
We have a SPECIES SPECIFIC DIET…so what is it?

NO animal in nature cooks there food and every species has a species specific diet, and humans are not an exception. We have just evolved so far past our instincts to modern life we have forgotten how to eat instinctively. We consume “foods” that are unnatural and denatured because we have seasoning, salt, ovens and an addictive tastes which stops our instincts for health and survival now. We have trained our brains to want the addictive foods over our natural foods. We feed our parasites over feeding our cells.
We are slowly killing ourselves with what we eat and asking why are we so sick, tired and not healing?
So let’s break it down….
GRAINS: they are enzyme inhibitors, high in phytic acids, leave a lot of metabolic residues and mucus in the the body, and have anti nutrients, for a reason, because there not designed for the human body to digest, absorb, utilize, and eliminate. Birds eat grains and they also eat rocks and pebbles to help grind them for digestion. To make these palatable you must cook them which changes the chemical compound making them a toxin on the body and addictive. GRAINS ARE NOT OUR OPTIMUM FOOD…
STARCHES: there high in complex carbohydrates which is too much sugar for the body to metabolize and create lots of fermentation and fungal overgrowths. Starches also leave behind a lot of glue like paste that clogs up the villi in the small bowel, and block absorption of nutrients SIBO. To make these palatable you must cook them which changes the chemical compound making them a toxin on the body and addictive. STARCHES ARE NOT OUR OPTIMUM FOOD…
MEAT: it’s dead tissue that leaves behind acid ash that destroys the colon, and creates prolapsed bowels, cancer, putrefies and leaves behind worms and parasites, it has too large of protein molecules for the kidneys to handle, and can deteriorate your bones, and send you into dialysis fast if abused. Meat feeds parasites not your cells. To make this palatable you must cook it which changes the chemical compound making flash a toxin on the body and addictive due to the oils, salts and seasoning used to disguise the taste of raw rotting flesh. GROSS!
ANIMALS MILK: this is highly mucus forming, and it’s designed for a baby calf too grow from 50 pounds to 300 pounds in 3 weeks, it’s lactose is designed for infants that have lactase to brake it down, and properly digest it in the early development and growing stage. There is a reason we loose the enzyme lactase after we are weened of our mothers milk, it’s because we no longer have an essential need for this food. Milk contains a chemical called Queso-morphine that makes it just as addicting as heroin and can be physically addicting when coming off it. The pus in milk leaves behind so much sewage waste and clogs up the endo cells that create diabetes and can cause Heart Disease. The carcinogens in animal products or just as bad as smoking cigarettes maybe worse new studies have found. High meat and dairy diets causes diabetes and heart conditions and backs up your lymphatic system. DAIRY IS NOT OUR OPTIMUM FOOD…
EGGS: are a by-product of a chicken designed to become a baby chicken. They are high in hormones for that reason that effect our hormones. Making eggs very harmful for fertility. Egg yolk increases bad cholesterol (LDL). Raw egg yolk does not raise cholesterol level as much as cooked ones but cooking changes the chemical compound of the nutrients leaving them a high histamine food that causes allergies. This is because cooked egg yolk has oxidized cholesterol due to heat. However, uncooked egg has high risk of salmonella contamination. At least 4 types of proteins in egg whites block digestive enzyme actions which why you should never eat raw egg whites. At least 3 types of proteins bind tightly to vitamins, which prevents them from being useful. One protein does the same for iron absorption too. Cooking denatures these proteins so they no longer have the same chemical effects but become very mucus forming and toxic on the body. EGGS ARE NOT OUR OPTIMUM FOOD…
RAW TOUGH VEGETABLES: herbivores have multiple stomachs for a reason, because veggies like grasses, tough dark leaves and tubulars contain a tough fiber called cellulose that can only be digested from true herbivores. There is a reason we have to juice and steam certain vegetables and leaves, because they are very difficult to digest for the human species. TUBULES AND TOUGH VEGETABLES ARE NOT OUR OPTIMUM FOOD…
NUTS AND LEGUMES: nuts have a hard shell for a reason they are protected by harsh environments so the plant can be reproduced, and are designed for squirrels and rodents that have the claws, and teeth structure to open the shell much quicker, to get sustain themselves efficiently to meet there needs, they also burry them to start the fermentation process to aid digestion (so if you germinate and sprout these they can be digested in small amounts). Humans would struggle to get there calories form nuts quick enough to sustain them without the balance of macro nutrients going off balance ie too high in fats and protein. Legumes in there raw state are inedible so need to be cooked or at best germinated to make them edible. NUTS AND LEGUMES ARE NOT OUR OPTIMUM FOOD…
FRUIT: so it leaves humans in a natural environment designed with hands to pick, peel, and eat a food source straight from the plant or trees without having to do anything too it….that is easily digestible, detoxifying, powerful and packed with minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and enzymes a complete whole food….FRUITS, BERRIES, MELONS, TENDER LEAFY GREENS AND SOFT TENDER YOUNG VEGETABLES ARE OUR OPTIMUM FOOD…! With some small amounts of germinated, sprouted seeds and legumes and occasionally nuts if your body digests them.
You are a FRUIGIVORS by design who may have eaten insects and the odd other foods like seeds and nuts!!! But let’s remove the insects and just thrive off fruit…🍋🍍🍇🍉 and greens 🌱
Returning too this lifestyle now in our toxic world…will allow you to heal all you face and thrive!
For coaching on how to make these changes contact me today for a free 30 minute discovery session book here:
Hannah x x
Vegan Paleo - Jaw Structures

