
Thyroid and the Parathyroid Gland…

Did you know that the thyroid gland is responsible for regulation of the metabolism. The ability of cells to absorb and use glucose, protein metabolism for growth. The parathyroid is responsible for calcium utilization. There are four little circular glands that sit on the back of the thyroid and they are vital!

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism:

Something I lived with for years and over came with this lifestyle.
Bone loss / improper bone growth
Brittle and rigid finger nails
Hair loss
Cold hands/feet (can’t tolerate cold)
Heart arrhythmias
Heart attacks
Connective tissue weakness
Scoliosis of the spine
Slow metabolism
Hot flashes/cramping/ spasms/ myxoedema’s/ and growth issues

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism are:
protruding eyes
Excessive growth issues

Hyperthyroidism is a lot more easy to resolve through detoxification than medication. Doctors just want to remove essential glands that regulate proper functioning of the human body. PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE ORGANS…we don’t want to remove organs and glands but instead detoxify the body and regenerate their function. Always remember the 4 keys to focus on with detoxification. We must digest the food we consume, we must absorb the foods we consume, we must utilize the foods we consume, and we must eliminate the foods we consume.

The reason the body is not utilizing the foods we consume is because we have damaged the endocrine glands that are responsible of the regulation and activity of utilization of minerals, vitamins, nutrients, steroids, metabolism, and hormones. If we continue to eat highly cooked, seasoned stimulating processed foods such as dead animal tissue, there milks, starches, and grains we will create further damage to the endocrine glands, and without proper metabolism and calcium utilization your in serious trouble!

When we back up the lymphatic system with acids, mucus, sulphur, and consume parasitic forming foods. We only make it more difficult to heal and regenerate these important glands that regulate the entire function of the body. Chemical medications, chemical hygiene products, the chemicals in the water foods… and the chemicals we are breathing in the air. Make it extremely difficult to keep the lymphatic system clean so we can have healthy glands to function with happy bodies….
In today’s world and the amount of destruction we have caused to our bodies….is above and beyond damaging to the lymphatic system… I have heard people say this may be the first generation were the parents out live there kids. WE NEED TO BE THE GENERATION TO CHANGE THAT!!!

 What is the remedy for regenerating the thyroid and parathyroid?

First thing we can do is to get rid of all stimulants, proteins, chemical drugs, processed, and highly cooked foods. Transitioning to a 100% raw food diet making fruits at least 80% to 100% for your daily Nutritional needs.

Most generations do not think of strengthening their cells, so they keep passing down genetically weakened tissue generation after generation after generation. The problem is that each generation is weaker then the last. Look around and observe the conditions of our children do you know ONE THAT IS NOT CONSTANTLY SICK? They’re coming into this world with chronic and degenerative glandular weaknesses. No medicine on earth can stop this. TRUE HEALTH is the only answer!

If you think of it like our glands are the bosses (or controllers and regulators) of the cells, tissues and organs of the body. When they become hyper (over) active or hypo (under) active, it can create many cellular changes. This can have a highly acidic effect upon tissue, leading to lymphatic and immune responses. This is especially true with oestrogen, testosterone and aldosterone. Long term exposure without cortisone and progesterone buffers can lead to fibrocystic conditions of tissues, as well as tissue atrophy (destruction) and cancer.

We over complete these issues and feel like we have damaged are bodies without repair as I once thought or get convinced we must cut out parts of our bodies or cysts.

Detoxification with the right alkaline chemistry consumption will bring balance and vitality to the human body. Fruits, berries, melons, teddy vegetables, greens and herbs as simple or “restrictive” as it sounds will bring regeneration and promote detoxification to help the body heal it self. Time, patients, and hard work will accomplish any goal you put your mind too. We must put the work and effort into cleaning and repairing our bodies…Be the best project you have ever worked on!

Here is link to some safe herbs to support your Thyroid naturally:

Hannah x x

The Hairdresser that lost her hair . . .

As an ex Hairdresser and trained Tricholgist, when I started to loose my hair and my eyebrows I was so alarmed and it caused me massive self esteem issues. I’d always had thick curly hair and most of my life I wished for thinner hair and spent hours straightening and flattening it so it wasn’t so big. Suddenly I was adding volume and putting rollers in to to make it seem big . . .

