Education and articles based on ‘Natural Hygiene’ and the ‘Raw Living Foods’ movement for Cellular Detoxification, healing and health for the whole family…

Properties of fruit – Natures SUPERFOODS not from a packet!

We hear so much about superfoods and there is always a new berry or seed from a far away land packaged up ready to heal us! What about the common fruits you can get easily and eat every day?

Each fruit holds a different set of nutrients and can help you overcome deficiencies you may have or build you in areas you need. Learning to treat your body with these powerful packed goodies instead of supplements or pills or spending money on packaged super foods is the key to longevity, be it fertility, gut health, depression or removing heavy metals.

If I see a clients test results I work out how they can overcome these deficiencies  by adding in more of one fruit or more of a vegetable to build the body up. Once you learn to listen to your body and what it’s asking for you no longer have the need for supplements or crazy diets. And the body stops the addictive craving rollercoaster as really you listen to what it’s asking for and you start to grab natures powerful gifts . . . not the chocolate bar or coffee. . .

So I’ve broken it down as per the food combination chart Food combining and why is it essential for health!-chart.

Sweet Fruits.


Good for: crohn’s, colitis, adrenal fatigue, digestion, increases fat burning, autism and diabetes, lowers risk of colorectal and kidney cancer. Anti-viral properties.

Contains: potassium,  B6, vitamin C, B5, B2, folate, selenium, manganese, potassium, copper, magnesium.  And a B12 enhancing food.

A good fruit to eat with dates and sweet potatoes 2-3 days before your menstrual cycle to give you energy.


Good for: adrenal support, chronic fatigue, thyroid conditions, diabetes, SIBO, GERD, OCD, lung cancers, autism , ADHD, insomnia when eaten as the last meal, vertigo, edema, candida and anxiety.

Contains:  B5, B3, B2, beta carotene, copper, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, iron, fiber. And a B12 enhancing food.

I suggest eating these with greens for better absorption of the natural sugars and having some in your bag to stop cravings taking over you.


Good for: removing parasites, autism, ADHD, asthma, menopause, pylora, sinus and bad eyes sight issues, alzheimers, constipation, eczema, crohn’s, colitis, SIBO, highly alkaline, the skins have anti-septic properties, highly mineralised, a laxative, a intestinal cleanser

Contains: B1, B5, B6, beta carotene, calcium, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, calcium. And a B12 enhancing food.


Grape – (organic seeded varieties are best)

Good for:  heart and blood vitalisation, filtering the kidneys, keeps blood platelets from sticking together, osteoporosis, cancers (anti-cancer phytonutrients), varicose veins, inflammation, anemia and rheumatoid arthritis, detoxifying,  cleansing, hay fever and allergies, has anti-viral properties, Great for brain fog so make a great afternoon snack!

Contains: resveratrol, antioxidants, quercetin and other polyphenols, boron, high in iron, magnesium and boron.


Good for: a laxative, energy, building muscles and good for stress and for eye sight.

Contains: high in beta carotene, vitamin C, B2, B6.

Taste like every tropical fruit in one!

Mamey Sapote

Good for: gut health and diabetes.

Contains: anti bacterial properties, vitamin C and calcium.

Tastes like a sweeter sweet potato!


Sapote (black)

Good for: great for adrenal support.

Contains: high in vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus.

Tastes like a chocolate mouse!


Good for: cancers, fatty liver, heart conditions, respiratory conditions and adrenal support.

Contains: anti-microbial and anti-viral properties.

Taste sweet and tangy with a perfumed aftertaste!


Good for: digestive support, adrenal support, liver disease, ideal for SIBO, fibromyalgia, MS, migraines, eczema, acne, rosacea and skin conditions, lymes disease, cleansing, enhances fat burning, autism, ADHD, adrenal support and fatigue.

Contains: high in beta carotene for skin conditions, high in vitamin C, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron. Great for parasites, worms and e-coli infections and especially the seeds when eaten on a full moon.


Persimmon – (Fuyu & Hachiya) –

Great for: chronic fatigue and adrenal support, constipation as it’s a mild laxative, soothing the digestive system.

Contains: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin C.

Sub-Acid Fruits.

Apple –(organic is best)

Great for: an overall tonic and contain pectin, a fiber that’s good for the digestive tract, supports immunity, good for alzheimer’s, skin elasticity, weight loss and diabetes.

Contains: vitamin C, copper, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, and trace minerals.


Blackberry –(organic is best)

Great for: diabetes, ADHD, autism, Alzheimer’s adrenal support, helps build bone density, anti-aging, suppresses appetite, enhances fat burning.

Contains: phytonutrients ,vitamin C, beta carotene, folate, omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin K, manganese, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc , fiber. And a B12 enhancing food.


Blueberry –(organic is best)

Great for: diabetes, ADHD, autism, Alzheimer’s, adrenal support, chromic fatigue, good for urinary tract and brain rejuvenation, and removing heavy metals when used with (coriander, parsley, barley grass, lettuce and coconut water in a smoothie).

Contains:  antioxidants & phytonutrients, zinc, omega 3 – 6 and 9 essential fatty acids, fiber, vitamin K, vitamin C, manganese, copper, iron. And a B12 enhancing food.



Great for: PCOS, fat livers, cancer, autism, ear infections, acne, adrenal support, urinary tract and bladder problems, detoxifying, laxative, cleanser, reduce inflammation, heightens awareness, lowers bad cholesterol.

Contains: vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, iron, silicon, omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids.


Great for: the blood, metabolism increaser, and helps break down fat and protein.

Contains: high in polyphenols,  iron, folate, vitamin B, vitamin C, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium. Must be eaten ripe.

Taste somewhat like a fragrant grape!


Great for: your kidneys and digestion, a blood cleanser, supports the immune system, lowers bad cholesterol, great for stress, adrenal support, fatty livers, gut health, thyroid conditions, parkinson, kidney stones, epilepsy, bushings syndrome, urinal tract infections, stomach cancers, diabetes and pre diabetes, histamine intolerances and insomnia when eaten as the last meal.

Contains: beta-carotene for the skin, vitamin C, beta carotene, calcium, potassium and high in magnesium.

A great fruit to eat after your menstrual cycle to help support your body.

Nectarine –(organic is best)

Great for: as a digestive aid and cleanser.

Contains: beta carotene for the skin, B3, vitamin C, vitamin E and copper.

Apricot-(organic is best)

Great for: gallstones, lymes disease, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, moulds and candida as it helps bind to them and pull them out, gut health.

Contains: amnio acids such as cysteine and glutamine, rich in beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, B5, copper, high in iron, potassium, high in fiber, magnesium and a B12 enhancing food.


Peach –(organic is best)

Great for: constipation, a diuretic, a digestive aid, a cleanser and very alkalising.

Contains:  B3, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, magnesium and beta carotene.

Pear -(organic is best)

Great for: diabetes, e-coli infections, SIBO, GERD, fatty liver, OCD, migraines, stomach cancer, food poisoning. They are a diuretic, alkaline, digestive aid and cleanser.

Contains: fiber, iodine, vitamin C and copper.

Plum –(organic is best)

Great for: bowel cancer and contraption as its a good laxative.

Contains: high in oxalic acid, beta carotene, antioxidants, phosphorus, and potassium.


Raspberries – (organic is best)

Great for: lowering bad cholesterol and inhibits certain cancer growth, diabetes, autism, ADHD, stress, adrenal support, fibromyalgia and menstrual cramps.

Contains:  antioxidants, vitamin C , vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, B5, manganese, copper, and iron.

A great food to eat during your menstrual flow.