What’s mass consciousness and how can we all tap into it to help the planet and heal ourselves?

Each of us is a focal point of mass consciousness to varying degrees of spirituality. Mass consciousness is all around us and we tap into it even if we do not know it. Not only does media and society influence us, but so does the mass collectiveness that is universal oneness. Have you ever found yourself influence by your social group? Or by your community? Or found yourself following a change or movement without really knowing why or how you were brought to that knowledge? We have the power to tap into any consciousness we want. For example a vet goes to do an operation. She prepares by thinking about what she needs to do, that radiates a vibration from her heart to which other vibrations on that level attract to it (like attracts like) and she finds herself tapping into mass consciousness of all vets who have done that operation. She can choose to use that energy and be open to it or not. But it is still there. You can access this higher mass consciousness by living from a place of positivity and love.

Energy is made up on an atomic level. It’s all around us. This energy holds the programs to make and form each thing in this universe. Each body that dies, the energy disperses to make a new physical body while your soul moves on. We are all particles of this energy; each plant, dog or human is made from the same atoms and molecules. We are all one and the same. We are all hooked up and connected to the mass consciousness. Either contributing to it, or downloading from it. But when we are in physical form we feel individual and society celebrates this individuality, so we feel we are all separate and stand alone and that our thoughts are ours; and that we had them first. When the individual starts to rise above and out of certain lower vibration mass consciousness. We see that we are in fact all connected, and that as a united mass consciousness we can raise our vibration and make big changes in the universe from love and positivity.

But you are just you!
I hear this a lot “what can I do I’m just one person” or it doesn’t matter if I eat that, it will still happen” or “they will still sell that even if I don’t buy it” “a few vegans won’t change the industry”
This type of mindset keeps those people at the level of fear and hopelessness and they tap into that mass consciousness that they can not make a difference and hold no power. The thoughts and feelings from the mass consciousness they are vibrating at, validates them. You will see what you want to see. How much is real and how much is your thoughts tricking you to see what you think you want to see?

It takes a rain fall of tiny droplets to trickle to make a stream, and a stream to make a river and many rivers to make an ocean. And what’s an ocean? Many individual droplets of water!

So YOU can choose to tap into a higher vibrational mass consciousness and use positivity and loves collective energy to make a difference, or you can use that collective fear, grief and sadness to live scared of change, scared of death, worried about money, influenced by society and media who wants to keep you dumbed down and unaware. They want you to believing your thoughts are you (because like attracts like) without fear, war and greed where would the majority be?
But then let’s reverse that! Where would you be without fear, debt, time, hopelessness?. . . We all would be in communities that would all support and work together. The planet would be sustainable. Each person would be equal without leaders and elite tyers of society. No one would go hungry. Each person would have an equal share of wealth and possessions. Food would be available real and healthy. We would support our young, old and special humans. We would all meditate to stay connected and home in on lost arts like telepathy, clairvoyance and intuition. We would all be accepted and celebrated for our individuality and skills but come together as one for the higher good of each other, as we understand we are all one. We would have time to grow, expand and learn. But all do roles to raise the vibration of the planet and keep the cogs moving ie farm, build, make. Most importantly we would not live in fear, or fear death.


So what can you and I do?

