

These things WILL STOP you healing and creating true health in your life….cut them out and see how AMAZING your body can feel…
  • fried oils
  • oils including olive oil and coconut oil
  • animal products
  • rancid denatured foods
  • roasted seeds and nuts
  • charred meats and vegetables
  • metal fillings except gold
  • dietary irritants: salt, pepper, vinegar, chiles, cayenne, oregano, curry, onion, radishes, garlic, mustard
  • caffeinated beverages: coffees, tea, energy drinks, colas and sodas
  • polluted air
  • chlorinated water
  • fluoridated water
  • waking up by an alarm clock
  • going to be too late
  • cleaning chemicals and home toxins
  • toxic toiletries and self care products and hair dyes
  • excessive exercise beyond your exhaustion level
  • excessive sex
  • excessive work
  • lack of recreation and relaxation
  • worrying and over thinking
  • fear
  • anger
  • resentment
  • disempowering negative beliefs
  • rushing
  • not chewing your food
  • excessive stress
  • noise pollution
  • electromagnetic radiation
  • wifi
  • drugs
  • supplements, synthetic powders and minerals…drinks and meal replacements (Isagenix, Hebalife or AdvoCare life ect)
  • medications
  • alcohol
  • marijuana (not CBD oil)
  • disharmonious difficult relationships
  • self-loathing
  • lack of exercise
  • poor posture
  • sitting too long
  • over-eating or binging
  • poor food combining
  • poor food sequencing
  • cooked fats
  • excessive fat above 10 % of your nutrition plan
  • excessive protein beyond 10 % of your nutrition plan
  • excessive cooked food
  • insufficient raw fruits and vegetables
  • white refined flours and products made from them
  • white sugars and processed syrups and products made from them
  • snacks / junk foods / packaged foods

Green Detox Smoothie


Is DETOXING with food possible?


Detoxification of damaged cells and removing mucus, plague and rejuvenating organs takes sleep, no pressure on the body or digestion tract, clean water, a clean environment and TIME.

Foods like greens and fruit, melons and berries can help you do this but it’s not the food that detoxifies your body it’s the rest and sleep and introducing fasting where there’s no pressure on the body so it can use all the energy to HEAL. But the food you put in can HELP or HINDER this process i.e. either add to the toxic load or be easy to digest and help pull crap out of the body. Greens are one of the best way to remove toxins, heavy metals and chemical from your body dislodging them and allowing your body to pass them out on its own when you rest.

But only certain foods from nature help to heal the body. These are; fruit, berries, melons, greens, clean water, green juices, coconut water and young tender baby vegetables and sprouts! * Nuts, legumes and seeds and other vegetables and starches do not detoxify the body. I’m not saying they are bad for the body either but they are building foods not drawing foods.

This is a great way to start the journey to detoxing your body…replace your breakfast with this smoothie.


To make this:

Makes enough for 2-3

• 6 medium Bananas fresh or frozen.
• 4 sticks Celery.
• 1 medium Cucumber.
• 1/2 head lettuce.
• 1/2 cup of fresh coriander
• 1/2 cup Sunflower Sprouts.
• 1/4 cup fresh Broccoli Sprouts or 1/4 tsp Broccoli Sprout juice powder.
• 1 tsp Hawaiian Spirulina.
• 1 tbs Barley Grass juice powder.
• 1 tsp Chlorella juice powder.
• 60 ml Aloe Vera juice and

• 1 drop of cilantro essential oil.




If your kids are new to greens and smoothies start here:How to get your child drinking and loving ‘Green Smoothies’ . . . and Getting your child to drink green juices!



Try my heavy metal detox smoothie too: Heavy metal detox buster!

HEALING symptoms associated with AUTISM is POSSIBLE – steps of how I did it and how you can too!

I am not a doctor and these are guidelines and practices to which I have followed to heal my sons. Please consult your Doctor or Naturopath before trying any of these. Ok that out the way . . . we need to get the message out that many cases The symptoms associated with Autism can be reversed especially vaccine related Autism!!