Great for: respiratory and urinary tracts, , gallbladders, yeast infections, staph infections, a diuretic, weigh loss, diabetes, ear wax and eat infections, breaks down toxins, balances hormones.

Contains:  vitamin C, tannic and oxalic acids.


Great for: high in pectin which strengthens blood vessels and capillaries and reduces the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaque in those afflicted with this problem. Grapefruit juice eases constipation and improves digestion but can reduce appetite, helping with weight loss. Good to eat for cancers, heart problems, strokes, constipation, the blood and nerves. Digestive aid, vascular health, removal of in organic calcium from joints so good for arthritis.

Contains: Vitamin c, pantothenic acid, copper, dietary fiber, potassium, biotin and vitamin B1.


Great for: arthritis, OCD, diabetes, adrenal support, SIBO. Removes excess sodium buildup, the enzymes help in correcting and soothing digestive system including acid reflux and anti-aging.

Contains: vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin, E, folate, copper, potassium.



Great for: anti-aging.

Contains:  calcium, beta carotene, vitamin C, iron, and magnesium.


Great for: a potent detoxifier, kills intestinal parasites and dissolves gallstones, great for flu, kidney disease, respiratory conditions, anxiety, cancers, weight loss and rosacea, heart problems, strokes, constipation, the blood and nerves. See Limes too.

Contains:  calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, cleansing, an alkalising effect even though it’s an acid fruit.


Limes – (yellow when ripe..I know!)

Great for: Limes are good to eat for cancers, heart problems, strokes, constipation, the blood and nerves. Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, cleansing, alkalising even though it’s an acid fruit. See Lemons too.

Contains: bioflavonoids, citric acid and pectin.


Great for: reducing inflammation, shrink tumors, and inhibit blood clots, help with gum disease, kidney stones, anxiety, depression, acne, removing heavy metals. The Herperidin in oranges can help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, they contain bioflavonoids, citric acids and pectin. Oranges are good for cancers, heart problems, strokes, constipation, the blood and nerves and  digestive support.

Contains: 170 different phytonutrients and more than 60 known falconoid, calcium, vitamin C.

A great fruit to eat the week before your menstrual cycle to help prepare and clean your body.



Great for: adrenal support, respiratory conditions, ADHD, PCOS, removing heavy metals when used with greens. Promotes joint health, reduces inflammation, a  diuretic, a digestive aid, a cleanser of mucus, and a mild laxative.

Contains: calcium, vitamin C, folic acid, magnesium, manganese and beta carotene.

I suggest eating it frozen to stop your tongue burning!


Great for: cleansing and building the blood, insomnia, brain fog, adrenal support, heart conditions, diabetes,  urinary tract infections, protects against sunburn, PCOS, removes ear wax, fights prostate cancer and regulates hormones.

Contains: vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and beta carotene.


Strawberry –(organic is best)

Great for: diabetes, ADHD, heart conditions, alzheimer’s, reduce bad cholesterol, suppress growth of colon, prostate and oral cancers.

Contains: vitamin C, folate, manganese, copper and iron.


Great for: See oranges.

Contains: vitamin C, beta carotene, calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium.

Tomato – (heirlooms and organic are best)

Great for: Tomatoes are filled with antioxidants and phytonutrients, over 9,000 known phytonutrients to date. The main and most powerful antioxidant known in the tomato is lycopene. Lycopene is thought to protect the liver, lungs, prostate gland, colon and skin from sunburn among other things. Ongoing research seems to show that lycopene helps prevent macular degeneration, lower cholesterol, support the immune system and can help prevent and rid cancers. Also has a alkaline residue and reduces inflammation.

Contains: vitamin C, B6, B5 ,B1, vitamin K, copper, iron, magnesium.

Only eat raw do not cook tomatoes!

High Fat Fruits.


Great for: colitis and crohn’s and gut health. Helps restores the intestinal lining and gut health, removing polyps, good for liver and to lower cholesterol levels. Great for the brain and growing children

Contains:  vitamin E, protein, iron and copper, Omega 3 essential fatty acids.

A great fruit to eat while you are ovulating and the week after ovulation.


Durian –  great after work out food as it’s high in potassium and sulfur which makes them a warming fruit.

Contains: vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folate, copper, manganese, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

Smells bad but is tasty!

Olives – (not in oil)

Great for: anti-aging, very alkalising, lubricating and cleansing.

Contains: calcium, sodium, magnesium, amino acids, antioxidants, vitamin A and E. High in Omega 3 essential fatty acids.

Coconut fresh meat and water

Great for: autism, gut health, adrenal support, parkinson’s, anti-aging, brain support, alzheimers’s, adrenal support, diabetes, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, heart conditions.  provides protection against UV raises, promotes collagen and contains probiotics.

Contains:  4 electrolytes, anti-microbial fats, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral properties, magnesium, potassium, iron and sodium.

Add coconut water to green smoothies to help the greens like parsley and coriander to remove heavy metals and unwanted acids form the body. A great fruit to eat after your menstrual cycle to help support your body.

These 4 fruits are very high in fat, but are of the best healthiest kind. However, you should eat these foods in moderation. If you are consuming a lot of fruit or you will end up with insulin problems. A low fat raw food diet usually works best for most people look into the 80/10/10 Diet. If you are a slow oxidizer and have weight to loose you should aim for 10% fat in your diet or less. If you are eating a 2000 calorie diet this works out to be about 22 grams of fat per day and this adds up quicker than you might think. One avocado has about 25 grams of fat and one olive has 1 gram of fat. If you are a fast oxidizer you can eat a higher percentage of 20% but be careful not to consume too much high sugar fruit or stay high fat for too long.

Non-Sweet Fruits.

Bell peppers – (orange and red only, green are unripe and not suugested organic is best)

Great for: protects against sunburn, good for the heart.

Contains: beta carotene, vitamin C, folate, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamin E. vitamin K, iron, manganese.


Cucumber – (organic is best)

Great for: skin and hair, energy, adrenals support, cushing’s syndrome, MS, infertility, the lymphatic system, chronic fatigue and a cooling effect on the organs, great for e-coli infections and yeast overgrowths, alkalising, a diuretic and a great cleanser.

Contains: electrolytes, high in vitamin K (this can be converted to K2 for bone and teeth health), B5, silicon, potassium, copper.

A great fruit to eat after your menstrual cycle to help support your body.


Tomato – (also an acid fruit see above)


Great for: contains vitamins A and C, maganese and magnesium, and contains folate, which has been shown to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects and other birth defects.

Contains: carotenoid beta-cryptoxanthin, has decreased incidence of lung cancer. A cup of winter squash contains 15% of the recommended daily allowance of folate.



Great for: alzheimer’s, autism , epilepsy, cancer, stress, ADHD.

Contains: vitamnins B1, B3, B6, C and potassium, glykoalkaloids and phytonutrients like flavonoids, caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid. The flavonoid nasunin in eggplants, has high levels of antioxidant properties and is known to be a scavenger of free radicals, thus protecting the cells of the body. Nasunin is also known for its ability to protect the fats surrounding the cell membrane of the brain. the chlorogenic acid it contains is known to be the most potent antioxidant that displays antimicrobial, antiviral and antitumor abilities and plays an important role in the prevention of many diseases. Glykoalkaloids invade cancer cells and stimulate the cell’s owns digestive enzymes the culinary definition of fruit excludes these foods, botany declares them a fruit because of their seeds. They are low in sugar and fat and are great to add to salads or just to eat alone as part of a low fat raw food diet. Best to be steamed whole and then added to salads or raw dips.


