Why do we get sick and why are we always so tired?
Are you overwhelmed by how much conflicting nutrition advice is out there? Yep I remember that feeling. You try everything and nothing really works you feel frustrated and confused and do not know how to get yourself well. One specialist say this and another says that and you pay $$$$$$$$$ on supplements and remedies and potions to get told those things you just brought don’t help you. Oh gosh what around about! What is a ‘Health Coach’ and how can they help you achieve your goals?
I hope to show you a bit of the basic science so you can understand what causes sickness and how easy it is to reverse it. And how to see the truth and find your healthiest self. Without the need for supplements, herbs or synthetic food replacements, or powders.
So hear goes . . . Natural Hygiene which I am proud to be a student off is a philosophy started by Doctor Herbert Shelton in which he teaches about the branch of biology in which health depends and the means in which it can be sustained. It is the principles of nature and observing the laws of life, and that man is the cause of all his diseases and those diseases do not come upon him without just cause.
What does that really mean?
Lets look at your body like a battery, and that battery is your daily life force or energy. This energy is the power it needs to move, study, digest, work, run, breath and repairing the cells and a host of things in-between. Each activity uses a different amount of energy, and after a good night sleep the body it restores to its full energy force again. Right?
Well what if your body cannot recharge? Or that you are not getting enough sleep or the quality sleep you need? Then your battery will not be able to recharge to its full capacity and you will not have the full amount of energy to complete your tasks. There must be a balance between the energy we expel and the energy we recharge. If we send out more energy than we get back through sleep then are bodies are depilated and cannot function healthily. We call this energy debt! You may know this as brain fog, muscle ache, yawning during the day, and lack of motivation, or lack of libdo.
We have reserves naturally and our bodies know how to use these stores to keep us going . . .but what if you are living off your stores and not replenishing them properly? Certain parts of your body take more energy than others to run, these are the digestive system and the waste system, (your lymphatic system).
When we eat foods that take a lot of digesting ie Christmas dinner or a big heavy meal that not combined well, or junk food. . .how do we feel after? Tired and we want to sleep right? Well that shows you that the bodies energy source goes to the digestion to cope with the over loading of food. It then has no energy for your brain, your organs, your waste system and it has to shut down and you fall asleep. When the battery is low and we are in energy debt, we are in a state of exhaustion. But when we are in this place the energy cannot digest properly and the body cannot remove waste properly and most of us don’t sleep after a meal we rush off to the next task pushing through our exhaustion. Because the body is unable to expel the waste as it should, it starts to back in in the body ie toxins. This means the body is in danger and organic damage starts in the cells and tissues. Toxaemia. It is at this point the body is faced with two options:
- Let the body continue to be damaged and that would end in death
- Take action to reduce the level of waste
So the body is so clever and it’s sole job is to stay alive so it would not choice (1.) Unless it had not other option or . . .(1.) was being stopped! so (2.) Is it’s choice! So once the level of waste has reached its threshold the body then sends out an acute illness to expel the waste . . . asthma, eczema, flu, colds, rashes, sore throat, sleep issues, gastro bugs, coughs, headaches, diarrhoea or a fever. These symptoms are the fastest way for you body to expel the waste. It is trying to communicate with you to take action. Once this cough or fever or rash has stopped, the waste has been removed and the body goes back to normal if you give it rest.
But we don’t do this in this day and age. We suppress with medications, herbs and pills to stop the acne or the fever or the cough or we stimulate ourselves with cocoa, coffee, spices and flames feel good while our system is struggling to cope. We treat the symptom, which is the cure!! We treat the symptom, which is the cure!!
Say that out loud a few times to let it sinks in . . .
The body tries to eliminate the excess waste, if you supress this it creates the illness. The waste gets trapped in the body and cause more extreme diseases. Disease is organic damage. This shows up in eczema, psoriasis, lupus, inflammatory bowel diseases, migraines, eye degeneration, hair loss, thyroid conditions, infertility, fatigue, diabetes ect and then once the cells are so organically damaged and unable to grow properly they mutate and that’s what we call cancer. Cancer is just a collection of symptoms that have been ignored and mineral defences within the body.
Can you see the connection in not addressing the cold and allowing the body to expel waste as it should, and why you have it in the first place (ie what are you eating and how is your lifestyle) to how your body can get to the sickness or disease you have now? Again as Doctor Shelton says “man is the cause of all his diseases and those diseases do not come upon him without just cause.”
‘Trying to overcome disease without looking at the cause, is like trying to heal a burn when it’s still in the fire.’ Hannah Miles
What are the causes of disease?
- Over consumption of unnatural foods in the wrong food combinations
- Eating to late at night
- Not enough rest to allow the body to recharge and cope with it’s basic functions
- A high level of waste in the body
- Alcohol
- Chemicals
- Tabaco
- Vaccines
- Lack of exercise
- Heavy metals
- Negative thoughts and people
- Sugar
- Mineral deficiencies
- Cooked over heated foods that have no life force
- Processed foods
- Caffeine, Cacao, chocolate and spices
- Medications and drugs
- Chemical cocktails (tap water)
- Pollutions
- Radiation
We run into difficulty when our bodies cannot remove the waste and toxins as fast as we put them in. Not all of these things are in our control our air, soil and water is polluted but we can control what we consume and the lifestyle we lead.
How do we heal disease?
- Sleep and rest so the cells can regrow and repair
- Remove as many stresses on the body as possible
- Do not over eat
- Only eat natural foods
- Move you body but do not over exercise depleting your body
- Clear your mind and spend time in joy
- Clean fresh filtered water drunk away from food
- Remove chemicals and heavy metals from your body and home
- Spend time in nature
- Heal past traumas and hurts and mend relationships (with yourself too)
- Fresh air
- Sunshine
- High quality raw living foods
- Time
- Love and compassion
- Nature and time in the ocean and lakes
Which ways in life do you add in toxins and which ways do you counteract this? Is your balance right? Are the conditions in your life causes disease or healing it?
Each person will need a different approach to remove excess waste from there body. But giving the right conditions the body is very well equip to heal it self.
Check out my gut healing protocol: Hannah’s Gut Healing Protocol.
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