
Healing Autism

There are a huge amount of kids being born now with damage from generations of vaccinations and environment toxins and radiation and trauma weaknesses from mother to child. Read my Egg analogy post to understand more. There are also more sensitive Souls arriving from /god to help us move form a conceptual outdates unloving way to a linear more loving path. As these sensitive Souls come in to the mothers body they feel everything and are effected by the toxic environment and generations of trauma and are the canary in the gold mine.

Healing through nutrition and energy and using tools to detox the body…does not change the essence of the child or their neural divergence, that’s who they are and why they are here. However it takes away the symptoms the come with being a very sensitive being here in a toxic environment. For those who say ADHD is not changed by diet are bonkers. Poor nutrition effects everything and everyone. Sugar spikes hormones and creates adrenal stress and acidosis…for anyone that’s an unhealthy path emotionally and physically. For a sensitive ADHD autistic person it amplifies their already over sensitive body and creates more of a challenge. Most highly sensitive people are born perfectly sensitive to guide our world the canary’s. Yet when laddened with sugar, salts, heavy metals, oils, mould, toxins ect the list goes on and on…these sensitivities that make us special and unique…then stop being a super power to help this world and become debilitating symptoms of the environment. Like gut issues leading to emotional imbalances. Rashes, sensory sensitivities heightened, poor sleep leading to more stress and hormones imbalanced and anxiety. When I detox my children and removed the environmental stresses. I did not change who they were. I enhanced their autism to truly be who they are in full glory…without gut pain and headaches and rashes, unable to cope with changes and sensations…in rages and endless meltdowns from anxiety and pain unable to balance their pineal gland and solar plexus. I let them be them. So many symptoms of toxicity and radiation poisoning are similar to ADHD and Autism and PDA and things like PANDA and PANS and ADHD can be overcome with a balanced environment and microbiome…which is not just nutrition…it’s full environment and energy awareness and mindset, and getting to know what part is truly your autism and what part is a reaction to toxicity and generations of poisoning. Equally so many mental illnesses like bipolar (to take one) are simply Mineral deficiency and poor nutrition coupled with trauma and poor environment…when you detox, address the trauma….find solutions to fit your brain and needs…the incurable symptoms go away. The body always seeks balance. No one is damaged…just covered in layers of trauma and toxins. That’s where detoxification of the body and support spiritual and emotionally helps. But never changes the core essence of the Soulful self. However, Personality can be changed as that’s gut microbiome, trauma patterns and protections that make up the personality (masks)…heal the mother heal the child.

So I am healing my sons by removing layers one after another to truly allow them to be themselves. Autism in their full glory. Pain free and thriving. Emotional aware and wise.

That’s my experience 🙏🏼

Hannah x x

Acid vs Alkaline and why one creates death and the other allows you to THRIVE!

What happens when the body gets too acidic?

Acidosis happens, the only “disease” that exists. In Natural Hygiene we do not subscribe to labels or names for symptoms. We believe and teach that all and every symptom is due to an acidic system, and a backed up lymphatic system that needs to be cleaned out so the disease/symptoms/illness goes away!

The only disease that exists is a “disease” called acidosis!

With the state of most people’s health we must question if the allopathic industry really are invested in healing and providing a cure? We must question if they even understand the basics of how a person’s health declines and the role they play in it?

Medical doctors make disease symptoms appear so complicated that the average person thinks only trained specialist can help them. My mission is to show everyone they can heal themselves from anything with just simple fruits and raw natural living foods and a natural lifestyle… without expensive supplements, medications, treatments and potions.

But Doctors, Governments and Big Pharma don’t want this information to get out….

There are 2 fluids in the human body. There is the blood and there is the lymphatic system and I speak about these in most of my posts. The blood acts like the kitchen it’s provides you what you need as a carrier of nutrients. The lymphatic system is the sewer system of the body. (The septic waste tank) just as we remove rubbish to a bin, the cells eliminate their waste into the lymphatic system. The waste is then carried to the lymph nodes by the lymphatic vessels, just as the sewer pipes carry them to the septic tank. After these waste brakes down they must be eliminated through the lymphatic fluids carrying the final by-products through the (kidneys) if that’s not possible because they’re damaged…. the waste will go through the skin! YUK
Just as bacteria is in a septic tank, brakes down it’s waste, the bacteria in the lymph nodes brakes down the body’s acid waste….never get your nodes removed!!

Most medical Doctors and Specialist don’t understand this simple concept and how the body functions in this way. They are still to focused on the kitchen (the blood) they assume that it’s the blood that detects these ” diseases” this is why they coined the phrase autoimmune disease that really just translates ( I don’t have a clue and no way to help you) it’s a perfect phrase to “diagnose a disease” to push the agenda of prescribing chemical medications and supplements to temporarily mask and suppress a “disease like symptom” its money for there banks. The medical system likes to blame our bodies for not working properly when really we just are not looking after them but giving the chance they work just fine!