Melons are one of natures miracle foods, close to our own milk in goodness as they give us all we need. They are one of the best cleansers and I recommend eating mono meals of melons too clear out your system. Melons are to be eaten alone due to there rapid digestion time so make a great breakfast. Read more here: The truth about fruit . . .

Melons are the most alkalising fruits around, high in electrolytes making them a super food for us! They are easily absorbed bioavailable and bioactive so utilised by the body easily.



Great for: immunity support, protects against sunburn, reduces inflammation, a cleanser and great for rehydrating, ideal for diabetes as it helps balances insulin levels and hormones.

Contains: a great nutrient profile, very high in beta carotene, vitamin C, folate, B3, potassium, copper. Great for parasites.

A great fruit to eat after your menstrual cycle to help support your body.

Watermelon – (organic and seeded is best)

Great for: SIBO, adrenal fatigue, heavy metals, adrenal fatigue, protects against sunburn, helps reduce the risk of prostate, ovarian and cervical cancers and a great cleanser, great for rehydrating.

Contains: beta carotene, vitamin C and  copper.

Bittermelon – the fruits and leaves of bitter melon are a good source of minerals and vitamins, such as iron, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin B. The juice from the leaves is also good to prevent and lessen cough, for fever and against ringworms. it is also used to treat sterility in women and alleviate liver problems. bitter melon has some antimicrobial activity and can help infected wounds. Nutritional contents can actually be absorbed by the body’s digestive system of the plant become some of these substances exist in unabsorbable form. It lowers blood sugar levels and addition in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, reducing the patients intake of antidiabetic drugs.

Protein and Calcium on Raw Vegan Diet!

Protein is required for the development of the human body , but the protein consumed should be of the highest quality and is often misunderstood the amount we need per day. In a child it is around 15-20% per day and in an adult is 10-15% per day and in many cases much less. More proteiIn than this can cause inflammation in the body, more so if it is from animal products.

Other than Lychees ALL fruit and vegetables have all 8 Amino Acids (protein) and omega 3 fatty acids. 

There are proteins in everything that grows as long as it’s not a refined food. But If some of our vegan foods don’t stack up against animal foods and are deficient in certain amino acids, they are compensated by their abundance in other goodies and eating verity will help overcome this.

Green leafy vegetables and small amounts of a variety of nuts, legumes, sprouts and seeds provide this high level of nutrients and protein.


For example:

  • Spinach contains 49% calories from protein.
  • Kale contains 45% calories from protein.
  • Hemp seeds contain 22% calories from protein.
  • Sprouts 44% calories from protein, an excellent source of protein and B12 so perfect vegan food.

A pregnant and lactating woman can get all the protein she needs eating verity rich whole food, raw living vegan diet without deficiencies.


Eating meat floods the body with protein waste products. The kidneys then need to eliminate these acidic wastes, requiring calcium as a buffer in the process, leeching calcium from the bones. Calcium is continually lost in the urinary waste, and may result in osteoporosis or bone loss. It has been showed now that people who consume dairy in large daily amounts over their lifetime tend to have osteoporosis. Contrary what we are taught!

Vegetable protein is much more easily absorbed into the bloodstream without the loss of calcium from eating animal protein. Animal-based protein places a great stress upon the liver and kidneys. This is a link to great explanation:

Also excess proteins have a negative effect on calcium stores too because amino acids contain sulfur, which in turn affects the body’s pH balance. Excess Calcium prevents fat absorption within the gut. I suggest eating your calcium rich foods like kelp, dulse, celery, broccoli, figs, rhubarb and oranges away from fats and proteins will help and too little calcium will affect your bone and teethe health.

Increasing your B12 now will help with protein absorption rather than eating more protein, and K2 for teethe and bone health, as it acts like a public transportation system for calcium. You consume calcium through food like the rich foods above. Vitamin D from the sun ~ the body easily absorbs vitamin D with just 15 minutes of exposure to sunshine per day ~ triggers ergosterol, which is transformed into vitamin D, which helps us absorb calcium from the foods we consume directly into our bloodstream. This will help take the pressure of the body from excuse protein until you can transition to a low fat high carb raw vegan lifestyle.

Then vitamin K2 takes the calcium to where it needs to go. Without vitamin K2, calcium can end up hardening in your arteries as plaque, and deposits in the joints, arteries, kidneys, brain and elsewhere.

Often we seem to be low or high in calcium when in fact it is due to heavy metal that calcium gets drawn out of the bones and teeth and floats around the blood not being able to be utilised so is urinated out. This means it is present, but cannot be used properly. This condition causes symptoms of both deficiency and excess at the same time because there can be a deficiency of available calcium, and an excess of bio-unavailable calcium at the same time. I do not suggest calcium supplements. The body does not cope well with large amount of nutrients not in a whole foods form being dumped in to the body so doesn’t utilise it and excretes most out.

We should eat the food to which we are naturally adapted too which has ample amounts of protein, omega 3 fatty acids, nutrients, and essential carbohydrates. Fruits, vegetables, green leafy vegetables, sprouts, berries, sprouted legumes, nuts and seeds. Not animal flesh to get our protein.

Protein rich plant foods are:

  • spinach 49% calories from protein.
  • kale 45% calories from protein.
  • broccoli 45% calories from protein.
  • cauliflower 24% calories from protein.
  • green paper 22% calories from protein.
  • parsley 34% calories from protein.
  • cucumber 22% calories from protein.
  • lettuce 29% (let that sink in!) calories from protein.
  • cabbage 25% calories from protein.
  • tomatoes 18% calories from protein.
  • apricots 12% calories from protein.
  • peaches 9% calories from protein.
  • sunflower seeds 14% calories from protein.
  • watermelon 9% calories from protein.

Yes you can get protein from fruit!

Let’s compare that to animal products:

  • beef 25.8% calories from protein.
  • chicken 23% calories from protein.
  • eggs 12% calories from protein.

WHY RAW LIVING FOODS! For Healing Diseases and Autism. . .

What’s the nutritional difference between cooked and raw foods?

When you cook vegetables, you change their chemical composition making them unable to be utilised by the body. Depending on the method and time, cooking reduces the amount of antioxidants in the plants.
This is especially true for water-soluble and heat-sensitive nutrients, such as vitamin C, glucosinolate and polyphenols. Cooking can reduce a nutrient’s ease of absorption into the body, making them useless for the body and it becomes a mucus forming food making it toxic for the body and thus causing inflammation.
We are all energy so eating foods high in energy, vitality and life force will help us have that energy and vitality ourselves. When you eat raw living alkalising foods you feel alive! The food moves through your body faster feeding your cells with high nutrients and a high water content hydrating you from the inside, better than plan water alone in some foods like cucumber, lettuce and watermelon. When you eat heavy, acidic, fatty cooked foods you want to sleep as your system is so overburdened and toxic it removes the energy and oxygen from the brain and muscles. And has to work hard to digest the heavy fatty foods sitting in the intestines, fermenting and dehydrating the body and causing an acidic state which leads to disease and cancer.

Food combining and why is it essential for health!-chart.
If your new to a plant based diet, even though you lose some nutrients value when cooking vegetables, I would still suggest building your vegetable intake up first moving to a 100% plant based diet and removing all animal products, with lightly steamed vegetables and greens. Then when you can and feel ready swapping cooked vegetables for as many raw vegetables as possible to help build your enzymes up in your gut and help PH balance your body, allowing for detoxification of the blood and lymphatic system – remembering fruit and raw vegetables and lots of greens are the only way to detox your body and remove heavy metals and mucus thus healing your body from disease and sickness. Cooked foods are mucus forming and lacking in enough nutrients to build your body to health. We are all so deficient these days with the quality of our soils, food, water and air . . . so to remove nutrients from our food by cooking it is not helpful. Also cooked foods are feeding the parasites and fungus our body are becoming imbalanced with because of it being to acidic. When the body is acidic and deficient in minerals and enzymes, diseases start and cells mutate into cancer. We want to make the body alkaline and thriving!

