You must become selfish to find peace!

Is it selfish to look after yourself?
Is it a bad thing to put yourself first?

Most woman I work with find this concept hard, as I once did too. I’m from a hard working family and I was taught you have to work hard and many hours to achieve anything. And to be kind to others and help others first. Not a bad message right?

Well what if most of us go through life conditioned by media and our society to thinking it’s not ok to take time for ourselves. Or that to follow your dream and not work in a 9-5 proper job means your lazy. Or that taking a day to rest and look after yourself means you must feel guilty. God forbid a weekend to yourself away from the kids!

To be selfish means to align to your true core beliefs, or your soul. To be happy with your choices and to put your happiness and alignment above anything else. This doesn’t sound bad does it? So why do we have such a hard time doing this simple life skill?


Choosing a positive mindset

When we are building a career or when we have children, often this balance really goes out the window and we believe that to be a good mother or employee we must sacrifice being who we where or really are, or carers or dreams get put aside to just get shit done. I lost my sense of self and had no idea who I was after having my kids, I threw everything into being a mum and healing my boys I forgot to care and love for myself, I was just a mum and not doing a great job of it because I wasn’t caring for my needs. Slowly I have clawed back a great sense of self and refuse to do, say or be anything that compromises that and became a better mother in the process. I,e I put my happiness first above all else. Does that sound bad to you?

To me it means I’m a better mother, friend, lover and wife.


Why do we get sick and why are we always so tired?

Try to put your self first instead of always putting others happiness or their comfort above your own, even your kids. This does not mean being mean to people, not being generous or caring as these are the essence of life. Nor does it mean you can not be a great parent, employee or friend. It means you look after your energy fully so you have loads left over to share. Stop the conditioning crap and excuses and be selfish for once!! Yes you 😘

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