state of illness.
So should do the same thing, except we must work harder because humans are more toxic than animals in the wild. A diet high in fruits, greens, tender vegetables and herbs….with small fasting periods is essential with the highly toxic depleted state humans are in these days, especially for our Autistic children who are so toxic and sensitive.

By adding in alkaline chemistry through your diet. You can fix digestion, absorption, utilization, and elimination and you will remove the side of chemistry that is destroying your body and health. When you remove the acidic dead and carcinogenic producing foods such as grains, beans, meat, dairy, and all processed acid forming foods, the body can properly detoxify its self turn on proper glandular function…so you can get utilization of base chemistry. Alkalinity will fight off acids.

You must bring in more alkaline chemistry In order to remove acid chemistry.

This is a great chart below:


How do we bring in more alkaline chemistry so we can fight of corrosive obstructive acids that cause systemic lymphatic acidosis? 

We must change are diets to Raw Living Alkaline Foods. Mucus forming foods will only add on the fire causing the burn of cells!
So you see that the alkaline foods we consume are fresh raw fruits and vegetables, not cooked dead foods that cause an acid ash and create decay in the human organism. The detoxification process of the body healing its self can only take place when we consume chemistry alkaline and living in its natural form. The body cannot heal itself when we consume acid and mucus morning foods. IT CAN NOT HEAL WITH DEAD ANIMALS PRODUCTS IN IT…

The level of chronic poor health toxicity we have in today’s world is very shocking and upsetting to me… babies lymphatic systems are so compromised by this toxicity through generations they are being born with cancer!
We need the power of the fruits to remove the obstructions that are damaging the cells so that the cells can regenerate. Fruits do not ruin your skin, cause deficiencies, and make your symptoms worse. Fruits expose theses issues, and reveal them when they’re pulling them out of a toxic body.
If you stay on fruit long enough and push through the healing crisis, you’ll find out how beneficial the fruits are when it comes to energy, digestion and brain power! Which is why it will take a few years to overcome Autism on this lifestyle but it is possible!

Sometimes it can take several months to get your body to have a response or even years depending on how toxic and backed up you are.
Keep your detoxification going….my journey has been slow and years but I never give up!

Hannah x x


These things WILL STOP you healing and creating true health in your life….cut them out and see how AMAZING your body can feel…
  • fried oils
  • oils including olive oil and coconut oil
  • animal products
  • rancid denatured foods
  • roasted seeds and nuts
  • charred meats and vegetables
  • metal fillings except gold
  • dietary irritants: salt, pepper, vinegar, chiles, cayenne, oregano, curry, onion, radishes, garlic, mustard
  • caffeinated beverages: coffees, tea, energy drinks, colas and sodas
  • polluted air
  • chlorinated water
  • fluoridated water
  • waking up by an alarm clock
  • going to be too late
  • cleaning chemicals and home toxins
  • toxic toiletries and self care products and hair dyes
  • excessive exercise beyond your exhaustion level
  • excessive sex
  • excessive work
  • lack of recreation and relaxation
  • worrying and over thinking
  • fear
  • anger
  • resentment
  • disempowering negative beliefs
  • rushing
  • not chewing your food
  • excessive stress
  • noise pollution
  • electromagnetic radiation
  • wifi
  • drugs
  • supplements, synthetic powders and minerals…drinks and meal replacements (Isagenix, Hebalife or AdvoCare life ect)
  • medications
  • alcohol
  • marijuana (not CBD oil)
  • disharmonious difficult relationships
  • self-loathing
  • lack of exercise
  • poor posture
  • sitting too long
  • over-eating or binging
  • poor food combining
  • poor food sequencing
  • cooked fats
  • excessive fat above 10 % of your nutrition plan
  • excessive protein beyond 10 % of your nutrition plan
  • excessive cooked food
  • insufficient raw fruits and vegetables
  • white refined flours and products made from them
  • white sugars and processed syrups and products made from them
  • snacks / junk foods / packaged foods

Mucusless Diet Food List from Arnold Ehret…transitioning tips to a raw living fruity life!