It’s simple stagnant acids that are creating these obstructions, and it’s your kidneys that are too damage to filter and release them through the urinary tract.Causing swelling and rashes and symptoms that your body needs to be cleaned.

If you’re in a disease like state it’s not because you have a autoimmune problem and the body is attacking itself. Your body has been obstructed by acids and there backed up in the Lymphatic system from head to toe even in the brain, and your systemically effected by these acids, and your feeling the symptoms from your genetically weak areas. Skin lungs ect…

The answer to healing the body of all “diseases” is through DETOXIFICATION.

STOP damaging your body with acid obstructions that are corrosive to your lymphatic system, your body will start to heal it’s self naturally. Treating a problem with drugs that only numb, and mask a symptom, will only lock in these acids more and create a bigger problem in your future.

Does it really make sense if someone has damaged mutated cells (cancer) to dump more acids on top of acids that created the damaged cells?? Chemotherapy drugs and chemical radiation are acids….the same acids that created the problem in the first place like the foods we ingest, the fluids we drink, the air we breathe, and the things we put on our skin and the thoughts and environments we live in….

Some in the main stream are starting to come around to these facts of how simple it can be to heal are bodies. In Natural Hygiene we look to nature for guidance…when a animal in nature gets sick the animal finds a quite place and rest. The animal does not eat or drink anything until the body properly cleanses it’s self out from what has created the dis-ease, which has put the animal in this state of illness.
So should do the same thing, except we must work harder because humans are more toxic than animals in the wild. A diet high in fruits, greens, tender vegetables and herbs….with small fasting periods is essential with the highly toxic depleted state humans are in these days, especially for our Autistic children who are so toxic and sensitive.

By adding in alkaline chemistry through your diet. You can fix digestion, absorption, utilization, and elimination and you will remove the side of chemistry that is destroying your body and health. When you remove the acidic dead and carcinogenic producing foods such as grains, beans, meat, dairy, and all processed acid forming foods, the body can properly detoxify its self turn on proper glandular function…so you can get utilization of base chemistry. Alkalinity will fight off acids.

You must bring in more alkaline chemistry In order to remove acid chemistry.

This is a great chart below:


How do we bring in more alkaline chemistry so we can fight of corrosive obstructive acids that cause systemic lymphatic acidosis? 

We must change are diets to Raw Living Alkaline Foods. Mucus forming foods will only add on the fire causing the burn of cells!
So you see that the alkaline foods we consume are fresh raw fruits and vegetables, not cooked dead foods that cause an acid ash and create decay in the human organism. The detoxification process of the body healing its self can only take place when we consume chemistry alkaline and living in its natural form. The body cannot heal itself when we consume acid and mucus morning foods. IT CAN NOT HEAL WITH DEAD ANIMALS PRODUCTS IN IT…

The level of chronic poor health toxicity we have in today’s world is very shocking and upsetting to me… babies lymphatic systems are so compromised by this toxicity through generations they are being born with cancer!
We need the power of the fruits to remove the obstructions that are damaging the cells so that the cells can regenerate. Fruits do not ruin your skin, cause deficiencies, and make your symptoms worse. Fruits expose theses issues, and reveal them when they’re pulling them out of a toxic body.
If you stay on fruit long enough and push through the healing crisis, you’ll find out how beneficial the fruits are when it comes to energy, digestion and brain power! Which is why it will take a few years to overcome Autism on this lifestyle but it is possible!

Sometimes it can take several months to get your body to have a response or even years depending on how toxic and backed up you are.
Keep your detoxification going….my journey has been slow and years but I never give up!

Hannah x x

Detoxification…how do you detox and why should you?

Detoxification is a popular word and it’s often used in the wrong way and made popular from companies exploiting detoxing through shakes powders and systems that don’t really detox the body they just suppress or stimulate the symptoms.

Detoxing simple means cleanse or to clean!

Each and every night you go to sleep your body detoxes and you cleanse the waste from your body though your GI tract, your stools, your kidneys, your skin and your lungs and while your body sleeps or rest not through most foods you eat. This confuses people as they eat ‘detoxing foods’…there are foods that can help give your body nutrients and build healthy cells…but it is not the food that detoxes the body it is the lymphatic system and when the body is in a resting repair state.

In our lifestyle nowadays we are all so toxic and backed up and find cleansing the body harder and harder. Each cell all trillion of them excretes waste within your body and that has to be removed, if this is not possible the body becomes acidic.  And when we eat acidic foods and excessively work out and have negative thoughts we produce an very acidic environment and this has to be buffered through the blood.