At the same time I and lost a lot of weight and was very malnutritioned due to by body failing me with Hypothyroidism, Adrenal Fatigue and Mast Cell Disease so it was not a surprise.

But recently as I’m returning to health my weight is equalising,  my body and cells are healthy so my hair has started growing thick and strong and my eye brows are there!!

It made me want to share with you all why this happens and how you can stop or prevent it if it’s happening to you. It can range from the simple and temporary issue like a vitamin deficiency, to the more complex like an underlying health condition.

Firstly I think the best way to look at it is your blood carries nutrients to each cell in your body, and if your under stress or have inflammation the body concentrates on the vital organs and fighting inflammation. So the hair, skin and nails are not as import and and tend to be the first thing the suffer. Which is why ladies when you are pregnant your blood supple increases and you have thick luscious hair and your nails grow like crazy and then you have baby and the body goes into repair and feeding mode and your hair nails and skin suffer. It’s not far I know . . .

Your hair goes through life cycles too and will not always be the same, for example hair has a programmed life cycle, a growth phase, rest phase and shedding phase. It also sheds more in the Autumn/Winter again due to the blood supple, and as does your skin loose more layers. But if outside of these normal stages you are thinning and its not normal you may want to look at the following to see if you have an underlying issue that may be causing your hair loss.

  • Thyroid Function (Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism: Hair, nails, and skin may become more brittle and break more easily if your thyroid is producing to many hormones or not enough hormones. 90% of hair loss in women is to do with their thyroid. A blood test will determine this and i’d advise that if your have more than a few symptoms of either Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism, but your test result come back in the ‘normal range’ to take them to a Naturopath as you can be out of range but still have issues.
  • Iron Levels: Women who have heavy periods or don’t eat enough iron-rich foods may be prone to iron deficiency especially after child birth. This is because the blood doesn’t have enough red blood cells and red blood cells transport oxygen to cells throughout your body, giving you the energy you need which is why it can cause extreme fatigue, weakness, and pale skin. You may also notice headaches, difficulty concentrating, cold hands and feet, and hair loss.  Ask you Doctor for a blood test to measure ferritin, the protein that stores iron in your body, is usually needed to diagnose iron-deficiency anaemia. By eating iron-rich foods such as beef, pork, fish, leafy greens preferably, along with foods rich in vitamin C, which enhances iron absorption. And steering clear of food that prohibit iron being absorbed like dairy, alcohol, coffee and black tea, soy, and eggs (not to say you can’t eat these but just don’t pare them with iron rich foods have them as stand alone foods.)
  • Inflammation: Inflammation on the body can cause each cell to be under stress and causes scalp and skin issues like seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff), psoriasis fungal infections. By healing your gut you will reduce inflammation in the body and repair your scalp and skin. See my post of healing Leaky Guts.
  • Iodine, zinc and magnesuim levels: The thyroid gland relies on iodine to make the hormones necessary for the growth of healthy hair, teeth and bones. When we are deficient in these nutrients, such as iodine, magnesium and zinc the health of our hair can suffer, leading to hair weakness or total hair loss. Taking a safe nascent iodine supplement recommended by your Naturopath or Doctor and eating iodine and zinc rich foods may boost hair health and growth, and may event prevent or reverse hair loss. it has been a massive help to me.
  • Fat Malabsorption: If your bodies not absorbing important nutrients and fluids like proteins, carbohydrates and espically fats your skin and hair will suffer. The problem may be caused by inflammation or an auto-immune disease. Sometimes, the condition may be the result of the body’s failure to produce enzymes needed to digest some foods and taking digestive enzymes can help along with healing the gut lining. Talking to your doctor about taking a stool test to see if this is happening is the best choice here.
  • Your diet: plays a massive part, and of course if you are not putting the good stuff in your body will not be able to function and your hair will suffer. A diet rich in greens, protein and good healthy fats is essential for good hair growth. Supplementing with iodine, magnesium, grass fed collagen and MSM will help boost hair and nail growth.
  • Low B vitamins but high vitamin A: A deficiency or excess of any vitamin will upset the balance of the body but vitamin B-12 plays a big role in many parts of the body, including the liver, eyes, skin and hair. One possible symptom of vitamin B-12 deficiency is hair loss, because cells need to divide constantly to produce new hair, a process that requires production of new DNA. Without enough B-12, hair grow slows or stops and existing hair starts to fall out. Hair loss that is accompanied by symptoms of malnutrition and gastrointestinal disorders should be checked for deficiencies of several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B-12. On the flip side to much synthetic vitamin A can cause hair loos too.
  • Stress: Any kind of physical trauma, surgery, a car accident, emotional stress or trauma or a severe illness, even the flu can cause temporary hair loss. This can trigger a type of hair loss called telogen effluvium. as I said hair has a programmed life cycle, a growth phase, rest phase and shedding phase. When you have a really stressful event, it can shock the hair cycle, (pushing) more hair into the shedding phase. Hair loss often becomes noticeable 3-6 months after the trauma. Which is why mothers loose hair 3-6 months after giving birth. But if this is your case your hair will go full cycle and grow back to be thick again. Mediation and self care will help balance your life and allow your body to equalise and repair.