Look after that homeless man on the street, not just feel despair about a country of homeless war torn people. Share with your neighbours, not just despair at our country not opening our borders to other humans that need it. Buy local, organic and support farmers on our doorstep not despair about GMO’s as the grass roots organic movement will grow and stomp out such idiotic practices. Stop harming other life. Respect each living soul, even plants have some lower levels of consciousness. Stop talking to yourself and others badly, you just grow the lower levels of mass consciousness. Show love to each and every life on the planet and know that they are no more individual or different than you. Even if their skin is a different colour or they speak in a different tongue or are from a different upbringing to you. We are all ONE and all need love, and should be shown love. Those who are stuck at lower levels of consciousness would soon be raised up from a mass consciousness that come from love, if that was the predominant vibration of this planet. So each of us plays our part and each of us is vital to influence and spread the word of love and show love, let’s start a love movement in our lives, community, country then planet. Thanks for reading. Type ‘yes’ below if you would like this download of love and world peace 🙏🏻

Why do we get sick and why are we always so tired?

Are you overwhelmed by how much conflicting nutrition advice is out there? Yep I remember that feeling. You try everything and nothing really works you feel frustrated and confused and do not know how to get yourself well. One specialist say this and another says that and you pay $$$$$$$$$ on supplements and remedies and potions to get told those things you just brought don’t help you. Oh gosh what around about!  What is a ‘Health Coach’ and how can they help you achieve your goals?

I hope to show you a bit of the basic science so you can understand what causes sickness and how easy it is to reverse it. And how to see the truth and find your healthiest self. Without the need for supplements, herbs or synthetic food replacements, or powders.

So hear goes . . . Natural Hygiene which I am proud to be a student off is a philosophy started by Doctor Herbert Shelton in which he teaches about the branch of biology in which health depends and the means in which it can be sustained. It is the principles of nature and observing the laws of life, and that man is the cause of all his diseases and those diseases do not come upon him without just cause.

What does that really mean?

Lets look at your body like a battery, and that battery is your daily life force or energy. This energy is the power it needs to move, study, digest, work, run, breath and repairing the cells and a host of things in-between. Each activity uses a different amount of energy, and after a good night sleep the body it restores to its full energy force again. Right?

Well what if your body cannot recharge? Or that you are not getting enough sleep or the quality sleep you need? Then your battery will not be able to recharge to its full capacity and you will not have the full amount of energy to complete your tasks. There must be a balance between the energy we expel and the energy we recharge. If we send out more energy than we get back through sleep then are bodies are depilated and cannot function healthily. We call this energy debt! You may know this as brain fog, muscle ache, yawning during the day, and lack of motivation, or lack of libdo.

We have reserves naturally and our bodies know how to use these stores to keep us going . . .but what if you are living off your stores and not replenishing them properly? Certain parts of your body take more energy than others to run, these are the digestive system and the waste system, (your lymphatic system).

When we eat foods that take a lot of digesting ie Christmas dinner or a big heavy meal that not combined well, or junk food. . .how do we feel after? Tired and we want to sleep right? Well that shows you that the bodies energy source goes to the digestion to cope with the over loading of food. It then has no energy for your brain, your organs, your waste system and it has to shut down and you fall asleep. When the battery is low and we are in energy debt, we are in a state of exhaustion. But when we are in this place the energy cannot digest properly and the body cannot remove waste properly and most of us don’t sleep after a meal we rush off to the next task pushing through our exhaustion. Because the body is unable to expel the waste as it should, it starts to back in in the body ie toxins. This means the body is in danger and organic damage starts in the cells and tissues. Toxaemia. It is at this point the body is faced with two options:

  1. Let the body continue to be damaged and that would end in death
  2. Take action to reduce the level of waste

So the body is so clever and it’s sole job is to stay alive so it would not choice (1.) Unless it had not other option or  . . .(1.) was being stopped! so (2.) Is it’s choice! So once the level of waste has reached its threshold the body then sends out an acute illness to expel the waste . . . asthma, eczema, flu, colds, rashes, sore throat, sleep issues, gastro bugs, coughs, headaches, diarrhoea or a fever. These symptoms are the fastest way for you body to expel the waste. It is trying to communicate with you to take action. Once this cough or fever or rash has stopped, the waste has been removed and the body goes back to normal if you give it rest.