When you stop consuming acid ash and mucus forming foods the body will start the detoxification cycle, and you will experience symptoms of discomfort. These acids dehydrate the body and burn the vital tissues, glands and organs causing them to fall into dysfunction, creating the symptoms we suffer with and the whole medical system and pharmaceutical industry is based around…

We have 2 fluids in the body the blood and the lymph fluid. If the lymph is not moving and the body has lots of acid it becomes damaged or burned and the kidney get damaged and the body send you signals like skin issues, asthma, colds, flu, pain, poor eyes sight, headaches and then if you don’t listen….cancers. That was just my whole life there!!

So we are all so constipated and backed up with toxins and it expresses it self in your everyday symptoms. All diseases are an over burden waste system and all disease and symptoms need to be treated in exactly the same way…HOW? Detox the body, clean it out to allow it to repair by it self.



Why are we so toxic? Our thoughts, the food we eat the lifestyle we have…we come in to contact with toxins each and everyday!!

So how do you detox?

  • Stop harming your body with acid practices
  • Stop putting in toxic unnatural foods
  • Stop allowing negative thoughts to run your life
  • Stop negative relationships
  • Regular weekly saunas
  • High fruit low fat eating
  • Gentle exercise to move your lymphatic system
  • Fasting and water and juice cleanses
  • Mediation

If it has an ingredient list – it has been processed don’t put it in your body SIMPLE!

We must digest the food we consume, we must absorb the foods we consume, we must utilize the foods we consume, and we must eliminate the foods we consume.

 So the only food that can help pull waste and mucus from your body is fruit….nothing else just raw ripe fruit or juice. Why, because it is easy to digest and doesn’t cause an acid ash waste in the body. So when you stop digesting the body can actually heal…

Even vegetables and greens are not pulling detoxing foods they are building foods and will slow down the detoxification process BUT THEY ARE NOT HARMFUL JUST SLOW IT DOWN.

So to be a real detox cleanse it has to be through either:



Water fast WHICH TURNS OFF DIGESTION COMPLETELY so you can have 100% energy for healing and eating up damaged cells.

Or a Dry fast which I won’t talk about here but you can contact me about.

There are ways to take the pressure of the system and improve your health but to get real detoxing at an intense level it has to be taking the pressure of the body to allow the body to rest and repair… so NO shake powders, nutritional super powders or detox bar will do that.  

So the ideal is to move between a healthy eating lifestyle low in fat and high in fruits and greens… and then do periods of deep cleaning where the digestive tract is not engage and all the blood can go to the brain and to healing and you build up to that with guidance from myself.

If you want to detox the body the fats must be low or completely out for that time. Especially if you’re eating high fruits. Our Autistic kids need higher fats for there brains but there are ways to still detox them safely.

So lets re cap the body detoxes constantly on it’s own and especially at night so keeping your eating window to maximum 6-7 hours is key. But you must take the pressure of so it can eat up the damaged cells remove the mucus and filter the kidneys.

Foods that will stop you detoxing are:

  • Meats
  • Grains
  • Packaged foods
  • Oils of all types
  • Supplements and Isolates
  • Starches
  • Sugars
  • Spices
  • Caffeines and Cacaos
  • Spices
  • High Fats
  • High protein
  • Cooked foods (will slow you down)

Why no oils in detoxing?

Because they stop the simple sugars from fruit reaching the cells causing debates. That fruit then ferments and causing gas bloating rashes and exhaustion.

Once you have detoxified and are clean add the healthy fats back in.

When you are not detoxing properly and you are still added mucus forming foods in and negative thoughts and environmental toxins the mucus get produces to protect the body, and it lines the intestines and builds up in the ear nose and throat area and lungs and when that putrefies.. it feeds parasites yeast and fungus…for example dairy and meat turns to pus within the body and just feed parasites.

 Fruit is the only foods that can go through the system without cause damage and eliminate easily with all the nutrients we need carbs, protein and minerals and fats.

Pyramid To Health

 So when you start detoxing what do you expect?

When you start to pull out the obstructions such as acids, mucus, proteins plaques, parasites, fungus, sulfur, worms, chemicals, and mucoid plaque you will experience cleansing reactions. Don’t be alarmed when having these healing crisis’s because once these toxic obstructions come out of the body you can start to heal. The body must break down to a remarkable degree in order to rebuild itself up again.

The cleansing process can range from very light with just a running nose and minor coughing to heavy, with deep bronchial and lung expectoration. Or/and rashes, headaches, old symptoms arising that you may have overcome, emotions, old patterns arising, behaviours, aches and pains…

These are what we call cold and flue like symptoms. The body wants to eliminate as much toxic Terran it can. The body will often feel weak and achy, but these are good signs that the body is starting to heal itself. this is when it is vital you do not suppress the detox with cooked foods or mediaction.