Why does one child get vaccinated and presents with Autism and another is “fine”?

The gut micro-biome holds the key…asthma, ear infections, colic, croup, food allergies, sensory processing and skin conditions are all ‘pre’ autism symptoms. What do I mean by that? Well they are signs the gut and brain is under pressure and that anything can push the body over the edge – vaccines, a poor diet, stress in the home, a trauma ect. Even if it doesn’t push the body to displaying autism symptoms, you can see a life of illness ahead leading to auto-immune issues and eventually cancers ect….everything is connected and the body tries to show you it’s under pressure. We must learn to listen and stop allowing society to tell us these are normal childhood illnesses.

THEY ARE BLOODY WELL NOT! They are signs of a toxic body under pressure. . .

Autism like any illness  or disease is a collection of symptoms that shows the body needs to detoxify. You detoxify the body, the symptoms drop away and the body returns to health. It is that simple!

Autism is separate to personalty or family traits and no amount of detoxifying the body can change personalty -this is about removing daily symptoms that affect your child’s life.

If your open and prepared to heal your child of the symptoms that come with Autism, ADHD or Learning Difficulties or yourself of any Disease or Cancer you need to work on ALL of these things with dedication and with faith;

• Removing and cleansing the body of parasites, viruses, candida overgrowths, yeast overgrowths and worms by alkalising the body through a vegan plant based diet high in raw living foods and using natural tools like zeolite, broccoli sprouts, barley grass powder, cell food, herbs, clays, detox smoothies and greens and many more even cannabis oil.
• Removing heavy metals from the organs and blood through chelation, either with foods alone like detox smoothies or and green juices or natural herbs or homeopathy or all together.
• Work on deficiencies within the cells and use foods to replace them and homeopathy.
• Nourish the body with real whole foods ONLY, taking the pressure of the gut and nervous system.
• Remove strictly ALL grains, dairy, high cooked foods like crackers, muffins, cookies, breads and biscuits void of nutrients (even gluten free ones and homemade), sugars (even natural ones like honey), salt, coffee, oils, chocolate and cacao, synthetic supplements, powders and processed foods.
• Work on re-wiring the brain and calming the nervous system through meditation, sound healing, music, light healing, early interventions, positive affirmations, Reiki, energy work, massage, osteopaths, Son Rise programs, unconditional love and acceptance and the right environment at home and school with the right people around them.
• Remove toxins from the home and any environment they are in, and from all body products too.
• Remove WiFi from the home (use broad brand plug in only) and get an EMF reading done and mould removed, and smart meter protection or have it removed.
• Install a whole house reverse osmosis safe water system.
• Remove all plastics from the kitchen and make sure your kitchen ware is safe and toxic free and lead free.
• Hold belief in the power of the body and it’s healing capabilities, learning to get out the way and let it heal… i.e. stop sabotaging it with “treats” and let it do it’s thing.
• Repair vaccine damage if they were vaccinated by homeopathy and nutrition.
• Remove ALL videos, TV and iPads that stop the brain rewiring and being calm, instead moving to nature, high vibrational music, art, crafts, journaling, yoga, Qigong and games that involve imagination to build up the right hand brain.
• Surround your family in a high vibration and with high vibrational people to help elevate the damaged cells in frequency.
• Allow time to heal and have faith!
• Self care and self love is important for the parents and carers too 💙 you can not heal your child without caring for yourself first and the energy you project effects the child directly.
• Unite as a family and ALL get involved with diet changes and lifestyle changes. You will see this as a blessing to heal you all soon.

It’s never one thing that heals the body but a collection of approaches and mediums. . . and time!


If you would like me to coach and guide you through these changes that have done myself with my family, please contact me here for one of my packages: have stood where you are now and my experience can help you to not fall in ahead as I did and make very expensive mistakes. Please join my Webinar to hear my top 3 secrets and hear how I did it and how you can to!