If your hair is failing out your body is not nourished and is in need of proper nutrition. Part of the detoxification stage you may also loose hair and this is normal as your body sheds and rebuilds, it will regrow as mine did. Please contact me and I can guide you through changing your health!


To soy or not to soy?

Soy or soybeans, are a type of legume that have been used for 5,000 years in China for food like tofu, tempeh, and edamame beans and also for medicinal purposes. Soybeans are considered a source of protein, and are processed into many meat and dairy substitutes. The main producers of soy are the United States, Brazil, Argentina, China and India. Over 80% of soy in the US is genetically modified, but that’s where almost all of the soy is now grown for our Australian foods, scary huh!!

So many of us have thyroid function issues and so many of us have undiagnosed Hypothyroidism when the doctor’s test comes back fine but we are still having symptoms. This often leaves us wondering why and how we can change this. Dr Mark Hyman has some great tips and advice on his website for this.

Studies are showing the connection to the increase in soy in so many of our foods now and issues with Thyroid function. It’s not just your soy milk latte but products you didn’t know it’s in like shampoo, bulking agent, hydrolyzed plant protein (HPP) or hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP), gums, soy Lecithin (chocolate) natural flavorings, Additive/emulsifier 322, stabilizer, thickeners, starch, shortening, and vegetable oils. Basically all packaged foods, especially kids foods.

So why is it so harmful?

Soy contains Phytoestrogens and is higher in phytoestrogens than just about any other food source. Phytoestrogens are plant-based estrogens that mimic estrogen in our bodies. Soy also has Goiltrogens that can disrupt your hormones, which can slow your thyroid down. Many foods are goitrogenic (thyroid suppressing) but soy is one of the worst. Goitrogens work by preventing your thyroid from getting the necessary amount of iodine. If you are low in iodine you will likely be suffering from chronic fatigue, adrenal Burnout and a host of other issue that are hard to correct. Trust me I lived on soy as a vegetarian and I’m in that place now.

It also has something called Phytates which are enzyme-inhibitors that block mineral absorption in human digestive tract. They are naturally present in all grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes. But soy is so high in phytates that it’s almost impossible to get rid of them. Simply soaking soy overnight won’t be enough. But this is why it is so important to soak beans and legumes and most grains to stop bloating and cramps.

Finally soy is rich in trypsin inhibitors. Trypsin is a digestive enzyme we need to properly digest protein. Without enough trypsin, you’ll experience many digestive problems including stomach cramps, diarrhea, and bleeding. You’ll also be leaving yourself open to future problems with your pancreas.

There is studies done showing that an infant taking the recommended amount of baby soy formula is consuming a hormone load equivalent of 4 birth control pills a day! Is it any wonder we’ve seen such a dramatic rise in precocious puberty with young girls starting their periods at 6 and 7! Soy is also found in dairy formulas too. But I hear you saying, you said not dairy? There are still safer alternatives. there are recipes for coconut and avocado bases formulas you an make at home which have the right ratio of fats carbohydrates and minerals to be as close to mothers milk…far closer than cows breast milk!