Aches and pains are common during detoxification. Remember acids in creates pain and acids out will create pain too. Pain is a result of acidosis that has created inflammation. Pain also develops when there are blockages locked in the body.

Pain will show itself wherever there are weaknesses in the body. Most of these pains will last from a few hours to a few weeks or in some cases longer.

Sounds horrid right! Why would you go through that?  

Because 3-7 years of detoxing and cleaning the body will stop you getting diseases and sickness as you get older and stop the playing out of family diseases playing out!


I have been on this raw lifestyle for a while and only after that time and feeling amazing did I go into deep healing and cleansing and some symptoms have come back as they come up and out of my body and others have stayed away but each cleanse I get healthier and closer to my idea health goals. So I go through the sore eyes and the headaches and the longer fasts to get the goals I want. And I hold in my mind that I want to be healthier in my 40’s than in my 20’s and that I will age with health and vitality!

And my worst detox weeks I am still better off than my best unhealthy weeks!

Why we should DETOX?

Because you owe it to yourself and the next generation!!

Try my ‘Vitality Detox Cleanse’ for 2 weeks then contact me to go further and take back your health!!

E-Books Hannah  x x


These things WILL STOP you healing and creating true health in your life….cut them out and see how AMAZING your body can feel…
  • fried oils
  • oils including olive oil and coconut oil
  • animal products
  • rancid denatured foods
  • roasted seeds and nuts
  • charred meats and vegetables
  • metal fillings except gold
  • dietary irritants: salt, pepper, vinegar, chiles, cayenne, oregano, curry, onion, radishes, garlic, mustard
  • caffeinated beverages: coffees, tea, energy drinks, colas and sodas
  • polluted air
  • chlorinated water
  • fluoridated water
  • waking up by an alarm clock
  • going to be too late
  • cleaning chemicals and home toxins
  • toxic toiletries and self care products and hair dyes
  • excessive exercise beyond your exhaustion level
  • excessive sex
  • excessive work
  • lack of recreation and relaxation
  • worrying and over thinking
  • fear
  • anger
  • resentment
  • disempowering negative beliefs
  • rushing
  • not chewing your food
  • excessive stress
  • noise pollution
  • electromagnetic radiation
  • wifi
  • drugs
  • supplements, synthetic powders and minerals…drinks and meal replacements (Isagenix, Hebalife or AdvoCare life ect)
  • medications
  • alcohol
  • marijuana (not CBD oil)
  • disharmonious difficult relationships
  • self-loathing
  • lack of exercise
  • poor posture
  • sitting too long
  • over-eating or binging
  • poor food combining
  • poor food sequencing
  • cooked fats
  • excessive fat above 10 % of your nutrition plan
  • excessive protein beyond 10 % of your nutrition plan
  • excessive cooked food
  • insufficient raw fruits and vegetables
  • white refined flours and products made from them
  • white sugars and processed syrups and products made from them
  • snacks / junk foods / packaged foods

Green Detox Smoothie


Is DETOXING with food possible?


Detoxification of damaged cells and removing mucus, plague and rejuvenating organs takes sleep, no pressure on the body or digestion tract, clean water, a clean environment and TIME.

Foods like greens and fruit, melons and berries can help you do this but it’s not the food that detoxifies your body it’s the rest and sleep and introducing fasting where there’s no pressure on the body so it can use all the energy to HEAL. But the food you put in can HELP or HINDER this process i.e. either add to the toxic load or be easy to digest and help pull crap out of the body. Greens are one of the best way to remove toxins, heavy metals and chemical from your body dislodging them and allowing your body to pass them out on its own when you rest.

But only certain foods from nature help to heal the body. These are; fruit, berries, melons, greens, clean water, green juices, coconut water and young tender baby vegetables and sprouts! * Nuts, legumes and seeds and other vegetables and starches do not detoxify the body. I’m not saying they are bad for the body either but they are building foods not drawing foods.

This is a great way to start the journey to detoxing your body…replace your breakfast with this smoothie.


To make this:

Makes enough for 2-3

• 6 medium Bananas fresh or frozen.
• 4 sticks Celery.
• 1 medium Cucumber.
• 1/2 head lettuce.
• 1/2 cup of fresh coriander
• 1/2 cup Sunflower Sprouts.
• 1/4 cup fresh Broccoli Sprouts or 1/4 tsp Broccoli Sprout juice powder.
• 1 tsp Hawaiian Spirulina.
• 1 tbs Barley Grass juice powder.
• 1 tsp Chlorella juice powder.
• 60 ml Aloe Vera juice and

• 1 drop of cilantro essential oil.




If your kids are new to greens and smoothies start here:How to get your child drinking and loving ‘Green Smoothies’ . . . and Getting your child to drink green juices!



Try my heavy metal detox smoothie too: Heavy metal detox buster!