Hannah’s Gut Healing Protocol.

Knowing how detoxifying raw living foods are, start slowly when adding them in. Swapping 1 meal a day to a completely raw meal combined correctly, and build up. Or eating raw foods till dinner then a lightly steamed dinner. . . until you have regained enzymes to break the food down and the detox symptoms are manageable (this way of eating will not give you full healing properties as the cooked foods will stop you detoxifying fully). Or like me go 100% raw over night ride out the few days of detox and feel amazing and vibrant faster!

Either way increasing your raw greens, fruit and sweet young vegetables will benefit your body so much. You will see it in your skin, energy and vitality. If you can eat a food without doing anything to it bar peeling it then it’s a good raw food for the body. If you have to season it or cook it to make it palatable then it’s not our food.

Why Leafy Greens are so good for you and the Nutritional breakdown.

Contact me directly if you would like my assistant in transitioning to a natural living lifestyle and transitioning to raw foods to overcome your health struggles and take back your health!

0414967763 –

Much love x x

Why Leafy Greens are so good for you and the Nutritional breakdown.

Not many foods can compare to the high nutritional value of leafy greens. Researchers are finding that eating your greens may be even more important than previously imagined. In putting together this article I found lots of quotes that stated “it was common for our ancient ancestors to eat up to six pounds of leaves per day”. Recent research shows that a gene that is essential for producing critical immune cells in your gut, responds to the food you eat—specifically leafy green vegetables. So eat your greens!

We now know that these greens are packed with an array of antioxidants and other disease-fighting compounds. Researchers also believe that these vegetables play an important role in controlling food allergies, inflammatory diseases and obesity, and may even prevent the development of bowel cancers (see Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for more on that).


Here’s a nutritional breakdown of the top readily available leafy greens:


  • Excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K
  • High in Calcium (for a vegetable)
  • Also supplies Folate and Potassium

Collard Greens:

  • Excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K
  • Good source of Folate, Manganese, and Calcium
  • Cancer preventatvive glucosinolates (glucoraphanin, sinigrin, gluconasturtiian, and glucotropaeolin)
  • Similar in nutrition to Kale but more chewy with a stronger taste

Swiss Chard:

  • Excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K
  • Good source of Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Iron and Vitamin E
  • At least 13 different Polyphenol Antioxidants, including Kaempferol and Syringic Acid
  • Unique source of Phytonutrients called Betalains (provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification support)

Turnip Greens:

  • Excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K
  • Good source of Folate, Manganese, Calcium, Copper, Vitamin E and Vitamin B6
  • Bitter taste linked to high Calcium (4x more than cabbage, 2x more than mustard greens)
  • High glucosinolate content (phytonutrients with cancer-preventing properties)


  • Excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K
  • Good source of Manganese, Folate, Iron, Vitamins C, B2, B6 and E
  • Showed evidence of significant protection against the occurrence of aggressive prostate cancer.
  • Glycoglycerolipids help protect the lining of the digestive tract from damage — especially damage related to unwanted inflammation.

Beetroot Greens:

  • Excellent source of vitamins A, C, E and K
  • Good source of Folate, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Zinc, Vitamins B6

Valuable source of Lutein/Zeaxanthin (good for eye health)


  • Excellent source of vitamin K. Vitamin K has a potential role in the bone metabolism where it thought to increase bone mass by promoting osteotrophic activity inside the bone cells. It also has established role in Alzheimer’s disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.
  • Fresh leaves contain good amounts folates and vitamin C. Folates are part of co-factors in the enzyme metabolism required for DNA synthesis and therefore, play a vital role in prevention of the neural tube defects in the baby (fetus) during pregnancy.
  • Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant; regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals.

So don’t over look the humble lettuce it’s my favorite green to have in the fridge . . .

How to Choose Leafy Greens

When choosing your greens, you should always look for leaves that are crisp. You want to hear a slight snap when you crack the stems. If they are wilted, soggy, or slimy, keep looking! Ideally, they have been stored in a cool place but watch out for greens stored in ice and the leaves will burn. Greens are loaded with water. Ice can crystallize the water and the greens may end up mushy by the time you get them home.

The leaves should smell fresh and, well, really green!


Colour is also important. If you have a choice, pick the darkest leaves. Don’t worry about a few brown spots, that’s perfectly normal, especially at the farmers markets. However, if the edges are consistently brown throughout all the leaves they are not good. Last but not least, is smell. The leaves should smell fresh and, well, really green!

NOTE: Non-organic greens can be very high in pesticides. This is one of those items that are definitely worth buying organic.  It is to buy from a local grower when possible. Make sure your growers are practicing sustainable farming practices and not using heavy chemical pesticides and herbicides. If you can’t buy from a local farm or farmers market, then make sure to choose organically-certified greens at the grocery store. There’s no skimping on greens they should always be organic where possible.

Eat your greens! Add them to each meal in smoothies, juices, salads, use as wraps and serve with dips.

I do not suggest cooking greens . . . if they are not sweet enough to eat raw, then do not eat them at all. Once you cook leaves you loose the nutrients of them and the healing properties they hold.

Nuts and seeds and the truth about digesting them . . .

Nuts nuts nuts!

Are they a health food or stopping your gut from healing? How many is good and in what combination is best?
People who have had inflammatory bowel disease or leaky gut or suffer with a gut-brain connections such as (depression, autism) generally do not digest fats well because they lack the enzymes needed to break them down, I was no exception and the low carb high fat diet nearly killed me! Then moving away to a gourmet raw vegan diet. . . I still overloaded on raw desserts and nut cheeses and pates as I was living a gourmet raw diet trying to recreate cooked dishes that were so high in fats and hard to digest foods and fancy gourmet dinners.


This is what I’ve learned and why I now eat a simple diet with simple combinations and a small amount of  seeds germinated here and there.

High- protein, fatty and oily foods must be minimised, especially during the first year of gut recovery or you will plato and cause long term damage. Learning to eat within your digestive limitations is so important for healing no matter what your mind wants and your eyes see. Fat intake must be increased gradually only in accordance with what you can properly digest good overt healthy fats are essential in the diet but must be stopped or minimised at first to get the healing. Overeating on overt healthy fats like nuts, seeds, coconuts and avocados will, typically, stress the digestive system and create a toxic condition indicated by gas, foul, putrid bowel odours, stomach acidity, constipation, fatigue, etc., which can trigger an inflammatory bowel disease flare up. None mind bad fats, them you just need to steer well clear off.
• One to two ounces of nut or seed or nut butters eaten with one dinner (away from fruit) in a salad meal once per day, may be all the fat that anyone can digest effectively after healing inflammatory bowel disease. Or 1/4-1/2 of an avocado may be your digestive limit per day.
• Raw (ungerminated) nuts are difficult to digest; but, when eaten in small quantities (one ounce per meal, once per day, one to three times per week, depending on your digestive strength (I can not even cope with that much without getting sluggish and tired) and of course chewing them well with lettuce, celery or cucumbers, then they might digest ok and give healthful benefits. The masticating action (chewing) of our teeth is not capable of effectively breaking down hard nuts and seeds to particle sizes small enough to be completely digested by our stomach acids. We are not squirrels! Stomach acid can only act on the outer surface of the nuts particles; if acidic digestive enzymes are not able to act on the protein within the particles, the protein will pass through the system unused and without giving you its nutrients and will putrefy in the bowel causing bloating, gas and wind. Activating your nuts and seeds helps with this.
• Raw nuts and seed smoothies (made with water, citrus fruit (only) or vegetables in a blender) and raw nuts and seed butters -made in good blenders and or available in jars from health food stores, not mass supermarket brands. Are much easier to digest than unprocessed whole nut and seeds, and are, therefore, recommended to eat. Still, they are very rich in oily fat which can cause problems if eaten beyond your digestive capability and you know how fast a bag of nuts goes or a jar of nut butter. So go easy on them with small amounts in the right food combinations and always the freshest highest quality. Food combining and why is it essential for health!-chart. I would suggest having smoothies with fruits, greens and water with NO NUTS OR SEEDS ADDED.