But we don’t do this in this day and age. We suppress with medications, herbs and pills to stop the acne or the fever or the cough or we stimulate ourselves with cocoa, coffee, spices and flames feel good while our system is struggling to cope. We treat the symptom, which is the cure!! We treat the symptom, which is the cure!!

Say that out loud a few times to let it sinks in . . .

The body tries to eliminate the excess waste, if you supress this it creates the illness. The waste gets trapped in the body and cause more extreme diseases. Disease is organic damage. This shows up in eczema, psoriasis, lupus, inflammatory bowel diseases, migraines, eye degeneration, hair loss, thyroid conditions, infertility, fatigue, diabetes ect and then once the cells are so organically damaged and unable to grow properly they mutate and that’s what we call cancer. Cancer is just a collection of symptoms that have been ignored and mineral defences within the body.

Can you see the connection in not addressing the cold and allowing the body to expel waste as it should, and why you have it in the first place (ie what are you eating and how is your lifestyle) to how your body can get to the sickness or disease you have now? Again as Doctor Shelton says “man is the cause of all his diseases and those diseases do not come upon him without just cause.”

‘Trying to overcome disease without looking at the cause, is like trying to heal a burn when it’s still in the fire.’ Hannah Miles

What are the causes of disease?

  • Over consumption of unnatural foods in the wrong food combinations
  • Eating to late at night
  • Not enough rest to allow the body to recharge and cope with it’s basic functions
  • A high level of waste in the body
  • Alcohol
  • Chemicals
  • Tabaco
  • Vaccines
  • Lack of exercise
  • Heavy metals
  • Negative thoughts and people
  • Sugar
  • Mineral deficiencies
  • Cooked over heated foods that have no life force
  • Processed foods
  • Caffeine, Cacao, chocolate and spices
  • Medications and drugs
  • Chemical cocktails (tap water)
  • Pollutions
  • Radiation

We run into difficulty when our bodies cannot remove the waste and toxins as fast as we put them in. Not all of these things are in our control our air, soil and water is polluted but we can control what we consume and the lifestyle we lead.

How do we heal disease?

  • Sleep and rest so the cells can regrow and repair
  • Remove as many stresses on the body as possible
  • Do not over eat
  • Only eat natural foods
  • Move you body but do not over exercise depleting your body
  • Clear your mind and spend time in joy
  • Clean fresh filtered water drunk away from food
  • Remove chemicals and heavy metals from your body and home
  • Spend time in nature
  • Heal past traumas and hurts and mend relationships (with yourself too)
  • Fresh air
  • Sunshine
  • High quality raw living foods
  • Time
  • Love and compassion
  • Nature and time in the ocean and lakes

Which ways in life do you add in toxins and which ways do you counteract this? Is your balance right? Are the conditions in your life causes disease or healing it?

Each person will need a different approach to remove excess waste from there body. But giving the right conditions the body is very well equip to heal it self.



Check out my gut healing protocol: Hannah’s Gut Healing Protocol.

A simple guide to understanding Nutrition and the part it plays on your body, and how to heal your own body!

‘Life is a construction of nutrition and drainage under the control of the nervous system.’


Nutrition is the process where raw material is converted into living structures. Materials which are used for digestion, fertility, rebuilding of cells, and repairing of tissues are accomplished. The body is equipped with a whole series of amazing organs, (this is a part of the nutritive system) which allow the body to take in raw materials like air, sleep, water, real food from nature and sunshine and turn this into life. By taking these into the body it is converting them into the blood stream so it can be taken to all parts of the body and used by the cells of the body and converted to structure and tissue. To make and keep life!

FOOD-We take in food and chew it slowly hopefully, and this is the first step where enzymes break down starches and create sugars, we then take it into the stomach where small glands excrete juices and break it down further. We then pass the food in to the small insensitive where more glands produce more juices and also juices from the pancreas and bile from the liver are together used to break the food down further. It reduces the food into small compounds where it can be passed into the blood stream and be utilised. This is called absorption. All these glands and organs are part of the digestion system. When the food particles are in the blood stream, they get picked up and moved to the liver where it then goes through more changes, where it get passes back into the blood to be utilised by the cells. This is a part of the nutritive system. We cannot live without fresh raw food. Food combining and why is it essential for health!-chart.