Mucusless Diet Food List from Arnold Ehret of the most frequently eaten foods that cause mucus.
These are guidelines and practices that have proven to work the best when trying to transition to a raw mucusless diet. The Transition Diet is the systematic approach developed by Arnold Ehret to safely evolve one’s eating habits away from mucus-forming foods toward a mucusless diet. Keep in mind that this is a personal list that is based upon his own experiences and not totally aligned to a Natural Hygienist approach to Nutrition but I found it helpful with my youngest who was very full of mucus. Ultimately, each person will need to find transitional food items that work best for them based on their past eating habits, physiological type, levels of mucus/pus addiction, latent/chronic illness, etc.
In the following Mucusless Diet Foods List they explore the most frequently used mucusless (mucus-free) food items, and then look at some mucuslean options.
ACID-BINDING, NON-MUCUS-FORMING, OR MUCUSLESS (MUCUS-FREE) FOODS RIPE FRUITS (MUCUSLESS) – ⭐️ The most detoxifying and pulling for a fast detox
  • Apples
  • Banana
  • Black Cherries
  • Blackberries
  • Blood Orange & Orange ⭐️
  • Cantaloupe & water melon ⭐️
  • Cherries
  • Grapefruit ⭐️
  • Grapes (especially red) ⭐️
  • Tangelos
  • Honeydew ⭐️
  • Lemons ⭐️
  • Limes ⭐️
  • Mandarin
  • Mangos
  • Nectarine
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Pineapple ⭐️
  • Plums
  • Prunes
  • Raisins
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Sweet Cherries
  • Tangerines
  • Wild blueberries & blueberries ⭐️
  • kiwi ⭐️
DRIED OR BAKED FRUITS (MUCUSLESS) – These foods will slow down detox if it is moving to fast
  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Bananas
  • Cherries
  • Dates, (Dried)
  • Figs (Dried)
  • Grapes/raisins
  • Mango
  • Pineapple
  • Plums/prunes
  • Strawberries
  • Coconut Water ⭐️
  • Green Juice ⭐️
  • Lakewood Concord Grape Juice ⭐️- When fresh Lemon juice is added
  • Lakewood Cranberry Juice ⭐️- When fresh Lemon juice is added
  • Fruit Jams (no sugar added)
  • Local High Grade Honey
  • Arugula
  • Cabbage
  • Collard
  • Dandelion Leaf ⭐️
  • Kale
  • Leafy Herbs (Parsley, Dill, Basil, Thyme) ⭐️
  • Lettuce (Green, Red, Romaine) ⭐️
  • Mustard Greens
  • Spinach
  • Celery ⭐️
  • Cucumbers ⭐️
  • Dandelion (periodically will add to green vegetable juices) ⭐️
  • Peppers/capsicum (Green, Red, Yellow, or Orange)
  • Red Beets (raw)
  • Sea Vegetables (Dulse, Kelp) ⭐️
  • Sprouts (Alfalfa) ⭐️
  • Tomatoes
  • Zucchini
  • Sprouts ⭐️
  • Acorn Squash (Baked)
  • Asparagus -the best choice if you have cooked food
  • Broccoli – not good if you have lots of sulphur
  • Brussels Sprouts – not good if you have lots of sulphur
  • Butternut Squash (Baked)
  • Carrots
  • Green Peas
  • Peppers (Green, Red, Yellow, or Orange) – eat them raw is best
  • Spaghetti Squash
  • Sweet Potato (Baked) – the best choice if you have cooked food
  • Zucchini (Steamed or Baked) -the best choice if you have cooked food
*Note this is from the book not my protocol 👇🏼
Below are foods that are mucus-forming, but I’ve found to be useful during the “transition diet.” When the following items are added to a meal, Arnold Ehret called the meal “mucuslean.”
Mucuslean: refers to the period of dietary transition in the Mucusless Diet where mucus-forming foods are used along with mucusless ones. Mucuslean menus are generally less harmful than standard mucus-forming eating habits by non-practitioner, and are an important part of the overall transition and systematic healing methods employed in the Mucusless Diet Healing System.
In the Muculess Diet Healing System, Arnold Ehret teaches how best to eat mucuslean items so that they do the least amount of damage and leave behind the least amount of waste. Most items, except nuts, should always be eating with a raw “combination salad” to help with digestion and elimination. See the Mucusless Diet for more on how to combine and eat mucuslean options properly.