• “Living” nuts and seeds, i.e., raw nuts such as almonds germinated/sprouted in water for 12 to 24 hours then sprouted in room temperature air, are more digestible than ungerminated (raw) nuts. The soaking and germination process hydrates and softens the hard fiber and reduces complex proteins into readily digestible amino acids. Germinated nut and seed blends (cheeses or patés) are perhaps easiest on the digestive system—an easy salad dressing is to blend one to two ounces of nuts or seeds with water, fresh-squeezed orange juice, a slice of orange or a tomato in a blender, then use this as a salad dressing or dip for vegetables.
• Experiment making nut and seed milks. Soak raw nuts or seeds in purified water for 2 to 24 hours, rinse well, blend at high speed with purified water in a blender, then strain and slowly drink the milk, mixing in your saliva. Chew chew chew even liquids!


Step by Step – Making Nut and Seed Milks.
• Avoid old rancid nuts and seeds that’s any that come from a supermarket or in packets, they can be 1-3 years old—these tend to feel soft, taste cheesy with no sweetness and appear darker in color than when they are fresh. You are not getting nutrition from these just toxins and more mucus being formed.
• Heated or roasted nuts and seeds are very toxic and must be avoided. Avoid roasted and salted nut and seed butters. Never cook with nuts!
• Peanut butter is not recommended because: 1. In raw or heated form, it is difficult to digest due to its high protein and starch content which we know doesn’t digest well; 2. In roasted form it is highly toxic; and 3. Peanuts are one of the most heavily pesticide-sprayed crops even in Australia.
• Organic, whole, raw peanuts can be eaten in moderation if they have been sprouted (soaked in water and allowed to germinate for several hours). However, these are subject to a toxic, yellow mold and must be carefully inspected and eaten with caution. Peanuts are actually a legumes and not recommend for gut healing as they are hard to digest.
If you are to eat nuts I would suggest choosing high omega 3 nuts like walnuts, pistachios, Macadamia, Brazil nuts which are great brain foods, over the higher omega 6 almond if you can. I do not suggest the raw nut desserts the are so hard to digest and are high in fats and rancid oils. Once you’ve done the healing work add them in as an occasional treat or different texture!

Food combining and why is it essential for health!-chart.

Why is it so important?

Food combining has been increasing in its awareness in the last decade but was brought to our attention by Dr H Shelton in the 50’s and 60’s. It is recognized that our stomach digests foods at different rates and by using different enzymes to digest each food. If we desire to have optimum health and wellness, we must know the importance of maintaining a properly “balanced diet” in relation to the acid/alkaline diet. Without proper food combing principles our diets will eventually lead to indigestion and acidosis. This will rob us of our cellular energy required to attain an overall healthy body.

Instead of looking at food as “Calories” look at it as fuel that if our bodies are able to assimilate them with ease we get energy. If your stomach is unable to digest the foods properly it doesn’t matter how much nutrition is in the food or what the diet is called, because your body isn’t absorbing any and you become malnutritioned, most of the western world is fat but malnutritioned. We are fat and starving!!

The good thing is when you’re combing food properly your body will reduce weight, eliminate bloating, feel good overall, and get the most out of the foods you eat and will keep your gut healthy. And the energy goes to running your brain and healing your cells.

So how do we do this food combining thing?

1. Never Eat Carbohydrates with Acidic Foods in the Same Meal.

Do not eat bread, potatoes, peas, beans, bananas, dates, or other carbohydrates with lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruits, pineapples, tomatoes or other sour fruit.

The enzyme, ptyalin, acts only in an alkaline medium; it is destroyed by a mild acid. Fruit acids not only prevent carbohydrate digestion, but they also favor their fermentation. Oxalic acid diluted to one part in 10,000, completely arrests the action of ptyalin. There is enough acetic acid in one or two teaspoons of vinegar to entirely suspend salivary digestion.

Tomatoes should never be combined with any starch food. They may be eaten with leafy vegetables and fat foods. The combination citric, malic and oxalic acids found in tomatoes, (which are released and intensified by cooking which is why I do not suggest cooking tomatoes ever!), is very a detrimental to the alkaline digestion of starches in the mouth and stomach. They should not be used on salads during a starch meal.

In cases of hyperacidity of the stomach, there is great difficulty in digesting starches. Much discomfort is caused by eating them. They ferment and poison the body. Acid-starch combinations are very rare in nature—the sour apple coming nearest to being such a combination to which we natural spit this out . . .

2. Eat Fruits First

Fruit is a food that digests best when eaten alone. While you’ll read in (4.)  not all fruits digest best together, it has the fastest exit rate of the stomach as fruit does not digest in the stomach, therefore fruits should be eaten first or alone. For those concerned about their blood sugar or candida, as long as fruit is eaten without fat and/or with leafy greens, blood sugar will remain stable. So fruity raw deserts are a disaster on the digestion. fruit is abundant in nutrients, anti-oxidants, and water, fruit is an excellent snack that is easily digested by the human body but needs to be eaten first, starting with acid fruits then moving on to sweet fruits and proteins after all fruit has been consumed!

3. Protein and Starches do NOT mix

Is it a common occurrence to consume a heaping serving of mashed potatoes next to a large portion of meat and/or dairy? This is one of the worst food combinations ever, but can easily be improved. Because the human body requires an acid base to digest proteins and an alkaline base to digest starches, this can lengthen the time of digestion and cause fermentation in the gut. This can lead to bloating, indigestion, and stinky bowel movements as the food putrefies in the gut.

To correct his, it is best to eat proteins with non-starchy vegetables and especially leafy greens. Starches can be consumed on their own or with other vegetables, but not with protein. Proteins that are cooked renders the protein particles in it useless for the body, and cooking demonises it making it unable to be digested fully.

4. Eat Melons Alone-ALWAYS!

Have you ever had the mistake of consuming watermelon after a dinner? Most likely you experienced gas, a slight blood sugar drop, and/or nausea. That is because melons are the type of fruit that digest completely different than other sweet treats. For optimal digestion, melons should be consumed alone and on an empty stomach first thing and then not eaten again in the day. Remove them from your mixed fruit salad.

5. Greens, Greens and More Greens

Greens are easily ruled as one of the best foods for mankind. Loaded with amino acids (building blocks of protein), essential minerals and nutrients (B vitamins, magnesium, iron, and more!), along with fiber (great for digestion). They combine well with all foods, and therefore should make a regular appearance on your plate. If you’re not consuming your 3 – 5 cups of vegetables a day then adding a cold pressed Barley Grass powder it to water, juice, or your favourite smoothie can help keep your mineral up!

For example, a salad is a great contribution to every meal and the live enzymes will help your other food digest smoothly. Eat your salad before any other food on your plate for maxima digestion.