WATER- we take it into the stomach just like food, but water does not need any digestion and goes straight into the small intestines and can be passed around the blood stream to be utilised by the cells. Too much water or water eaten with food simply dilutes the digestive juices and flushes the minerals and goodness from the body. We cannot live without fresh clean water. If our water is filled with fluoride and chemical this does not nourish us but aids in being a load on the body. How much water is good for you, and why you should never take it with food?


AIR- we should take it in through the nose (not the mouth) and it is then passed down to the respiratory tracks and into the lungs our largest waste organ, where the blood picks up the oxygen and carries it to the cells to be used by the circulatory system. This is another part of the nutritive system. We cannot live without fresh clean air.


SUNSHINE– the skin is your largest organ and sunshine is a raw material vital to our bodies. The glands in the body need sunshine and the vitamin D we get from it to convert into tissues and building material. We cannot live without sunshine. The sun does not cause skin cancer the products the sun burns onto the skin causes skin cancer. Small amounts of sun exposer daily is nourishing and needed. Cover up if you are in it for longer periods as too long can deplete your body.


SLEEP- we do not heal from the food we put in our mouth! food is simple a way to fuel the body and can either put presure on it , or take pressure off of it. A system that is not overloaded but nourished when you go to sleep, can use these raw materials to repair, restore and re build our bodies. If we do not get enough sleep we will simple break down and age faster and our cells will start dying off and sending out symptoms of sickness and disease. This is the first stages of cancer. Sleep allows the body to rejuvenate and re grow. It must be good quality sleep and not induced by a suppressant or sleeping pill and this is not true sleep and will not allow your body to really switch off.  Sleeping and removing the load off your body is the fastest way to repair it and reverse damage. If you are exhausted stop work and all vigorous exercise and sleep as much as you can for as long as you can.


It is through the endocrine system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system and the digestive system that nutrition is taken in and for the body to repair and re build it self, it needs rest and proper sleep. They all have to flow and work together which is why removing glands like tonsils and appendix is never a healthy option, as this has an effect on every cell of your body as it is clever balance. And all of these raw materials need to be in plentiful amounts and of the highest quality for it to complete its tasks.


Drainage or (detoxification) is the process of which waste is removed from the cells and carried to the organs that do the excretions; skin, kidneys, liver, bowels ect and then from the blood into the large intestines and excreted out the body. This is big process for the body and takes the lymphatic system to be working properly for the waste to be removed. The lymphatic system picks up waste from the cells and carries it through channels into the blood stream. These are things that do not need to be in the body like ie toxins, heavy metals, chemicals, fat, unnatural foods or synthetics, excess minerals it cannot store ect. The lymphatic system then passes it through the lungs to remove carbon dioxide and then goes to the liver and that then passes the waste materials to be converted and used again where possible into the blood, it then goes on to the large intestines and the waste is then excreted from the body in stools or urine which is filtered blood. If this process does not work you get backed up in your lungs (Asthma, croup, CPOD ect,) liver (fatty liver, low stomach acid) skin (eczema, acne, psoriasis ect) and intestines (IB ,Crohn’s and leaky gut) and your blood gets sticky and your lymphatic system slows down unable to work further. The body then leaches waste in to the blood from the instines and the body sends out ways to clean it up and the food particles get trapped and leaky gut is created. You store your waste in fat cells and the body tries to clean the lymphatic system by sending out mucus and bacteria. The mucus then putrefies and causes infections in the ears, lungs and skin. The bacteria gets overgrown and cause imbalances and yeast overgrowths. If the body is not draining probably this affect the glands as they stop excreting juices or produce too much, and of course this all effects the hormones as hormones are made in the glands. . .Wow!!

Are you starting to see how EVERYTHING is connected and how removing glands, or organs just is not the answer, how surpassing symptoms with drugs and medications only leads to death. We must restore balance to the body and only put raw materials into the body.

This is all controlled by the nervous system. The nervous system is so vital in the body, without that transmission nothing would work. So the final part of nutrition is the stress levels in your life. If you can remove the stress and the toxic relationships and trauma and return the body to the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest), and allow the body to drain the waste correctly then you can control all illnesses and diseases, retuning the body back to it’s healthy balances state.

By understanding the importance of what you put in you body effects what your body sends out and how that breeds disease, then you understand that it is all, fixable with the right raw materials to start with. Which are;

  • CLEAN PURE WATER –not the chemical cocktail from a tap!

I hope this information helps you to make the wisest choices for your clever body. The only thing stopping your health is YOU!

Why do we get sick and why are we always so tired?