Starch cravings and why kids under 5 should not eat starches…

If  you have to cook a food in order to digest it…it is not suitable for your body. Every animal in nature eats their food raw by natural design. Humans are not an exception. The human anatomy is not designed to consume food that has to be cooked. We are frugivores so we are designed for fresh ripe fruits in there raw and natural state.

But people can and have survive of these foods and live long life’s when fire came in and they needed too…. and they thrive more then someone consuming animal products BUT OUR SENSTIVE KIDS NEED ADVANCED NUTRTION TO UNLOCK THEM AND REMOVE TOXINS. I can recommend using starches in the evening meals only while transitioning to this lifestyle and or would also consider a few steamed sweet potatoes pr pumpkin for someone extremely toxic during a detox to slow it down considerably if the die off was too much. The body is designed for simple sugars found in fructose not complex sugars. Complex sugars found in starchy foods, leave behind a lot of metabolic waste and create a sticky gluey like substance in the bowel wall that blocks absorption an coats the villi. This creates mucoid plaque. Starches like root vegetables and grains are also fungal promoting foods and fermentation causes candida overgrowth in the body and SIBO.

Children before there immune system has been strengthened should not eat starches and any child who has compromise gut should avoid starches. 

There is a good reason why someone who goes on a 100% raw food diet starts to crave starchy foods. When someone craves starchy foods like potatoes, breads, rice and flour products on a detox program it’s because they’re pulling on fungal beds and the parasites are trying to survive. These microbes and parasites are dying and they have consciousness like any other living beings. They eat and waste in our bodies and they crave these foods badly so they could survive. Whenever you get cravings for these foods it’s most likely because candida is getting out of control because of fermentation…..or it’s because there struggling to survive and are dying. The best way to overcome these cravings is to be consistent on a raw food diet and never cheat (I know how hard that is)…that’s why eating high fruit will help you. If you want to get these cravings under control while you detox you can look into a juice cleanse to flush out your bowels for 3-14 days. Also take a good anti-parasitic herbal formula or homeopathy to kill of the parasites and candida while you detox the lymphatic system. The root cause of this problem the majority of the time is because the adrenal glands are not functioning properly and they are responsible for sugar metabolism. If your not metabolizing fruit sugar well you have really bad adrenal function, and most likely tons of candida overgrowth in your body. So the main focus is to try and encourage adrenal gland function with fruits, fasting, detoxification and meditation as STRESS plays a massive part. When the adrenal glands start to function again then your blood sugar should come back in balance and you won’t ferment your sugars…. candida will balance out in the body and the cravings for starches will cease to exist. I PROMISE YOU…I can now go to a bread ship or cakes stand and not feel any urge to eat it….I still crave cooked sweet potatoes from time to time as die off happens.

If you have high fungus and sulphur in your body and your eating root veggies and other starches then your going to have a lot of trouble metabolizing complex sugars vs fruit sugars…thus you will have massive amounts of candida issues. Even veggies will be more difficult then fruits. Fruits are the best option for detoxification, sugar metabolism issues and getting to the root problem. Fixing the adrenal glands that are responsible for the metabolism of sugars will resolve the blood sugar fermentation issue.

I find using dried fruits to transition from comforting starchy foods helps and eating bananas as they fill you up…

If you are ready to make these step contact me today!


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