6. Fats & Oil

While overt healthy fats combine well with everything (except fruit!), they should be used in limited amounts as they are very calorie dense and slow down digestion and when used with fruits cause bacteria and yeasts breakouts. Oils should not be consumed as they are not a whole food and when cooked become indisputable and poisonous to the body. Therefore, save your meal with fats like avocado or nuts for dinner or allow your body at least 4-5 hours to digest a dense lunch before eating again.

7. Probiotics (Friendly Bacteria)

You should only take probiotics 30 minutes before a meal not during. Mixing probiotics with a meal may decrease some absorption. The reason is that the probiotic ends up spending more time in the stomach. Another reason to take them on an empty stomach is because before the journey to the intestines, the bacteria will have more difficulty surviving the harsh stomach acid during digestion, affecting their potency.

Don’t take them after a meal! Probiotics that are taken after a meal have even more difficulty surviving stomach acid levels as this is when your stomach acid is at its peak. A study from 2013 found that when a probiotic supplement was taken after a meal, extremely low levels of bacteria actually survived.

A recent study in the Journal of Beneficial Microbes showed that probiotics are optimally absorbed when taken prior to a meal and were absorbed almost as well when taken with a meal containing fats. If you are however eating vegan plant based diet, high in complex carbohydrates and fruits and low in fats you should not need Probiotics. 

What is a ‘Health Coach’ and how can they help you achieve your goals?

8. Timing is Everything

Because foods digest at different rates, you can lessen the pressure on your body by waiting until the previous food has left the stomach and is being digested in the intestines. Wait the following amount of time between foods that don’t combine:

  • Two hours after eating fruit
  • Three hours after eating starches
  • Four hours after eating protein
  • If you eat proteins no water for 4 hours after.
  • If you eat starches no water for 2 hours after
  • If you eat fruits no water for 30 minutes after
  • If you eat vegetables no water for 1 hour after.

This is chart for you to put on your fridge and follow to the T!


Check out my gut healing protocol here:Hannah’s Gut Healing Protocol.


How much water is good for you, and why you should never take it with food?

Why I don’t drink water with food?💦

Most of us have a ‘WATER-DEFICIENT’ diet high in grains and fatty packaged, sweet processed dried foods that make us feel thirsty and dry our bodies out and we consume too much salt. We are told to drink 2-3 liters of water a day and most of us drink that with and around food. It’s so important to understand that drinking any beverages including water while eating/snacking should be AVOIDED! One of the many healthy reasons a total plant-based diet dominated by fresh fruits and vegetables is good is it’s ‘WATER-SUFFICIENT CONTENT’ So your body gets all it’s water needs in the perfect package and is absorbed easily without needing to top it up with ridiculous amounts of water glugged down beyond what our instincts tell us we need.

have you ever seen a wild animal spend the whole day drinking? No they drink when they need too and in small amounts. Drinking any beverages, including water, wine, beer and juice, with your meals or 30 minutes before or after DILUTES digestive juices of the stomach. Drinking also encourages poor mastication (chewing) of food since it is frequently washed down in a swallow of the fluid swallowed. Digestion begins in the mouth with an enzyme known as ‘salivary amylase.’ If you wash this process away you make digestion almost impossible. Causing stomach acid issue like reflux and GERD.


  • if you eat proteins no water for 4 hours after.
  • if you eat starches no water for 2 hours after
  • if you eat fruits no water for 30 minutes after
  • if you eat vegetables no water for 1 hour after.

you can have water 30-20 minutes before food on an empty stomach. But if you eat a 70-90% plant based diet free from unnatural foods and salt you may not need much water at all.

Food combining and why is it essential for health!-chart.

Why do we get sick and why are we always so tired?

Are you overwhelmed by how much conflicting nutrition advice is out there? Yep I remember that feeling. You try everything and nothing really works you feel frustrated and confused and do not know how to get yourself well. One specialist say this and another says that and you pay $$$$$$$$$ on supplements and remedies and potions to get told those things you just brought don’t help you. Oh gosh what around about!  What is a ‘Health Coach’ and how can they help you achieve your goals?

I hope to show you a bit of the basic science so you can understand what causes sickness and how easy it is to reverse it. And how to see the truth and find your healthiest self. Without the need for supplements, herbs or synthetic food replacements, or powders.

So hear goes . . . Natural Hygiene which I am proud to be a student off is a philosophy started by Doctor Herbert Shelton in which he teaches about the branch of biology in which health depends and the means in which it can be sustained. It is the principles of nature and observing the laws of life, and that man is the cause of all his diseases and those diseases do not come upon him without just cause.

What does that really mean?

Lets look at your body like a battery, and that battery is your daily life force or energy. This energy is the power it needs to move, study, digest, work, run, breath and repairing the cells and a host of things in-between. Each activity uses a different amount of energy, and after a good night sleep the body it restores to its full energy force again. Right?

Well what if your body cannot recharge? Or that you are not getting enough sleep or the quality sleep you need? Then your battery will not be able to recharge to its full capacity and you will not have the full amount of energy to complete your tasks. There must be a balance between the energy we expel and the energy we recharge. If we send out more energy than we get back through sleep then are bodies are depilated and cannot function healthily. We call this energy debt! You may know this as brain fog, muscle ache, yawning during the day, and lack of motivation, or lack of libdo.

We have reserves naturally and our bodies know how to use these stores to keep us going . . .but what if you are living off your stores and not replenishing them properly? Certain parts of your body take more energy than others to run, these are the digestive system and the waste system, (your lymphatic system).

When we eat foods that take a lot of digesting ie Christmas dinner or a big heavy meal that not combined well, or junk food. . .how do we feel after? Tired and we want to sleep right? Well that shows you that the bodies energy source goes to the digestion to cope with the over loading of food. It then has no energy for your brain, your organs, your waste system and it has to shut down and you fall asleep. When the battery is low and we are in energy debt, we are in a state of exhaustion. But when we are in this place the energy cannot digest properly and the body cannot remove waste properly and most of us don’t sleep after a meal we rush off to the next task pushing through our exhaustion. Because the body is unable to expel the waste as it should, it starts to back in in the body ie toxins. This means the body is in danger and organic damage starts in the cells and tissues. Toxaemia. It is at this point the body is faced with two options:

  1. Let the body continue to be damaged and that would end in death
  2. Take action to reduce the level of waste

So the body is so clever and it’s sole job is to stay alive so it would not choice (1.) Unless it had not other option or  . . .(1.) was being stopped! so (2.) Is it’s choice! So once the level of waste has reached its threshold the body then sends out an acute illness to expel the waste . . . asthma, eczema, flu, colds, rashes, sore throat, sleep issues, gastro bugs, coughs, headaches, diarrhoea or a fever. These symptoms are the fastest way for you body to expel the waste. It is trying to communicate with you to take action. Once this cough or fever or rash has stopped, the waste has been removed and the body goes back to normal if you give it rest.


But we don’t do this in this day and age. We suppress with medications, herbs and pills to stop the acne or the fever or the cough or we stimulate ourselves with cocoa, coffee, spices and flames feel good while our system is struggling to cope. We treat the symptom, which is the cure!! We treat the symptom, which is the cure!!

Say that out loud a few times to let it sinks in . . .

The body tries to eliminate the excess waste, if you supress this it creates the illness. The waste gets trapped in the body and cause more extreme diseases. Disease is organic damage. This shows up in eczema, psoriasis, lupus, inflammatory bowel diseases, migraines, eye degeneration, hair loss, thyroid conditions, infertility, fatigue, diabetes ect and then once the cells are so organically damaged and unable to grow properly they mutate and that’s what we call cancer. Cancer is just a collection of symptoms that have been ignored and mineral defences within the body.