Or join my 8 week program to start this joinery NOW! Learn more here:

Blessings Hannah 🦋

WHY RAW LIVING FOODS! For Healing Diseases and Autism. . .

What’s the nutritional difference between cooked and raw foods?

When you cook vegetables, you change their chemical composition making them unable to be utilised by the body. Depending on the method and time, cooking reduces the amount of antioxidants in the plants.
This is especially true for water-soluble and heat-sensitive nutrients, such as vitamin C, glucosinolate and polyphenols. Cooking can reduce a nutrient’s ease of absorption into the body, making them useless for the body and it becomes a mucus forming food making it toxic for the body and thus causing inflammation.
We are all energy so eating foods high in energy, vitality and life force will help us have that energy and vitality ourselves. When you eat raw living alkalising foods you feel alive! The food moves through your body faster feeding your cells with high nutrients and a high water content hydrating you from the inside, better than plan water alone in some foods like cucumber, lettuce and watermelon. When you eat heavy, acidic, fatty cooked foods you want to sleep as your system is so overburdened and toxic it removes the energy and oxygen from the brain and muscles. And has to work hard to digest the heavy fatty foods sitting in the intestines, fermenting and dehydrating the body and causing an acidic state which leads to disease and cancer.

Food combining and why is it essential for health!-chart.
If your new to a plant based diet, even though you lose some nutrients value when cooking vegetables, I would still suggest building your vegetable intake up first moving to a 100% plant based diet and removing all animal products, with lightly steamed vegetables and greens. Then when you can and feel ready swapping cooked vegetables for as many raw vegetables as possible to help build your enzymes up in your gut and help PH balance your body, allowing for detoxification of the blood and lymphatic system – remembering fruit and raw vegetables and lots of greens are the only way to detox your body and remove heavy metals and mucus thus healing your body from disease and sickness. Cooked foods are mucus forming and lacking in enough nutrients to build your body to health. We are all so deficient these days with the quality of our soils, food, water and air . . . so to remove nutrients from our food by cooking it is not helpful. Also cooked foods are feeding the parasites and fungus our body are becoming imbalanced with because of it being to acidic. When the body is acidic and deficient in minerals and enzymes, diseases start and cells mutate into cancer. We want to make the body alkaline and thriving!

Hannah’s Gut Healing Protocol.

Knowing how detoxifying raw living foods are, start slowly when adding them in. Swapping 1 meal a day to a completely raw meal combined correctly, and build up. Or eating raw foods till dinner then a lightly steamed dinner. . . until you have regained enzymes to break the food down and the detox symptoms are manageable (this way of eating will not give you full healing properties as the cooked foods will stop you detoxifying fully). Or like me go 100% raw over night ride out the few days of detox and feel amazing and vibrant faster!

Either way increasing your raw greens, fruit and sweet young vegetables will benefit your body so much. You will see it in your skin, energy and vitality. If you can eat a food without doing anything to it bar peeling it then it’s a good raw food for the body. If you have to season it or cook it to make it palatable then it’s not our food.

Why Leafy Greens are so good for you and the Nutritional breakdown.

Contact me directly if you would like my assistant in transitioning to a natural living lifestyle and transitioning to raw foods to overcome your health struggles and take back your health!

0414967763 –

Much love x x

How to get your child drinking and loving ‘Green Smoothies’ . . .

Getting your child to drink ‘green smoothies’


Going crazy on extra greens on your first smoothie attempt will not win you green smoothie loving children. Baby steps are the key to making a smooth transition to developing a taste for greens in your child’s smoothie, especially if your child is not used to vegetables or a picky eater. So make those first few smoothies creamy with a lot of fruit and just a hint of green veggies. Then with each smoothie you serve, add a little less fruit and a little more green leaves and build up to more nutrient dense greens. Your goal is to pack in your child’s daily needs for green vegetables into a smoothie. Job done mums!