Carrots and Beets (Raw; some people view carrots as mucus-forming. They have a little bit of starch content, but mostly eliminate well and function reletively mucusless in the body. Although I don’t juice them as much as I did in the past, they are fine to chop up and add to a salad). Sweet potatoes, quinoa and millet are the best cooked starch as they are low in sugar.
*I advise against eating avocados because they are ‘fatty’ and mucus-forming. However, I did use them to make sauces during the earlier parts of my transition and still eat them two or three times a year (when you can eat certain mucuslean item only a few times per year, you know that you are advancing along with the Mucusless Diet).
Beans (Black Beans, Black-eyed peas Kidney Beans, Lima Beans, Navy Beans, Pinto Beans, etc.; Beans are my most steadfast mucuslean item. They are starchy, heavy, addictive, and mucus-forming, but I’ve found that they eliminate well if combined properly with raw salads and steamed vegetables. But, when it is time to be mucusless or fast, steer clear of them).
Nuts (Cashews, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Peanuts, Pecans, Walnuts, etc.; I’ve always been very good about combining nuts with raisins and/or figs to aid elimination. Also, I learned early on to never eat nuts with juicy fruits. I ate a lot of nuts during the first couple years of my transition, and seem to eat them less and less every year. I might eat nuts three of four times a year now)
Some seasonings are acid-forming, it is okay to use many of your favorite condiments during the transition.
  • Dulse Flakes
  • Kelp
  • Oregano
  • Thyme
  • Basil
  • Paprika
  • Cumin
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Turmeric
  • Celery Salt
Overall, It is advised to stay away from most processed foods, non-vegan sweets, and fermented foods and beverages.
  • Chips/crisps (corn, potato, plantain) stay away from them if you can.
  • Hummus (processed cooked chickpeas with oil)
  • Soy Butter have a very high oil content and soy lecithin, which really should be avoided altogether.
  • Pasteurized 100% Fruit Juices (potentially acid-forming)
  • Plant milks (soy milk, nut milk, seed milks and coconut milks)
  • Plant-based butters (peanut, almond and cashew; something I only used for a couple years. As I became clean, nut butters started to really irritate my system).
  • Texturized Vegetable Protein (‘mock’ meats including soy, etc should be avoided as they are dead foods.
  • Vegan Baked Goods and Confections and raw treats. The Mucusless Diet is not about forcing yourself not to eat mucus, but transitioning away from it so that you can no longer crave or tolerate it.
  • Natural veggie patties (periodically you can find some veggie patties that are relatively ‘clean’ and will help you overcome bad cravings. They are much better to eat then going back to fast foods when the going gets tough. Just be sure to look at the ingredients on the label to make sure they did not sneak egg or dairy into it.
  • Canned/Jars or Tomoto Sauce (I would sometimes combined canned tomato sauce with freshly cooked tomotos, etc., to make a sauce to put over vegetables/salad. Avoid sauces that contain sugar or corn-syrup. If you are strongly against all packaged foods, simply stay away from it).
  • Vinegar Free Store-bought salad dressing (Obviously, it is best to make your own raw dressings, but there are a couple vinegar free dressings that Mucusless Diet practitioners have found and like to use over salads. Ehret strongly advises against using items that contain vinegar. Lemon juice is a much better alternative).
*My suggestion would be to use this to transition you to a high fruit raw living foods lifestyle. I found this helpful in steering the foods my highly mucus inflamed child eat to cleaner foods for his body. He loved nuts, avocados and humous, starches and all the things causing more mucus too form before I had chance to get it out…Hannah x