Can you see the connection in not addressing the cold and allowing the body to expel waste as it should, and why you have it in the first place (ie what are you eating and how is your lifestyle) to how your body can get to the sickness or disease you have now? Again as Doctor Shelton says “man is the cause of all his diseases and those diseases do not come upon him without just cause.”

‘Trying to overcome disease without looking at the cause, is like trying to heal a burn when it’s still in the fire.’ Hannah Miles

What are the causes of disease?

  • Over consumption of unnatural foods in the wrong food combinations
  • Eating to late at night
  • Not enough rest to allow the body to recharge and cope with it’s basic functions
  • A high level of waste in the body
  • Alcohol
  • Chemicals
  • Tabaco
  • Vaccines
  • Lack of exercise
  • Heavy metals
  • Negative thoughts and people
  • Sugar
  • Mineral deficiencies
  • Cooked over heated foods that have no life force
  • Processed foods
  • Caffeine, Cacao, chocolate and spices
  • Medications and drugs
  • Chemical cocktails (tap water)
  • Pollutions
  • Radiation

We run into difficulty when our bodies cannot remove the waste and toxins as fast as we put them in. Not all of these things are in our control our air, soil and water is polluted but we can control what we consume and the lifestyle we lead.

How do we heal disease?

  • Sleep and rest so the cells can regrow and repair
  • Remove as many stresses on the body as possible
  • Do not over eat
  • Only eat natural foods
  • Move you body but do not over exercise depleting your body
  • Clear your mind and spend time in joy
  • Clean fresh filtered water drunk away from food
  • Remove chemicals and heavy metals from your body and home
  • Spend time in nature
  • Heal past traumas and hurts and mend relationships (with yourself too)
  • Fresh air
  • Sunshine
  • High quality raw living foods
  • Time
  • Love and compassion
  • Nature and time in the ocean and lakes

Which ways in life do you add in toxins and which ways do you counteract this? Is your balance right? Are the conditions in your life causes disease or healing it?

Each person will need a different approach to remove excess waste from there body. But giving the right conditions the body is very well equip to heal it self.



Check out my gut healing protocol: Hannah’s Gut Healing Protocol.

A simple guide to understanding Nutrition and the part it plays on your body, and how to heal your own body!

‘Life is a construction of nutrition and drainage under the control of the nervous system.’


Nutrition is the process where raw material is converted into living structures. Materials which are used for digestion, fertility, rebuilding of cells, and repairing of tissues are accomplished. The body is equipped with a whole series of amazing organs, (this is a part of the nutritive system) which allow the body to take in raw materials like air, sleep, water, real food from nature and sunshine and turn this into life. By taking these into the body it is converting them into the blood stream so it can be taken to all parts of the body and used by the cells of the body and converted to structure and tissue. To make and keep life!

FOOD-We take in food and chew it slowly hopefully, and this is the first step where enzymes break down starches and create sugars, we then take it into the stomach where small glands excrete juices and break it down further. We then pass the food in to the small insensitive where more glands produce more juices and also juices from the pancreas and bile from the liver are together used to break the food down further. It reduces the food into small compounds where it can be passed into the blood stream and be utilised. This is called absorption. All these glands and organs are part of the digestion system. When the food particles are in the blood stream, they get picked up and moved to the liver where it then goes through more changes, where it get passes back into the blood to be utilised by the cells. This is a part of the nutritive system. We cannot live without fresh raw food. Food combining and why is it essential for health!-chart.



WATER- we take it into the stomach just like food, but water does not need any digestion and goes straight into the small intestines and can be passed around the blood stream to be utilised by the cells. Too much water or water eaten with food simply dilutes the digestive juices and flushes the minerals and goodness from the body. We cannot live without fresh clean water. If our water is filled with fluoride and chemical this does not nourish us but aids in being a load on the body. How much water is good for you, and why you should never take it with food?


AIR- we should take it in through the nose (not the mouth) and it is then passed down to the respiratory tracks and into the lungs our largest waste organ, where the blood picks up the oxygen and carries it to the cells to be used by the circulatory system. This is another part of the nutritive system. We cannot live without fresh clean air.


SUNSHINE– the skin is your largest organ and sunshine is a raw material vital to our bodies. The glands in the body need sunshine and the vitamin D we get from it to convert into tissues and building material. We cannot live without sunshine. The sun does not cause skin cancer the products the sun burns onto the skin causes skin cancer. Small amounts of sun exposer daily is nourishing and needed. Cover up if you are in it for longer periods as too long can deplete your body.


SLEEP- we do not heal from the food we put in our mouth! food is simple a way to fuel the body and can either put presure on it , or take pressure off of it. A system that is not overloaded but nourished when you go to sleep, can use these raw materials to repair, restore and re build our bodies. If we do not get enough sleep we will simple break down and age faster and our cells will start dying off and sending out symptoms of sickness and disease. This is the first stages of cancer. Sleep allows the body to rejuvenate and re grow. It must be good quality sleep and not induced by a suppressant or sleeping pill and this is not true sleep and will not allow your body to really switch off.  Sleeping and removing the load off your body is the fastest way to repair it and reverse damage. If you are exhausted stop work and all vigorous exercise and sleep as much as you can for as long as you can.


It is through the endocrine system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system and the digestive system that nutrition is taken in and for the body to repair and re build it self, it needs rest and proper sleep. They all have to flow and work together which is why removing glands like tonsils and appendix is never a healthy option, as this has an effect on every cell of your body as it is clever balance. And all of these raw materials need to be in plentiful amounts and of the highest quality for it to complete its tasks.


Drainage or (detoxification) is the process of which waste is removed from the cells and carried to the organs that do the excretions; skin, kidneys, liver, bowels ect and then from the blood into the large intestines and excreted out the body. This is big process for the body and takes the lymphatic system to be working properly for the waste to be removed. The lymphatic system picks up waste from the cells and carries it through channels into the blood stream. These are things that do not need to be in the body like ie toxins, heavy metals, chemicals, fat, unnatural foods or synthetics, excess minerals it cannot store ect. The lymphatic system then passes it through the lungs to remove carbon dioxide and then goes to the liver and that then passes the waste materials to be converted and used again where possible into the blood, it then goes on to the large intestines and the waste is then excreted from the body in stools or urine which is filtered blood. If this process does not work you get backed up in your lungs (Asthma, croup, CPOD ect,) liver (fatty liver, low stomach acid) skin (eczema, acne, psoriasis ect) and intestines (IB ,Crohn’s and leaky gut) and your blood gets sticky and your lymphatic system slows down unable to work further. The body then leaches waste in to the blood from the instines and the body sends out ways to clean it up and the food particles get trapped and leaky gut is created. You store your waste in fat cells and the body tries to clean the lymphatic system by sending out mucus and bacteria. The mucus then putrefies and causes infections in the ears, lungs and skin. The bacteria gets overgrown and cause imbalances and yeast overgrowths. If the body is not draining probably this affect the glands as they stop excreting juices or produce too much, and of course this all effects the hormones as hormones are made in the glands. . .Wow!!

Are you starting to see how EVERYTHING is connected and how removing glands, or organs just is not the answer, how surpassing symptoms with drugs and medications only leads to death. We must restore balance to the body and only put raw materials into the body.

This is all controlled by the nervous system. The nervous system is so vital in the body, without that transmission nothing would work. So the final part of nutrition is the stress levels in your life. If you can remove the stress and the toxic relationships and trauma and return the body to the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest), and allow the body to drain the waste correctly then you can control all illnesses and diseases, retuning the body back to it’s healthy balances state.