A great way to transition your child to a “Natural Living Lifestyle” is removing their cereal/toast/eggs/pancakes with a nutrient dense green smoothie.

This fruit and green packed breakfast gives their body energy without needing lots of digesting or causing inflammation so it doesn’t cause energy drops mid morning. Their brain gets fired up before school, It’s high in minerals so their body gets all it needs and taste yum too!

To make this:
Per child~
• 2-3 frozen bananas or 1 cup frozen berries (to cover the green colour)
• 2 cups + water or coconut water
• 1/2-2 cups of spinach/lettuce/dandelion/greens/herbs
• 1/4-1 tsp spirulina/barley grass/chlorella powder
• 1/4-1/2 cucumber
• option is to add in celery too once the child gets used to them
• If you’ve upped the greens and powder then add a date or 2 in to keep it sweet and for extra minerals.


⭐️note that the Ingrediant’s start with less greens. I suggest starting at almost just bananas and coconut water with a tinge of greens and building up as your child gets used to the taste and colour.

⭐️for children with sensory processing state thinner and make it thicker till they get used to drinking from a straw.

⭐️for kids who don’t like the colour try dark glasses or lids or flowers at the top of the glass or fancy decorated straws. Try a few different ways till they taste it and then build up the flavour and nutrients.


A Great smoothie recipe to start with:

  • 1 cup frozen blueberries (the more berries you add, the more purple it looks not green) 
1 banana or 1 apple, 
1 cup almond or hemp milk or coconut milk
 or 1 cup coconut  (try celery or cucumber juice here too as soon you will want to stop using fats in smoothies for better digestion see the link below for why) 
1/4 cup fresh baby spinach or lettuce. Building up the amount of lettuce and spinach or any soft tender greens.The truth about fruit . . . and Food combining and why is it essential for health!-chart.

The fibers are liquefied making the nutrients absorb super easy. Studies have shown that children and adults alike generally accept a new food by the 12th try so keep at it muma’s!!

Some Tips:

  • Make yourself a green smoothie, and they may wonder why their smoothie is not the same color as yours.
  • Be a health role model for your kids. If they see you eating healthy they will want to do it too.
  • Try having a smoothie out at a healthy café or wholefoods as often kids like what other people eat more than what their mums make. All choose a different type and compare the tastes.
  • Get them to choose a new smoothie cup and straw to take ownership over their new healthy lifestyle. Add flowers on top so they can not see the colour.
  • Let them measure out the coconut water or add the ingredients into the blender and safely press the button and watch it wiz around. They are much more likely y to drink something they have made. Even start with them helping you make your first and then say would you like one?
  • Top their smoothies with extra goodness like  coconut flakes, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds or goji berries or flowers. Serve with a nice straw and spoon and make it a special treat.

For the kids who will not go near any vegetables and anything green:

Start with making a banana milk (1 banana blend with 1 cup water) then each day or week depending on how slow you feel is right add some lettuce like coz. This will not change the colour much but get some much needed nutrients in tot your child. Once they are ok with that add spinach which will change the colour but they would be used to the taste by now.


Your goal is to get to smoothies made with filtered water ONLY with fruit and loads of greens. No fats no milks and with barley grass powder and herbs like coriander for maxima detoxing and cellular health . . . every day even twice a day. I believe you will if you set your mind on it!

Why Leafy Greens are so good for you and the Nutritional breakdown.

Good luck and remember they sense your fear and emotions – if you are hesitant and scared they will not go for it. Be confident and set an example by eating well yourself. Monkey see monkey do. Kids can not buy their own food, so only stock the best at home and choose only the best when you are out. If you are suffering with self sabotage and food binging and cravings. Contact me to coach you to break free of these . . . like I did.

Try my super detox green smoothie here too: Green Detox Smoothie and my heavy metal detox buster smoothie here too: Heavy metal detox buster!

🍌GOOD LUCK and remember monkey see monkey do so eat your greens too! 🍌

Much love and thanks Hannah xx