Entries by Hannah Miles

Full Spectrum CBD Oil and all the information you need to know and Hemp Vs CBD!

Beautiful Health Seekers…..here is our video on Hemp oil, the hemp plant and all the information you need to seek a safe source of CBD Full Spectrum oil for anti-inflammatory uses, immune statement support and strengthening, fighting cancers, sleep, behaviour, addictions, auto-immune symptoms, chronic fatigue and sports recovery. Below are the links to where to purchase the oil in […]

Oil Free Chippies

Getting kids off hot chips that are salty and oily can be hard as the addiction is REAL! slowly introduce homemade chips then move away from oils and salts. Here is the recipes for oils free homemade chippies that use sweet potato and kumara as a white potato alternative. HOW TO MAKE: Slice the potato’s […]

Juice Reset Detox 3+ Days

When we juice cleanse, we are not fasting. But we are resting our digestive system. Allowing for waste to flush out and through the colon and utilise the otherwise energy for digesting to go to healing and cell repair. The longer we juice the better the effects in this process. Fasting is abstaining from all […]

Starters Guide To Transitioning To ‘Plant Only’ (Vegan)

Have you watched GAME CHANGERS? 💪🏼 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSpglxHTJVM Are you ready to make the next step to a cruelty free lifestyle, but have no idea how to get the correct nutrients and what to make?🤦🏽‍♂️ Ok firstly…thank you! Thank you for committing to your own health. The planet and most importantly the beautiful animals that will no […]

The Energetic Meaning of Diseases

EVERYTHING IS ENERGY, EVERYTHING CAN BE ADJUSTED, CHANGED AND MANIPULATED TO FIND THE HIGEST VIBRATION FOR HEALING ….Each physical symptom in our body is direct link to an emotion that has not been dealt with or is trapped within the cells. When we detox the body we can release the trauma and trapped emotions that cause […]

Essentail Oils for your Chakras…

“Chakra“, the Sanskrit word for “wheel“, refers to seven site specific concentrations of energy emanating from the body that spin in opposite directions creating energy or Chi… Contrary to most language around we do not have open and closed Chakras…as if we had a closed Chakra we would be dead… These chakra points refer to our […]

Why no cooked, denatured foods and flesh- Make the LEAP to 100% plant Nutrition instead…

Many health coaches are all about balance and moderation…that’s not me. Your system will become very sensitive if your 80% raw but still compromising your body with animal foods, alcohol and cooked foods even if it is just a couple times a week. Foreign denatured foods such as dead flesh, dairy and processed cooked grains […]