By understanding the importance of what you put in you body effects what your body sends out and how that breeds disease, then you understand that it is all, fixable with the right raw materials to start with. Which are;

  • CLEAN PURE WATER –not the chemical cocktail from a tap!

I hope this information helps you to make the wisest choices for your clever body. The only thing stopping your health is YOU!

Why do we get sick and why are we always so tired?

Fight or flight and how it works and how to counteract it?

Well that’s a title!

Your body goes into fight or flight when it is needed to run, jump into action or fight something. But in modern day life most of us are in this state each day and that keeps us in an unhealthy acid state where our cells are inflamed no matter how “healthy” we are. Things like watching mind numbing TV and violent dramtic bad news, pushing your body beyond it’s capacity, living or working in an emotional state or bad environment or dealing with less desirable people, living with child on the spectrum or with a disability, all these situations can put and keep you this state of fight or flight and beyond what is a healthy response.

How does it all work?

My Mickel Therapy taught me to break down this response and by understanding it I could stop it and reverse it. I learnt that I can control my response and I can control how I react to a situation and that although my body naturally puts me in to this fight or flight state to protect me or make me respond, it does not have to live here and I can bring myself back down. To produce the fight or flight response, the hypothalamus gland activates two systems: the sympathetic nervous system and the adrenal-cortical system. The sympathetic nervous system uses nerve pathways to ignite or fire on reactions in the body, and the adrenal-cortical system uses the bloodstream. The combined effects of these two systems are the fight or flight response.

When the hypothalamus tells the sympathetic nervous system to kick into gear, the overall effect is that the body speeds up, tenses up and becomes generally very alert often the body finds strength and power it did not know it had. If your baby is stuck up a tree you are going to have to take action and fast even if you cannot climb trees or are afraid of heights! The sympathetic nervous system sends out impulses to glands and muscles and tells the adrenal medulla to release epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) into the bloodstream. These “stress hormones” cause several changes in the body, including an increase in heart rate and blood presure. You often hear of mothers lifting cars of their trapped babies. Of course in a relaxed state this would be near impossible.

Introvert_12parasympaheticsystem_zpseb7a2579So once you have gone into a flight or fight response, how do you return to a relaxed state and return to your parasympathetic nervous system?

Well if your body has just dealt with an emergency or had to run away from danger. Naturally your body will adjust and calm it self down. But if your in fight or flight continuously through what we spoke about earlier, then this process is much harder and needs balance to force it self into a relaxed state. Which is why some people find shavasana and mediation so hard, their bodies are just not used to relaxing and need to train their brain to send chemicals to counteract this and learn how.

We know your muscle get activated and tighten– so to counteract this, sitting calmly or using shavasana or child’s pose will help to unwind the muscles. If you can have a warm bath or a hot shower this will help too. Using certain essential oils may help in this process.

We know your breath gets short and rushed and your respiratory system shuts down– so breathing deeply and slowly in for the count of 5 and out for the count of 8 will help control the breath and bring oxygen back to the muscles and relax the body and the digestion system.

We know the body goes into fear– so the moment the fear has gone you must not give momentum to the fear but to flip it to a positive vibe. How do you do this? See the positives in what just happened. Stop telling the story. Stop reliving the drama. Once it is over breath and let it go. Do not keep reliving what happened over and over as it keeps you in that place of fear and negative feelings. Instead think ‘oh gosh that could have been worst’ or ‘at least that didn’t get worst’ or ‘I can see how I can learn from this and move on to be a better vibration’ or ‘I will learn from this and not respond like that again’ What is a ‘Health Coach’ and how can they help you achieve your goals?

We know your body takes momentum from your current emotion- so do not allow others to push your buttons, control how you react to others words or actions. Remove yourself from situations and places that keep you in a negative space or in an angry, jealous, upset space. do not give momentum to the issue and keep your self at that lower vibration. To do this, balance is key! For every bad situation find a positive one. For each bad energy or negative person in your life find a positive person or situation to balance it out. For each stressful conversation walk in nature, or go to a tai-chi class or yin yoga class or meditation evening. For each physical exertion balance it with a yin movement and cleansing fuelling foods. Balancing out the impact to stress is vital as when you are in fight or flight the body shuts down and stops nutrients getting to the cells the body absorbing water and the brain getting oxygen. Which will cause fatigue on the body and the adrenal gland to crash. When you an action you are coming from a higher place and a higher vibration and far from a place of fear. How do you get more oxygen when you’re stressed? Walk, take an action, exercise gently, eat green leafy vegetables, feel and think positive thoughts, mediation, laugh and dance!

We know cortisol is released when you are in fight or flight– so to quieten your system and encourage the endorphines to take over from the cortisol and other fear induced chemicals is to calm your usual reactions to fear. The four A’s can help you do this and they are Avoid, Alter, Adapt, Accept. This is a good rule to live by! Remember accepting the situation you are in and to make peace and let go, does not mean you cannot change it and involve from it.

We know your digestions stops when you are in fight or flight – so look to your diet to help with this. Dietary choices or lack of nutrition can provoke and increase a sense of anxiety and worry if you’re lacking in healthy nutrients, have blood sugar swings, and if you’re fueling up on unhealthy foods most of the time. Caffeine and sugar are culprits in fueling your flight or fight responses. Decreasing anxiety through food can be achieved by increasing your intake of complex carbohydrates ie lots of fruit and vegetables, green leafy vegetables, eating smaller more frequent meals, drinking plenty of water away from food, and limiting or better still avoiding the intake of caffeine, sugar and alcohol. and not eating to late at night. Be careful to avoid food sensitivities as these can heighten your sense of anxiety and fear if you have a reaction to them. Increase your intake of foods that are high in tryptophan. Tryptophan helps boost your brain’s calm mood and relaxes you. Try such foods as bananas, organic chicken, nuts, natural peanut butter and sesame seeds. eating good healthy fats will help fuel your brain as it is made from 60% fat and needs good omega 3-6 and 9 to regenerate and be at it’s full potential. I have found many of my young ASD clients improve there anxiety and stress levels and stimming so fast upon introducing good fats to their diets. There’s a difference between choosing healthy foods to help quell stress responses and “stress or emotional eating”. If you notice that you’re turning to “comfort foods” to relieve stress, or after a tough situation, be mindful choose an action instead like walking, breathing or laughing or talking to a friend who brings your vibration up (not one who will help you stay in the lower vibration i.e. talking about the issue over and over and fishing for the drama). Blood sugar level swings will feed fear because you lack strength and energy as a result of them, causing you to feel physically weaker. As your blood sugar soars, you feel exuberant but as it crashes, your sense of fear will return and leave you feeling irritable, unresolved, and worried. Hence making it all worst. Never eat when you are stressed or upset the body will not digest the food. Once you are calm then eat mindfully. A simple guide to understanding Nutrition and the part it plays on your body, and how to heal your own body!

We know your brain goes to the primal back brain when you are in a fight or flight mode– so to move the energy back to your pre frontal cortex and not allow your body to leak energy. Plan your time and plan your strategy and do not make decisions from a place of fear, id advise you not to contact or speak to people from this negative place, as I know very well it will back fire on you. Fuel your brain with healthy good fats and water and clean air. Only make decisions when you are calm and in the right brain function. Breathe and be in the present and make choices from this place, not the fear based impulse that can cause drama and keep the issues alive.

Harnessing your energy and stopping leaks of energy will happen if you follow the rules above. I hope you find this helpful.

“Mental energy and focus is your greatest asset”

What does “Mindful Eating” really mean and how can it help your food intolerance?