Got skin Issues?
Acne, psoriasis, eczema, rashes, cold sores, pimples, dermatitis, pigmentations….
The lymphatic system play a huge part when it comes to the skin.
If you are struggling with skin problems understanding the cause of why you have this issue will help you heal from it. Acidosis is when the lymphatic system is backed up with acids in the body….thus the root of all obstructions that cause disease. This is created by having an acidic lymph system that has become stagnant and suppressed by these acids because the wastage got to full, creating a lot of metabolic waste and destruction in the human body.
The lymphatic system is the largest fluid in the human body. Dr Morse teaches that the blood fluid is the kitchen and the lymph fluid is the septic tank. He often says…Nobody poops in the kitchen right?
He is right… when the trash in the kitchen gets backed up it gets cleaned out and disposed. This is how the blood and lymphatic system work together the blood dumps any metabolic waste in the sewer system (the lymphatic system) every septic tank has a valve so you can drain the waste well so does the human body. The kidneys are the valves to drain this waste stored in the lymphatic system. When the kidneys get clogged up with mucus and acids then the septic tank gets to full. Then these acids will chew on every tissue, gland and organ in the human body. This will create a whirlwind of symptoms and if the kidneys don’t drain the acids they will come out through your skin YOUR WHITE FLAG OF YOUR BODY. You might have heard that your skin is a reflection of your insides….or that your skin is a tip of the ice burg below!
Which is why no amount of fancy products or expensive creams or topical steroid creams will fix an internal issue. You must drain the wastage from the body too allow it to heal….
A REAL LIVING FOODS LIFESTYLE will do that high in fruits, low in fats and some herbs and greens and support you.
Skin is your white flag 🏳 to your bodies health. ACNE, ROSACEA , ECZEMA, PSORIASIS, SPOTS, RASHES ect… No topical cream potion or lotion will address it unless you address the root cause.
Acids in the body! An acidic body thus an inflamed body which then causes too much mucus to be produced which causes the lymphatic system to become backed up and ooze out of the skin bringing the acids with it (the clever body is trying to eliminate the build up of waste and toxins) THE SKIN IS YOUR LAGEST ELIMINATION ORGAN!! It is simply lifting out what’s trapped inside…
So you see a cream on the outside will NOT address the inside. Only proper stress management, cellular detoxification with fasting, herbs, essential oils and FRUITS will empty the body to allow the body to heal itself and return balance to allow you to be more mindful of what you put in again. Detoxification needs to be done but it doesn’t last forever you can return to a healthy balanced plant lifestyle afterwards BUT IT TAKES TIME 🥗
•Dairy from all animals even fermented kefirs and yogurts (big one)
•Eggs (big one)
•Meat and fish (big one)
•Oils like coconut, olive, sesame, peanut, macadamia, avocado ect (big one)
•Processed foods like flours and products made from them even GLUTEN FREE
•Grains and products made from them EVEN HOMEMADE ORGANIC
•Excess fats, nuts and seeds
•Beans and legumes
•A negative Mindset and overthinking
•Anger and especially trapped anger
•Trapped trauma
•Childhood trauma
•Lack of sleep
•Chemicals and toxins
•Poor food combinations
•Over eating
•Not removing waste from the intestines and lymphatic system
•Spices and vinegars
•Transition to a plant only diet
•Increases fruits
•Decrease processed foods
•Remove oils and excess fats keeping them to 5-10% from natural whole fats like avocado
•Remove toxins and chemicals from your self care and home and environment
•Work on mindset and mindfulness and stress relief
•Work on trauma release and energy work
•Remove mucus and acid forming foods
•Build up to a cellular detox
•Connect to nature
•Move the body to pump your lymphatic system
•Breath deeply
•Introduce fasting slowly
NOTE: If your skin is getting worse on a raw food fruit based diet, it’s not the diet that’s causing the issue, but a systemic underlined issue being brought to the service. The fruits are stirring up these acids so that the body can eliminate them. TIME PATIENCE and FAITH BECAUSE the kidneys are so toxic and damaged from the mucus, pus and acid forming foods such as all processed food, beans, grains, dairy, meat and starches that it sometimes takes more then fruit and veg to get them cracked open so they can filter…that’s when homeopathy and herbs can help.
So why does the skin take a beating when eating such a healthy alkaline and hydrating foods? Fruits are proven to have the most nutrition out of any food we have access to and are the highest antioxidant content in foods sources. So aren’t antioxidants known to improve skin tone?
It’s a compromise lymphatic system that creates skin problems, but it’s not the skin having a reaction to the fruit, but it’s the acids coming out through the skin because of blocked channels such as the (kidneys) you get your kidneys to filter these acid waste out that are locked in a hardened lymphatic system (I no longer believe in food intolerances which implies we are reacting but shouldn’t be… just foods we should eat and foods that detox us, and “foods” that are not designed for us). When you get out this backed up sewage you will not experience the skin problems, head problems, nervous system problems and GI track related problems. Your skin is the largest eliminative organ in the human body. If you fail to get your Kidneys to filter you will experience skin related problems from the acids that have been locked in your body for decades. You’re not going to have pretty skin when sewage is being pulled from every orifice of the body and must come through the skin if not through the kidneys.
It’s very important to understand detoxification and know what to expect when you go on all fruit diet, especially coming off of standard western diet. Focus on the kidneys, and transition properly and you shouldn’t run into these problems.
All fruit diets should be enough to get the kidneys to filter so that you don’t run into these problems. However the level of kidney damage due to high protein and fats diets that we’ve been convinced are the right way to eat…have damage the kidneys in such a powerful way, that fruits alone cannot crack them open to filter these waste, despite the fact they are the most powerful and electrical high vibrational foods for moving obstructions. Thankfully we have the fruits to brake down these hardened acid obstructions that are chewing on are cells, organs, glands, tissues and blood, and we have (herbs, homeopathy and dry fasting) to open these plaque and damaged kidneys up so they can eliminate these waste, and pull them out. We then can go on, and experiences the life changing effects the fruits bring in are lives. Get your kidneys to filter, and stop blaming the underlined cause the fruits expose. Help your kidneys and get them to heal with fruits, herbs and dry fasting.
Hannah x x
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